Did they?
Did they?
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If Nintendo keeps going down their path of degeneracy, they'll probably release a Nintendo Minute video that's entirely softcore porn by the next couple years.
That's why I always rush to watch every Nintendo Minute episode, I need to see Krysta getting Fugged
Seeing this treehouse live had me in tears.
not video games fuck off
context pls
Kit is such a qt
that dude has the epitome of shit eating grin
Any porn of these two yet?
Anybody can fill me in ?
I'm going to marry Kit!
Why does Krysta hate Kit so much?
He seems like a really nice guy.
Theresa's thighs are so soft and thicc, unfff
Cause he cut her off at 0:11
Based Jose. Metroid 5 when?
How did Theresa feel after this stream?
The one on the right is way cuter
hawkssuns08 detected
>Kit's favorite game of all time is Mario 64
>you could tell how excited he was for Odyssey
>Kit picks BotW as his game of the year
Odyssey was a let down for him and he knows it sucks.
I like Theresa more than Ms. Breasts of the Wild, but do not be deceived. She is a giant slut and has a pretty low IQ.
such wholesome looking people
>implying they aren't told what to pick by Nintendo
It is the face of the average nintendoâ„¢ gamer
>I'll get you
Never forget.
Also, Steve from Stranger Things was in that original amiibo commercial.
So this... is the power of Nintendo.
wtf I'm on a watchlist now
me getting hugged by the pigtails slut
This is the best image ever drawn in the history of mankind
Hey I'm sold. This shit works.
>not posting the updated version that also has squidgirls, bayonetta, pyra from xenoblade etc
I don't post it because I don't have it. Please gib
name of middle?
boku no pico
That's Kindra.
They definitely fugged you can feel the sexual tension in the air
XBC2 waifus are trash and don't deserve to be on the chart
Too bad I live in Europe
Back the fuck off?!
We're engaged, look at the ring.
>that wink
that's his purity ring
I've always been so creeped out by these overly pretty host types and their souless gazes.
Gotta do what you gotta do to make dough.
they had a hooker working for them, there is more to walk on the degeneracy path?
The tension between these two is pretty funny, wonder what happened to make them hate each other.