Why do these nu-games keep failing bros?

Why do these nu-games keep failing bros?

because they are meant to attract certain "gamers" demography instead of being fun

Because despite what excecutives think, there is no market for social justice.

The majority of guys who play these kind of games don't like "progressive" character designs


Needs more diversity
Where are my sexually attack helicopter bros

How is LawBreakers even an SJW game? One shit ploy with the unisex bathroom, and having ethnic characters?
Who gives a shit? You spend the entire game shooting people into meaty chunks.
Medic grenade launcher is fucking stronk.

Because the market Lawbreakers tried to get into is completely taken by Overwatch, TF2 and Paladins.

no delete you faggot
Sup Forums is right about this scum infestation
(((someone))) produces mass media, including games in totally uninspired way, making them boring as fuck in process
see newest Star Wars or whatever AssCreed ubisoft is making right now

Social justice bullshit is basically polish for a game's image, if you polish a turd it's still a turd and people won't buy it.

That and of course it only functions as polish for part of your target market while potentially offending other parts.

Give it up Cliff, it's over, game's a failure.

>why did my game, whos cover art is a black person and not a cool masked guy fail?

>tfw the SJW era is ending

I don't even own the game, user. I'd buy it if it had a playerbase, though, and I feel like that's the main issue everybody has.

This game has way more twitter likes than actual buyers of the game.

Overwatch did the exact same thing and it sold a fuckload.
What happened is that Lawbreakers didn't have any marketing and the character design was just generic and forgettable.

The vast majority of people are apolitical, even more the kids who play videogames.

Activists just try to spin everything to make it look as if they are relevant, but nothing is as simple.
If not, OW and BF1 would have flopped.

OW is dead though

Why did this one sell well, then?

Blizzard is a brand now, people buy their games because those are Blizzard games

Sup Forums has been saying that OW would be dead even before it came out.
What's a fact is that OW's microtransactions are Blizzard's biggest source of money right now.

That's the thing, only political activists care about this shit, and political activists are a minority.
That's why the government could execute them all and nobody would care.

And yet it sold a shitload, just because it's dead doesn't mean it wasn't a resounding financial success.
The game was carried on the back of SourceFilmMaker

Blizzard will do another publicity stunt in a week like last Christmas's "Tracer is gay" news to prolong the game.

HS makes more money
OW is dead man, playerbase is dwindling so fast

bi-planes, it was bi-planes that sold that game

Source on your claims?

Overwatch had an artstyle that emulated Pixar and their female character models all had amazing asses.

>You're not going to change Japan
Unironically what did he mean by this? Japanese games have had diverse characters since the 90s, playing as black girls isn't impressive, Street Fighter did it 20 years ago.

>sandpaper skin

Fucking disgusting.

>Overwatch did the exact same thing--

No it did not.


Bi-planes is the main reason WWI setting is trash.
Who the fuck chooses that instead of this?

Not yet, but they have been bitten.

>Does it for the money

I'm o k with this, if dev's were this honest all the time I wouldn't be so offended by the virtue signaling. Which is ALWAYS what I interpret it as.

Secret: Sex sells

My own eyes, wish there was public data available but its obvious if youve been following the games

>Another company with loads of dicksuckers releases another similar game
>The concept wasn't that interesting to begin with

Honestly, the idea Japan has of other races is just making yet another character and just giving it a darker skin tone.

Because its an established franchise that already hasnt been good for 12 years.

So there's not.
And how do your eyes tell you that HS makes more money?

All of asia really.

>Overwatch did the exact same thing and it sold a fuckload.
blatant fapbaits aren't SJW you idiot, even their SJW characters are designed to be fapbaits

>you're not going to change Japan
>games have been about white males for too long
Why does he think japan is making games about white men??

>Overwatch did the exact same thing

Not at all. Why the fuck would you tho k that? Because they put a cute sexualized lesbian in the game?

>When you're more focused on diversity than making MONEY



That's just because anime isn't based on realism. Sure black characters don't have black racial features but neither do the white or asian characters so what's the issue?

>he masturbates to Doomfist

This holy shit are SJWs in for a rude awakening if China becomes dominant
People call you fat and nigger to the face there there is zero culture of not hurting feelings, its gonna be great


Seeing him disparage Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach volleyball makes me angry.

Just saying that realistic characters would drive people away because people can't accept that the vast majority of humanity is ugly as fuck.

Only /pol-V/ cares that Cliffy was bragging about the game's diversity. The issue was that the game launched into a crowded genre with no advertising budget. Paying e-celebs to pretend to have fun with your game is unreliable and won't make people give up their Overwatch waifu. You still need to plaster your game all over the place.

Or you know, if you don't have the budget for that, release it F2P so people have no risk in trying it.

Because almost every Mc in Japanese games are white. The only game with Japanese looking characters is Yakuza

>women of valor dinner
>an award for courage
oh, so it was for female veterans who lost their legs in a war? or...?

Who the fuck is still playing this game? His closest friends and family out of pity? People that don't want to accept they wasted money?

Black characters weren't anything special in the West or East since the 90's regardless of the medium. San Andreas is one of the all-time best sellers and the MC is negro. It's just some time during the mid-late 2000's the "inclusivity" meme started to creep in so the games were made for "everyone to enjoy". Which meant catering to the lowest common denominator in all times. The more original characters had to go and the reign of middle-aged men in their 30's begun.

>Because almost every Mc in Japanese games are white.
why do people think this?

You fail to understand how Overcrap included all these characters, as opposed to stillborn and salesnumbersbreakers. When these two games (and many more games do it, look at new Wolf), they don't actually want to include more types of characters because it makes sense in any way, it's because they need to have them as token characters for their diversity points and because "there's too many white dudes in games". They want option X, because "there's too much option Y".
Meanwhile in overwatch, they aren't excluding anyone. Yes, the characters are a publicity/inclusivity stunt, but they aren't excluding option Y, even more - they're diversyfying option Y so even more people identify with some characters and like them - on top of being a pixar sfm waifubait, of course.

>overwatch isn't numale
I'm dying

Are you retarded or are you retarded

I just hope more games start disregarding human characters.
Nobody will cry about muh representation slice when no one is represented.

white characters in JP media are blonde and wear USA shirts/bikinis, the regular MCs and almost every character are always japanese not white you stupid retard

Copypasted gameplay.

Unfortunately, can't speak out against islam like that and not get shouted down into oblivion. I like that women but she's full of it. Going against the popular narrative (and winning) is near next to impossible.

>almost every character are always japanese

Lmao what a liar. Give me 5 examples.

>shitting on hirsi
i hate feminists, but this woman actually makes a lot of sense, shitting on islam treating women like shit etc. don't confuse her with american offendatron feminists

Just fucking play s4 league. It's what Lawbreakers wishes it was.


Well seeing how Hi-Rez is shooting themselves in the foot with the latest update, that won't be for long.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that statement in the bottom left, aside from the inflammatory comment about white dudes.

Because in WW2 they weren't shooting at the enemy with a hand gun from their plane at close range like they did in WW1.


did they toss her out?
she's clearly a racist and a sexist
probably voted for drumpf too

That's lame as fuck.
WWII was the golden age of dogfighting.
WWI they were too slow and clunky, and now they are just too fast.

any persona
any yakuza
any ace attorney
any street fighter
ninja gaiden

WWIV was best IMO.

Pokemon (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are based off regions of Japan)
Muramasa the Demon Blade
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan

Korea, Vietnam

I like jets

>I think casts that look like the United Nations are more interestings
>You're not going to change Japan.

>Only time western games feature minorities is for virtue signaling
>Those minority characters are always ugly as fuck (as if only white people could be beautiful)
>Games are only popular in America

>Japan adds minority characters all the time, because they think it'll be fun
>Those minority characters are still handsome or sexy
>Games are popular worldwide

Really makes you think...

>make games that nobody wants
>surprised when they fail

Aside from Symmetra, all the girls are pretty cute in OW.

Well why do you think they don't release numbers smartass? OW is dead, it has at most a few thousands players right now. Pic related, buyer remorse.

Because they don't release numbers for anything.
They stopped giving them before OW came out.

No way, really? What about the competitions and whatever?

>Character designer is asian and took heavy inspiration from anime

Except for Yakuza all those other games have white only characters. Yes they have japanese names and nationalities but their skin and facial features (big eyes) are white as snow. Fact is the Japanese hate themselves and wished they where white.

OW's matchmaking system is always absolute garbage, on top having that algorithm that chooses carefully who you'll get paired with in order to keep the 50% meme.

It's the same reason why Titanfall 2, with about 2k players, finds matches faster than Rainbow Six Siege which has a fanbase ten times bigger than that.

Since World of Warcraft started tanking they seem to be adopted the no release number strategy to contain the spillage somewhat. If anyone finds out the ship is sinking, they would bail faster.

Seems like it really hurt their confidence.

That's a really great argument, i could get behind this.

>they hate themselves
Nice projection, westcuck.
Japs are just not scum, which is why they only hate people that give them reasons to hate them.

Is there anything more sad that nu4chan "memes"?

>no true scotsman fallacy
yeah nah, fuck off m8

>their skin and facial features (big eyes)
You are a fucking retard thats called an artstyle
Fucking kill yourself

Even the most turboautistic NEET doesn't have time to play more then a few multiplayer games any given day. Those that can't figure out a way to sell themselves will die

>shooting guys in your plane engineered so the propeller would always have an open space for the machine guns to fire through

>be able to get close enough and shoot at the enemy pilot with a hand gun as well

>lame as fuck

Get a load of this fag

Leave this site weebs.

>lol look at me Im shitposting


common dude the "weebs ree" meme isn't funny outside normalfag servicing websites.

consider suicide

Grow up manchild

>Vertical arena shooter.
No one wants these. Even the free ones fail. Why would anyone want to pay 29$ for shit that keeps failing.
The vertical cod games were the worst selling. They went back to "boots on the ground" biggest sales in like 3or 4 games. It's like people can't figure out vertical shooters don't sell