Brand wars aside, how many of you primarily play vidya on a console?

brand wars aside, how many of you primarily play vidya on a console?

me, pc is for spreadsheets

PC because you get more control over the characters and it's more convenient and the lay out is more intuitive.

I literally do not own a PC.

I own both (PS4/switch) and a PC with a GTX1070. I love the freedom of choosing.

Probably put more time into persona and Zelda than gaming on my pc. so id say yeah

what's a computer?

I have console but use PC more often.

Console only for life. Genres exclusive to PC don’t appeal to me and I don’t care about most western games.

Me. PC gaming is fucking lame.

>Buy game.
>It crashes for no reason.
>Random stuttering.
>Gotta download a fucking fix.

Look at any Steamfag's list of games. You'll find trash the vast majority of the time. They love shit like Team Fortress 2. Indie titles. Early Access bullshit.

Sixty frames doesn't make a huge difference. That's a shitty meme perpetuated to make PC gaming seem less worthless. It's definitely nice. Not necessary, though.

fuck you



...How do you Sup Forums?

o-on my iphone...

Why bother, it’s largely the same top 10 list you see every other top 10 poster on Sup Forums post.

It’s mostly always some variation that includes

>garry’s mod
>an issac game
>left 4 dead 2
>payday 2
>new vegas
>a civilisation game
>half life 2

All with at least 500+ hours. I used to think Sup Forums was kidding but it’s real.

I unironically sold my Xbox one to get a switch and it was the best trade I ever made.

I love this thing and I have 27 games I really enjoy on it.

way to come up with that list after I posted my pic, prescient!

Not an argument.

I have trouble getting comfy on my PC, fucking arms and fingers go numb, started developing cubital tunnel syndrome. So, I primarily play on console. If I had money, I would probably build a gaming PC for the livingroom, but I don't have money to do that.

I never had a console

Nothing like sitting down onto the old futon, firing up the console, grabbing a comfy blanket, turning my phone on silent (fuck off work my days off now)

And playing da vidya

only when there's exclusives and they have games I can't/too lazy to emulate.

like I am only going to get the Switch for SMT V only, maybe I will grab odyssey and MK8 on the side but I don't know right now.

Is this bait?

I run Linux full time so yeah

I know you just gave that list as an example, but still, I can't resist.

>TF2 at the top of the list
>TF2 even in a top 10 list

Angkor WAT

>An Isaac Game
What, y'mean Dead Space?

Ok, that's actually a decent game to play with buddies.

Never played it, no clue.

>not Insurgency

>New Vegas
Actually decent RPG.

Oh great, another CastleMinerZ clone.

>A civ game.
Those are good (mostly), but I do agree they're thrown around a lot.

It's... okay, I suppose.

Every few years we get an influx of tourists with shit taste, there's nothing to be surprised about.

This particular specimen probably came onto this site after 2016 elections.

I got an Xbox One S for free, and my wife owned an Xbox One for a bit. I tried to love it, but other than the controller I couldn't find fuck all I was excited to play on it. I get that there's games, but they aren't the games I like to play. So, it doesn't surprise me that you're getting more enjoyment out of the Switch.

Because most chronophage games aren't on steam.
MMOs, mobas etc

>and my wife owned an Xbox One

for what games? or does she uses it only as a Netflix machine?

oh shi-

>reddit spacing

PS4 mainly, 2DS XL recently
Thinking about getting a Switch

literally nothing wrong with NV and civilization though.

TF2 is still pretty good if you can find a decent server for it and people probably racked up those hours a lot of years back when it's popular as fuck.

Yes, basically was her Netflix machine. I traded it for a PS4 and never looked back.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >"PARAGRAPHS ARE BAD REEEE"

good going, PS4+Switch+workable PC probably ensures you guys will always have access to all the worthwhile exclusives if you both are into gaming.

Only sports and fighting games.

I wish I could upgrade my PC, or build a new one. I'm stuck on AM3 socket, so any upgrade I have is basically a whole new build at this point. It gets the job done though. Just can't play any new AAA titles which are mostly shit anyway.

I wish I put my consoles to more use but my ps4 sounds like an aircraft carrier and I haven't picked up a micro screwdriver set to disassemble and clean it yet. Plus I have a backlog I'm trying to work through on PC that I'll likely never finish.

Have you tried compressed air? Might help, and no screwdriver required.

Been here since 2007. Retard.

I play more hours on PC because of shit like todka but more games on console. and when I say console I mean the 4rth coming of the PlayStation. Blessed be Andrew House's name. Hi Son Marcus Cerny and the Holy Spirit Kutaragi-dono-sama.


75% of the time, I'm on PS4. Other 25% I'm playing League. PS4 has the games I want to play while League/Sup Forums/Porn satisfies my PC need. It's great.

Switch -> PC -> 3DS -> PS4

That's the order of most to least played for me right now.

I have cleaned the outer vents with it but the fan still sounds awful

Me but I've been playing more pc recently my year in review was a lot lower than it has been in past years so I guess I'm playing more pc now

Eh I wouldn't say more convenient I wish I could lay down with my pc but that may be cause my chair is fucking awful

I used to play on my PS4 a lot but then I realized the only games for it are AAA garbage and the worst indie games to ever exist so now I just play on my PC all day

Mostly i play on consoles these days (ps4+switch), even though i own a pretty decent pc. The older i get the more i find myself not really enjoying having to tweak stuff on pc and deal with other stuff like crashes, errors and other shit. Also the pc community is getting worse and worse. I just like to buy game and actually play them.

Ok, retard since 2007

Not an argument.

your an argument

I don't play multiplayer shooters, I just play Nintendo games, JRPGs, and other various Japanese games, so I mostly play on Switch and PS4

I bounce between 4 platforms, being my PC, my Switch, my PS4 and my RetroPi.

Highest playtime for individual vidya is on PC, most games played is across my console library since I've only really gotten a capable PC this year.

>Le greentext no arguments meme

>reddit is this illiterate

I'm mostly still on the 3DS.
I have a PS4 and a Vita and have played two games on each, and I haven't played anything on PC in years.
I'll probably jump onto the switch bandwagon once they release either SMTIV or a new Fire Emblem.

I've been primarily playing on console for a little while now, mostly Switch. Haven't upgraded my PC in years.

Me, I plan to buy an Xbox One X and Switch next year I only use PC for applications and internet surfing.

I ended up selling both Xbox One and PS4 because the games have felt lacking. I've been sticking with PC and Switch but even then nowadays I don't even feel like playing video games, maybe I'm depressed

You just need to take a break from video games

Is it illegal to connect the PC to the TV and use controllers in your shit country?

PC at anything but a desk is shit

I do. I'm never in the mood to play PC games; not sure why that is.

I almost exclusively play on PS4 these days. I have a PC but it's ancient and it's almost a hobby for me at this point to find excuses not to get a new one.
I have no issue with PC gaming though, I readily acknowledge that it's the superior method of gaming.

Why bother, it’s largely the same top 10 list you see every other top 10 poster on Sup Forums post.

It’s mostly always some variation that includes

>Persona 5
>Crash Bandicoot
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Yakuza 0
>Gravity Rush 2
>The Last of Us

All with at least 500+ hours. I used to think Sup Forums was kidding but it’s real.
ut it’s real.

I only play games on a PC if they're singleplayer, or not on a console. I like using a controller and not using M&KB in online multiplayer will put you at a serious disadvantage on PC.

>PC games all suck and are old as fuck
>PS4 games are actually fun
Really makes me think. Yakuza 0 and Bloodborne by themselves are better than anything I ever played on PC

>Yakuza 0 and Bloodborne by themselves are better than anything I ever played on PC
That's only true for Y0. Bloodborne is hot garbage

k-k-kys dumb p-p-phone poster