Why does Sup Forums hate action rpg?
Why does Sup Forums hate action rpg?
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I don't hate action RPGs
just bad ones where the "action" is holding one button.
But it's my favorite genre.
XV was okay but not what I wanted out of it.
I hate the ones where you have a party. So pointless. Why even have real-time combat when most of the job is done by AI?
Considering how much Sup Forums obsesses over Dragon's Dogma, Ys and especially Souls games, that doesn't seem to ring true.
Maybe it's just that FFXV really wasn't very good?
That's a strange Peco Peco.
>Maybe it's just that FFXV really wasn't very good?
It wasn't. Even the director admitted that the combat was to be as basic as possible.
I know people say the more you put into the combat the more you get out of it. Problem is that the game is so fucking easy, you don't need to buy any optional combat moves like the air "dodge"
It's a dumb combination that only works on paper. One will always suffer with simplified mechanics so the other one can work properly.
Because turn based is superior compare to shit action rpg (most of them) where button mashing/holding will get you through most of the battle
>Because turn based is superior
>elemental paper scissors rock and facetanking
this weebum would have been perfect if there was more REEEing from the player. any beast that doesn't REEE a lot is a poor imitation.
Action RPGs are fine. Weebshit is the problem.
that shit game is really neither.
If you don't like it then don't play/buy it.
It's not hard.
'Press X to awesome' is not action.
We don't, we just hate bad games.
>I will never play this
Nice bait faggot
>tfw this looks awesome to me
But everyone is shitting on this game, so I don't know. Is it really that bad? What makes it so?
FFXV all the way my man. Don't listen to the plebeian haters.
But the combat in most turn based RPG's are awful. Pre FFXV for example. Only time turn based doesn't suck ass is in XCOM and DOS.
>this is considered the hardest boss in soulsborne
Problem is they're shit and the permavirgins are buying them up more predictably than CoD kiddies.
I liked ffxv, but the combat is in no way like that. It's triangle triangle triangle hold circle triangle triangle r2 heal triangle triangle r2 heal triangle hold circle press square to revive prompto triangle repeat
That's not midir
Filthy unvirgins should leave this site and never come back
okay tough guy why don't you try beating him hm?
>Is it really that bad? What makes it so?
The combat is basic as fuck. You see the cool shit in OP's webm? It's Holding O and moving the stick around.
Everyone that is not the main 4 characters is underdeveloped.
Most of the established bad guys die offscreen.
Had to shit out DLC to loosely patch holes in the story. Not all the holes are patched.
Shat out a buggy multiplayer DLC for no reason
Overall a mediocre product that was in development for 10 years and yet still feels like something that is Early Access.
>turn based RPG's are awful. Pre FFXV for example.
t. 14 y/o with ADHD
Yeah that does sound pretty bad. Thanks
It does look awesome, the animation work in FFXV is incredible, but it doesn't feel awesome.
>turn based is superior
Time to go to bed, gramps. Your prime time is over
Underwhelmed and disappointed is not the same as hate, hate implies persecution on my part of some sort.
>It does look awesome, the animation work in FFXV is incredible, but it doesn't feel awesome.
this. It looks nice but plays like ass.
>Its another XV-kun thread
please stop, we already have enough shitposting without advanced-autists like ACfag and the others creating threads, I don't want to see how much worse Sup Forums can get
Pretty sure ADHD afflicted gamers would loser their tits playing yee old xcom. The old timed turn based FFs didn't have anything to do but hit one button except during limit breaks which was the only cool part. Those old FFs were all about builds and watching cutscenes of your dude getting his whack on
I haven't seen any shitposting whiteknighting this bad game.
>Is it really that bad?
>What makes it so?
>can carry hundreds of healing items at any onetime, which are used invincibly from a pause menu
>two HP bars, you aren't dead until both are depleted, and upon dying have like ten seconds where you can revive yourself with a Phoenix Down
>most melee attacks are worthless, since they're variants of 'hit things with stick' and worse than the standard hold O combo with no additional utility, damage cap makes normal attacks in general worthless endgame outside waiting out cooldowns
>all the secondary combat abilities (Armiger, magic, ally techniques, Summons) are complete garbage mechanically and boring while also OP as fuck
>magic is just elemental grenades, of which there's three palette swapped varieties, all given to you at the start of the game
>enemy hitstun, tells and openings are shit to nonexistent
>character switching has actually made the game far more unbalanced, since Prompto is a pseudo TPS character, while Gladio is trash
>there's basically three enemy types: parryfests, horrible gimmicky environmental bosses, and shit that all dies to the same tactics
Basically it's an amazingly shitty action RPG even compared to bad action games like the KH spinoffs, DmC or God of War: Ascension.
Why do you keep making shit threads
What's crazy is some of those issues were solved in KH over a decade ago. Like the item menu issue. Makes you realize how rushed this game was.
>Makes you realize how rushed this game was.
using the term "rushed" for a game that was worked on and off for TEN YEARS is disgusting
>What's crazy is some of those issues were solved in KH over a decade ago.
Most of them aren't even present in KH1.
I don't get why it doesn't have an item limit per fight or really long cooldowns etc. and you're even invincible while you use them.
I think they might actually think that XV players are retards. But then again there're so many people that think the combat is good because it's flashy and makes shit without much input that i'm not even surprised
Oh sure but it doesn't matter how many years you spend if you keep basically restarting development. You can tell the game we got was hurriedly put together out of the scraps of a once much better project.
That's what I mean though. Like in KH1 they figured out how to balance things like items but couldn't do it here in a game that's REALLY similar at least on a the level of something like items.
>I don't get why it doesn't have an item limit per fight or really long cooldowns etc. and you're even invincible while you use them.
Tataba is a hack
>you're even invincible while you use them.
You're invincible from the moment they're selected. If Noctis was knocked over he'll stand up invincibly then pop the item. It's absurd.
>I think they might actually think that XV players are retards.
I think it's a combination of that, and Tabata not balancing the game so you can avoid damage consistently like in a normal action game, so they added item spam to compensate.
why does he get on the chocobo only to whack at a bison's ass before jumping off? Couldn't he have killed a bison in the time he was showing off his fucking bird
>patch adds option to swap characters
>but only during battle
It takes a special kind of talent to give people what they want, but still fuck it up.
>that jump to dodge at the end
>Not playing without a shirt
>Not spamming Beast Roar
The graphics were great. The setting was great. The story was basic but I liked it. The macro gameplay was great.
The combat was so bad I couldn't finish the game. Bring back turn based Final Fantasy combat.
I bought a plebstation for this game only and don't regret it at all
Did the same thing, I played some Japanese exclusives on it too but now those are all coming to PC and Switch like Ni no Kuni 2 and VC4 so it's still pretty much my dedicated Bloodborne machine.
I thought the gameplay was okay. I wasn't expecting anything amazing to begin with.
the rest was awful, though.
exploration area was only half the game. Rest of the game was linear in a really bad way.
The story is vague and you have to pay really close attention to even know what is going on or why they're even doing any of the things that they do.
massive tone shifts that don't make any sense. too much shit happens off screen and they expect you to empathize with the characters and the feeling of the game changing constantly.
Noc is a big pussy who looks like Sasuke, but it still feels out of place when everyone suddenly shits on him for being bereaved just because Ignis became disabled off screen. Dude's fiancee died, cut him some slack.
The only part of the game I had fun after the main area was when I got to have the picture Noc holds at the end when he dies and for the playthrough completion certificate be a picture of cup noodles.
Because Sup Forums is full of retards. I recently stopped coming here for about 2 months and my life improved 376%. I collected some friends, I got a good job, moved out of my parents house, got a gf. This place anf everyone here is a joke. I laugh at all of you.
nice blog
Combat in ffxv looked nothing like that
Come back when you've played bloodborne you complete moronic scrub
Thanks, it's about you. You inspire me.
Turn based>Shitty action combat
It is much harder to do shit turn based, and i don't trust squarenix to do action right ever.
thats literally from the game
Oh great it's that shitty XV webm again, you can guess how this thread will turn out
>most are meh or shit gameplaywise
>Regular spectacle fighter games do a better job at allowing for progression with combat and abilities than 90% of ARPGs
>can't do things like control multiple characters well without shit AI or poor integration
Just play tabletop you fucks and stop trying with this shit.
I don't hate them, but they have a tendency to be rather shallow and repetitive. They're largely not that fun.
Action RPGs tend to be pretty shitty because they don’t excel at Action or RPG combat, but some shitty mashup instead. Example: Tales.
me neither but then i remember it runs under 30fps.
Because I do not want to ride a cock
I've been here over a decade. Browsing this site has nothing to do with it. It's browsing this site for the entire day as an excuse to not go do something productive. I have all those things and I still spend at least 3-10 hours a week browsing different boards on Sup Forums.
ARPGs at their best are better than spectacle fighters or whatever you want to call them because they have actual meta game when properly made.
Monhan for example actually bothers balancing weapons and making sure there aren't loads of moves that are only there to look cool (sometimes it fails at it though). Most spectacle fighters give you tons of possibilities but no real reason for them. Just look at Godhand where if you're playing all out without Kick My Ass challenge bosses are just fucked over by roulette wheel and Godhand spamming routine refilled by yes man kablam. Even without it there are plenty of cheesy tactics.
PSO2 even had me more into its combat when it was decently balanced just because the meta game usually had place for majority of your weapon's abilities.
This. Fuck MHW though.
look i'm FFXV kun, all you guys are samefags.
I mean, you're not wrong, but there's also ways of cheesing and breaking most ARPGs and entire mechanics that can be safely ignored to do so. Just saying.
>PSO2 even had me more into its combat when it was decently balanced just because the meta game usually had place for majority of your weapon's abilities.
I really need to get into PSO2. I went to all that trouble of getting a nip account and basically haven't used it.
>ARPGs at their best are better than spectacle fighters or whatever you want to call them because they have actual meta game when properly made.
So do regular action games retard.
That first double leap strike was kino
testicle fighters are all about making as big a show as possible, no fucking shit their combat isn't as in depth
>testicle fighters are all about making as big a show as possible
t retarded casual
>I mean, you're not wrong, but there's also ways of cheesing and breaking most ARPGs and entire mechanics that can be safely ignored to do so. Just saying.
Yes that's a problem. I can hardly deny most ARPGs being garbage.
>I really need to get into PSO2. I went to all that trouble of getting a nip account and basically haven't used it.
I used "was" because honestly the game has ups and downs. It uses a retarded model where the usual programmers/designers and the like who don't really show their faces around are pretty good, but every 0.8 year or so they have episode big dick director change and most of the time those guys are retards.
For example now they just took a gigantic dump on every class in the game and introduced a new expert class that's just a whole ton stronger. They unfucked it a bit but they are still not parting with the concept of overriding everything they had built in with a new shallow class that has a bit of everything. You also need to grind at least 3 classes to a bit before level cap to unlock it. The content you get is also varied and there is a lot of garbage on top of most of it being too easy when with the player count it's scaled for.
Regular action games mostly fall under spectacle fighters, and they kinda lack of kind of longterm-ness to polish meta. Say Nioh/MH getting balanced patches and new monsters.
No shit indeed
>videogame cgi is getting better than capshitmovie's cgi
Why does Noct run like a girl? Or do all nips run with their arms daintily flailing about?
not cgi that is game footage.
It's Sup Forums talk for "wow that was cool"
YS is harder then DMC
You can grindstomp anything in Ys
try taking the difficulty off normal next time sweetie
Not in Ys I, that's for damn sure.
Godhand provides you plenty of outs if you're shit. It's really easy to challenge yourself simply by not using drunken twist or chain yanker/YMK combos. There's a wide depth of tech in the game and it's kind of dumb to shit on it just because there are some things that break the game.
every ARPG has just as much cheese potential. Have you ever tried using tenfold shot with blast arrows in Dragon's Dogma? Living Weapon cheese in Nioh? MH is a poor example, look at what they did to GL in Gens, while SnS became broken with sword oils. in 4u you could just mount the monster constantly to deathloop it.
they don't need longterm changes, because there's no equipment grind. New enemies, gear, and skills made most of the original gear meta useless in Nioh. This is a straight up power creep, and there's no denying it. Not seeing how something like this would make Ninja Gaiden or DMC better.
>Say Nioh/MH getting balanced patches
Nioh gets 'balance' patches because of PvP shitters, it's still broken as fuck.
Funny, I was about to say the same to you.
>Why does Noct run like a girl?
To make up for being a sausagefest I guess?
Ranged characters were ludicrously overpowered in Type-0, is Prompto as overpowered in XV?
>is Prompto as overpowered in XV
>low commitment constant stream of DPS with the assault rifle
>bazooka constantly hits the damage cap
>Look at this gimmick while I really slowly
Pretending it's more than a souls reskin. Might as well make webm for The Surge's sweet slow mo executions
Kek, Square in charge of balancing. Tabata never learned his lesson from Type-0 where ranged characters could absolutely murder things hard.