About to start Doki Doki Literature Club

About to start Doki Doki Literature Club
Who's the first girl I should romance?

Other urls found in this thread:


none, drop this leddit shit


Sayori first

You should kill yourself first.

It's only 4 hours and free user, you should try it.


You posted her

you're mom is leddit newfag

Hang out with Sayori first

If you can find a streamer you like that had a vod of it, I'd recommend that. Having it read outloud to me let me focus on spooky shit more. IT does take longer though.

Play the game yourself you fucking pathetic piece of shit.

Yuri best girl

>posts natsuki

Should pick Natsuki first because Sayori has almost nothing to her route and game forces Yuri on you when act 2 happens. If you really like the girls it's worth doing a replay to see Yuri's route on a fresh game

But why? As long as they go Sayori first, you aren't missing anything without messing around with game files.

Stop, this is edgy meta shit not what you're looking for.

>not choosing yourself
Just go watch a let's play like the rest of the shit eaters, since you don't even have free will.

This was quite creepy tb quite h. Weird how something as minor as ”real” eyes on an anime girl really can make you uncomfortable. The real mouth on Natsuki was like the worst part of the whole game.


Reminded me of this

This. Natsuki has the best route. It just so happens that she is best girl as well.

it's fucking boring as fuck.

I would love to see the average poster of this drivel in real life. I wonder what you look like and how obese you are.

I would love to see the average poster of this drivel in real life. I wonder what you look like and how obese you are.

I got this jumpscare on my playthrough.

I would love to see how many current day posters are underage phone posting redditors.

what's wrong with reddit?

I hate weekend fags...

Post a body pick and how much you have in your bank account. I'll match you. I'm certain I'm in better shape, and have more money then you.

The uninstall and save your dignity girl,

>There are people right now missing out on good games because they are insecure about an art-style

>he watches people play games for him
Don't listen to this fag, OP

what's that and why do you hate them so much?

That's only after the credits.


>play games

It's a VN. A stream is basically the book on tape version.

tell me so i can blindly hate shit like you do.

threads fucking daily jesus christ Dan

Sequel with proper Natsuki route fucking WHEN? I'm sick of waiting

>No game discussion allowed on my shitposting board.

I don't think Sup Forums needs a constant circlejerk about a short game relying on one unoriginal gimmick.

Can't believe Yuri is actually the main villain of the game and that they don't even belong to this game.. My mind is blown honestly.

You should romance the end of a shotgun barrel.

I don't think you have the power or right to decide that.

Why is this so popular? Please tell me you can at least fuck them or something

you have a /vg/ thread dan, you don't have to shit up this board too

a real one you fucking faggot

>No game discussion allowed on my shitposting board.

It's only romance.

yes, fuck game discussion about same game literally every day because dan shills it
i was doubtful about shilling but it's literally every day from release except for the days mods actually finally started deleting these threads

You can lewd two of them
but that's about it

There are a lot of games posted every single day such as:
Fallout 4
and more.

yes shit like rimworld is a problem too they should fuck off to /vg/

You seem awfully mad at threads about one single game when there are currently over a hundred threads on Sup Forums. Have you tried reading them instead of being a disgusting backseat modder?

>Why is this so popular?

Meta elements

yes, im reading other thread right now too, doesn't mean dan shouldn't fuck off back to /vg/

Why don't you post this on a Sup Forums thread? Instead of daily, they are hourly, so there should be plenty for you to complain about.

i don't browse Sup Forums so why should i care

Because it's on Sup Forums.

>game discussion
>it's the same shit on repeat every time a thread ends

i don't see it

Look harder, right now it's on auto-sage. Surprising the mods actually did something for once.

>it's the same shit on repeat

When will Chink Moot make a containment board for backseat modders?

You have a containment thread on /vg/
Fuck off to it

And you have a console war thread to shitpost in.

>telling you to fuck off back to /vg/ is shitposting

>make constant threads about your shitty vn
>whine when told to take it to the dedicated thread for it

>Implying childhood friend waifu isn't best waifu

Not when she's sick in the head.

Yuri is best girl DESU
She gets me constant boners

Monica of course.

Sayori is best girl desu