ITT: blatant pay-to-wins
ITT: blatant pay-to-wins
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Go figure they're both from Gungho.
It's not really pay-to-win, more like pay-to-skip unreasonable grind
post favorite tracks
>pay-to-skip unreasonable grind
sounds like the same to me
Especially when the unreasonable grind was intentionally put in there to frustrate people into spending money. Without that payment model the game would be more fun to actually play. This is why I hate all games with microtransactions.
It's not the same because buying tons of death metals doesn't necessarily mean you'll beat the game. Paying money to skip the waiting times won't either. It might make things a bit less frustrating, but you'll get stuck either way if you don't grind materials for gear.
Doesn't matter. Any advantage you can buy is pay to win. That's where the line is. Any. There is no happy middle ground.
pay-to-win =/= pay-to-progress
paying to win implies you can buy something that makes you stronger than those who don't, unless they changed something the micro transactions in Let It Die only allow you to recover your shit faster after you die, either by the express elevator or skull tokens. It also just gives you more to work with in terms of coins, but all of those stuff is accessible to normal players with some grind
No one is gonna buy this game so doesn't matter
Drill arm master race
game is F2P
friendly reminder that if you can buy game advantages, the game is trash.
people who are "confused" about pay2win are the donkies that actually play games where you can get advantage by paying extra
pic related you can buy extra tabs on your stash so you can trade more, hit more recipes, keep more loot longer, which translates to stronger gear
I haven't played Let it Die since it launched, but back then it wasn't even "Pay to not-grind", because all the rewards you got for paying didn't even help you get materials or lithium or gold.
All you got was to avoid setbacks for deaths, avoid a small elevator/subway tax, and have a bigger inventory. The last one is a tiny bit helpful, but not enough to make the grind reasonable.
How much has it changed by now? Can I actually avoid spending a whole week trying to find a single DOD Green?
>tfw hit top 10 in leader
>never bought a new stash
sounds like you're just a casual fucking losers, user.
>hurr i can overcome the gap by investing 20x more time and effort into the game
the gap makes the game trash, and you're an idiot for blowing your time
The fucking jackals make it unbearable. I don't mind grinding but holy shit they're ridiculous.
I guess I'm just lucky, but I've encountered them like a dozen times and only once got killed by them. You can usually just run past them and dodge most their attacks.
The girl Jackal is pretty cute tho
This is falseflagging
No one can be this retardedly autistic about a free to play game
Yeah, I pretty much gave up on the game because QOL shit is behind a paywall.
Why did they do this?
Let It Die is free because the developers expect people to throw money at it, at least ten dollars to justify playing a game they're having fun with
I stopped playing because it got boring, not out of frustration.
Game should have been $25 without microtransactions. Suda51 fucked up.