>Minimum number of players required for a single match is 10
>Current number of players is 8
>Most days have a 7-8 hour window in which there is less than 10 players
Lawbreakers is literally unplayable
Other urls found in this thread:
>this thread will get more unique posters than the current lawbreakers players
Logged in just to comment in this thread
None of that playing my game bullshit.
can't wait for it to reach 0 so we can stop having this thread pop-up every time the player count changes.
>Nexon will finally fuck off and just stick to gook nations in your life time.
It won't ever reach 0 if Cliffy keeps his Lawbreakers running on his PC.
Are you personally involved in this game?
Did you have some friction with developers?
Otherwise, you have to explain why you make everyday an autistic thread for a game that nobody except literally 8 persons in the World care of.
I hate how happy this makes me.
>posting is free, game isn't
game should go free if no one wants it
Mirage:Arcane Warfare did that and now people play it even if it is garbage
Sucks for Cliff but damn how cool is it to have an online community where everyone knows each other because you're playing a AAA game with like 100 people total
yeah well battleborn was 100 players as a pay game and is 100 or less now as f2p
>Once this thread reaches page 10, it will die.
>Once Lawbreakers reaches less than 10 players, it will die.
Is there no single player mode? Maybe the servers have bots to bump up the player count. Or maybe if less than 10 people are playing it will let you start games with any number of people
>posting is free, game isn't
I bet we can get more Sup Forums Pass users in this thread than Lawbreakers
Well if two more did maybe he wouldn't have to make the thread.
>more people drink water than play lawbreakers
I like the idea of saving games for posterity, fucking server-multiplayer games are the worst for this shit.
It pisses me off that people are sinking so much money into games that will be unplayable for future generations.
This is why I still play TF2 and csgo. New games suck.
Do you think they will start hiring Indians for $1/hour to act as bots?
These 8 left are probably devs testing shit and working on it.
Either that or bots they added to inflate the player count a bit.
>tfw Lawbreakers still has more players than your favorite multiplayer game
God, I miss you, Tribes 2.
I don't know if that says more about the current state of human space exploration, or the qualities of Cliff's videogame.
Tell me about Lawbreakers, what kind of game is it and why did it fail?
They are handing out free copies like candy and still no one plays it.
3 reviews who got a free copy of the game just in the last 8 hours.
We did it, Sup Forums we found our new TORtanic
>why did it fail
Because you have to buy it. lol these devs must have thought they were blizzard the retards.
Never mind, I'm dumb. I guess 7 hours does not mean what I thought it did. But the rest of the post still applies.
we can try
Alright. Represent.
$20 pass, none of that captcha bullshit
We havent even fully explored the oceans why should we bother with space?
because theres nothing but sand and creepy fishes
at least in space you have a chance at finding hot xeno waifus
>nothing but sand and creepy fishes
Come on now user dont you want them to find Atlantis or huge sea monsters? Creepy fishes are cool enough, better than mining some space rocks on dead planets or xenos to rip you ribcage open
>huge sea monsters
Please tell me in a biological standpoint what the fuck would be the point in having anything larger than a blue whale which are already stretching the sensibility of their size?
Laws of thermodynamics apply to your fantasy sea monsters so evolution doesnt create such retarded concepts.
Did people actually review this game on release?
Ive never seen this magnitude of total indifference for a video game before
Not sure why you guys shit on this game, can you give me the basic gestalt? I want in on the shitting.
That's very sad. This is why the multilayer shooter genre is very risky genre to develop for. The game design has to cater to just causals, whales intermediate, trybhards and hardcore at the same time and be fun/original to play. The devs were fucked from the get go.
This. I don't get the lack of hype and why the lack of hype is particularly notable for you Sup Forumsirgins.
How long will you keep beating this dead horse?
Most high profile games with a large marketing budget are at least reasonably successful because of marketing, even if it's completely shit.
It's rare to see a mainstream game fail so bad.
It's because of the hubris of Cliffy B that this game is mocked. If Cliffy was a more modest figure and didn't shoehorn politics into video games people might actually feel bad for him.
Hey, we get it, the game fucking failed, nobody is playing it, woo fucking hoo. Nobody gives a fucking shit. Thread is pointless
There is nothing out there. Humans will never leave the solar system.
t. Cliffy B
Your thermodynamics argument is dumb as fuck, big sea monsters already existed in the past. There were land animals much larger than blue whales as well.
>There is nothing out there
Are you an omniscient being or something?
>Humans will never leave the solar system.
So what?
If some hot anime xenochick drives her spaceship around Jupiter it would be a good idea to have some satellites around so she knows she can stop by Earth
very plausible claim desu. Only way I see people leaving the solar system is an emergency colony
When i mention sea monsters im not talking about those who are bigger than whales, anything that is a threat to an expedition team because of its aggressive behavior will do. Also you might find some ancient ruins or maybe new types of materials.
People just like laughing at failures because it makes them feel better about themselves being failures
and how the fuck do you build an emergency colony when an incredible quantity of resources are already necessary to allow half a dozen scientists to live around the Earth for a few weeks?
my last number is numbers of players online right now
Wait, if you can't have a game without 10 players, and there are several hours worth of time between playable levels, what are those 7-8 people doing online for all that time?
>mfw I will never even try it solely because of the character design
>mfw I am waiting for the new Quake to release Hunter so I can not buy it if they change her design
You do realize that we humans would most likely be treated as nothing but ants right? Or perhaps you think they would have a nice diplomatic relationship with us other than vivisectin us for science and amusement purposes? The MOST we can find at our current technology level are space rocks, such thrill.
Very rich people/ goverments pool resources together in latch ditch effort to not die themselves.
quake champions is in early access, its way more hardcore, AND it still has players.
at release its going to be like league; f2p but you can buy champions.
go play quake champions so arena shooters can come back, maggots
It's funny how not even the people who created the game are playing it, it's truly sad. There aren't any console versions of this game being played? I mean, it is really THAT empty?
There's none, but there's resources, so we can build stuff there.
I'll wait it become f2p then
fair enough, just don't forget. I want quake to really come back.
btw its $30 right now, I think it will be $40 on release for the champions pack but as f2p to start with 1 champ and then you can unlock the rest by playing.
dude it doesnt matter how rich you are, you cant make a viable spacecraft to flee the sollar system at our current technological level at all
you can still throw money at it it wont change a thing
and seeing how were entering a new dark age it wont happen for thousands of years, if at all
>LawBreakers general - Sea monsters and space colonization
There is a PS4 version. But considering the whole "appeal" of the game is meant to be a throwback to classic PC shooters, I don't see the PS4 version having a larger playerbase.
>at release its going to be like league; f2p but you can buy champions.
Don't lie, you can get champions on lootboxes but you can only rent them using ingame currency.
I like the game but don't misdirect people.
That's why I said it's plausible. If humanity is around still by the time a global disaster happens of that scale, it's plausible that a colony ship could be built. 20 years ago we didn't have smart phones 30 years ago pong was an incredible breakthrough, 50 years ago the pocket calculator was impossible for another 3 years and 110 years ago it was considered scientifically impossible to fly. Do you really think that on this exponential scale that we sit upon barring a catastrophe humanity won't regularly be able to enter space in 100 years and in 1000 be able to build an emergency colony ship?
If we move the goalpost down a notch you can pay for a glorified space coffin and survive on the spacecraft for a couple weeks, maybe months until you die and the spacecraft drifts outside the solar system if you are lucky enough. You will be long dead before that happens but hey, wish granted
yeah I was sayin the worst part of it, but its way better than it actually is (and the worst part aint bad).
As a f2p player, you have access to 1 champ. You can buy other champions, or you can unlock them in lootboxes, or you can rent them using ingame currency (and it only takes like 2 matches to get enough currency to rent one for a day). You CAN buy them for platinum (another ingame currency) if you're a f2p player, and you get platinum from real money.
>complaining about not talking about vidya while not talking about vidya
We are trying to turn a discussion around a dead game into something else more usefull
Leaf, reporting for duty.
there are SS13 servers with a bigger playerbase than lawbreakers
> Brussee's departure from Boss Key comes not long after the launch of the studio's first game, LawBreakers
The first and only game they'll ever make am I right?
It's way more popular on ps4. Just got done playing a few matches. Easily a couple thousand playing all hours at least.
This. That self-righteous idiot deserves everything that happens to his game.
the game would be good if they got rid of champions
>There are nearly eight times more people playing a 15+yo single player game on steam than people playing lawbreakers right now
Cucks. I bet you play Lawbreakers.
What makes you so sure there isn't an undiscovered society of fish chicks down there eh?
Steam chart comparisons has made me realize how many good games have fanbases that are actually small but dedicated, makes me want to go try some old stuff out again.
there better not because if there are theyre about to get wiped out of existence by temperature changes and acidification and we didnt have enough time to fuck them before their disappearance
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I bet this poorfag loser looks like pic related
>I want to play more games that have a mass market appeal
Well Lawbreakers clearly failed with that one
>cucks using shitty 200x's memes
Use better memes next time.
Anyone wanna give me a rundown on why this flopped?
1. no waifus
2. its shit
Bad advertising for a game in a oversaturated genre.
>shitty marketing
>cliffy b acting pretentious and stupid when promoting the game
>ignoring xbox just because he doesn't like it
>going from F2P to paid model without any good reasons
As a vig fan of quake I tried it because "fast FPS"
didn't feel it at all, seemed sluggish, weapon unsatisfyings, and had trouble making use of the superpowers effectively, dropped it pretty fast
Does that game have bots or is it just if there's not enough players you can't play it at all?
actually isn't there any customization at all? no other game modes? why couldn't you play with 4 players for example? or is it just shitposting that there's one preferred mode that requires 8 players?
oh well at least in older games you could play alone and learn maps or practice bunny hopping or shit like that.