Fire emblem fates how did treehouse fuck you up this bad?

Fire emblem fates how did treehouse fuck you up this bad?

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>(Sorry my hand was shaking when I took the pic)

How do I land a translation job where I don't actually translate jack shit?


is this some sort of a joke?!

Being in a minority in the industry seems to help a lot.

I can live without anime tiddies in my games, but fucking up dialogue is unforgivable.

>couldn’t beat CQ Endgame because used both Rescue staves
>ended up grinding some visitor points to get the My Castle one
I feel dirty

Yes, isn't it funny that they don't say anything because they're sneaky assassins?
Nintendo of America thought so.

does noe just take noa translation ?

>there are people who actually bothered to play the cuckhouse version of Fates

Why do localization companies always pull shit like this?

Are you playing on Lunatic? Because HM endgame is perfectly viable without rescue.

Because its Nintendo and they don't want any of their 1st party title to touch that M rating
Case in point, pic related

That being said if a fan translation is better than the official translation, you might as well quit your job

Lunatic yeah

These can't be real. I'm glad I never bothered with this series of this is the kind of shit quality they put out.

I'm all for maintaining the original but that's about as garbage as the translation, content-wise. People buy this?

Damn I hope you weren't playing blind. The game really wants you to know everything about it before you play LM.

I usually just jump straight into Lunatic. Up until Endgame, it worked out.

This guy.

I only say that since Ch 25 and beyond are such a massive spike in difficultly.

Are all the games this bad or just Fates?

All the stuff on nintendo ds is this bad.

I mean the stuff on the left is cringtown central, but to write nothing is only an improvement in joke threads.

Localization? Its is pretty shitty for all of them. Treehouse feels the need to cut and change shit. The game themselves are fine.

Yeah, they both use the same translation. Some DS games and TriForce Heroes had different translations for American and European versions, but it's not common.
Kind of wish it was.

People apparently get paid more the more they "localise". Not sure if that's true, though.

Lol who cares about Europe
Oh wow I have a good translation but Ahmed is fucking my sister wnd Jamal my mom and I'll go to jail if I say I hate niggers based Europe
I'm glad I'm Canadian

>I'm glad I'm Canadian

I demand an apology for this rude post and any rude posts you may have perpetrated against me in the past.

>I'm glad I'm Canadian

Welcome to Eurabia

Nah, the mudslimes don't even want to be here where I live and just go to Sweden.
Being irrelevant has its perks.

Fates is a shit game anyway and you've already fucked yourself if you bothered playing it.

I wouldn't know, Canada is the most famous country in the world everyone knows our flag, our prime minister, our national sport, our cities, our celebrities, our singers and artists. James Cameron is Canadian and made the biggest films in history the rest of the world with ten times the population of us couldn't even accomplish 1/10 that we did. What a joke


the translation and localization just butchered an already ruined game
modern int sys is whoring fe out to get more sales and have turned it from a rather forgettable but respectable franchise into a bombastic yet trashy one

desu im ok with some of the trashy waifufag pandering stuff, but splitting the game into 3 versions, having an incoherent story filled with plot holes, ridiculous one-note unbelievable characters, and half of the gameplay being total trash is what has made me lose hope in fe after awakening and fates

Shouldn't you be speaking Chinese?

The translation was fine though.
I enjoyed it.

Nah the game was fine.

There's no Chinese where I live

they specifically rewrote scenes and characters to appeal to ledditor shitheads by injecting memes, more playful dialogue, puns, jokes, etc
the cute strong girl become a muscle head who wont shut up about "leg day" and "bulking up"
straightforward dialogue was pumped full of cringey asterisk action "*holds up spork*" garbage

basically, you literally have to be a mouthbreather with no taste to say you enjoyed it

Is there a guide to play with the fan translation anywhere?

Look up the fan translation or delocalization patch on 3dsiso. This is how to run the DLC

>talks about cuckoldry and nu-manliness when trudeau exists

jesus fucking christ, why am I so angry

How the shit is that translated so poorly?

Don't Canadians get their kids taken away from them if they don't turn them into tranny?

not into giant girls, but I want to fuck Mt.Lady

This wasn't supposed to be a joke support, they just forgot to actually put it in because then they act like they actually talked about what's on the left.

If that's worse or better it's up to you.