Not a single good Star Wars game in over a decade now

>not a single good Star Wars game in over a decade now

lego star wars happend

What about Disney's EA's Star Wars Battlefront II?

>not a single good Star Wars game in over 3 decades now

>not a single good movie since return of the Jedi

Really makes you think...

So glad I’m not a fan of this franchise, I’d be pissed.

The Visceral game sounded cool if they could've pulled it off.

Return of the Jedi fucking sucks.
Has any other series managed to last as long on the legacy of 2 good first installments with everything after it being dreadful shit?

Star Wars 1313


Just give me remakes of Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy.

the force unleashed was pretty fun

The first two levels were but it got boring and tedious after that.

Found the faggot. A New Hope is a fucking mediocre Sci-Fi action movie. Yes RotJ has Ewok's but it's still a great movie.


RotJ is half good
Luke's plot with Vader and the emperor is goat

I know. Wonky AI And camera aside I still love going back to Bounty Hunter to this day and a modern Boba Fett game with improved jetpack action in the bowels of Coruscant sounded great.

There hasnt been a good star wars movie since 1980 so the video games are doing better than the movies.

>wanting more uncharted-like shit

Do any of the games have a level where you drink green milk from a space dinosaur's tit?


Imagine for forty years you're the face of a man who will risk everything to help his friends, and accept certain death in order to redeem your father who by all means should be irredeemable. For literally millions of people, generations in the West and beyond, you are the most iconic hero and the template for monomyth to the common man. You are representative of the transition to innocence to experience, leaving behind hot-headed impatience for wisdom and strength in personal development and growth. That's what your face and you as a person stand for to generations and your legacy.

Now imagine someone takes your legacy and takes a big steaming shit on it. Pulls it apart and drags it through the mud. Now that same hero above has been demolished, and his significance along with it. The paragon of virtue that you represented is tarnished, deliberately. You're now associated with and the face of a man who abandons his friends in their time of greatest need, and attempts to kill his nephew because he's afraid of him.

This is what Mark Hamill has to live with now. For forty years he has been the Western world's template for a hero (and funny enough also the template for a villain through Joker). Now this has been taken away from him by a corporation whose only interest in him is using him as a tool to "legitimize" the passing of a giant money printing property to them to use and merchandise forever. This is what he's realizing, and now Luke Skywalker no longer represents a hero, he is just another structure that's been demolished to make way for the new history.

Post Luke drinking milk

What's up with that body language?
Hamill is fucking seething.

last good star wars game was empire at war. prove me wrong

Why are we here, just to suffer?

Return of the jedi was garbage. The only good star wars movie was empire. Star wars was a two hour long commercial to sell toys to children that got way out of hand.


Hes an old guy being dragged around half the country for a movie he doesn't seem to care for.
Half a good game, ground combat was shit.

He was never told Luke is killed, and this interview is just after the premiere where he found out they editted in his death.

You cannot like RoTJ and hate the prequels and still make a logical argument. The flaws of the prequels and the flaws of RoTJ are one and the same.

this was the last good Star Wars game I played

>we'll never get another Jedi knight

>ewoks ruin the rest of a good movie
>jar jar makes up for a cinematic nightmare
I don't understand
Please elaborate

Imagine being a brainlet who has a preconceived notion of what a character should be and has a childishly constrained vision of what a hero looks like and is completely oblivious to subtext and meaning.

The crack Luke makes about going after the First Order with a lazer sword was directed at people like the user here that believes that wild displays of power (which we got anyway) are the only metric of success as a hero.

Grow up.

It's too bad. He was always a nice, personable guy. Everyone liked him because he was a huge nerd even before he was in Star Wars. He used to go to comic cons and shit as a fan in the 70s when they were barely anything and just a few years removed from being held in literally mom's basement

>this interview

> we'll never get Force Unleashed 3
> by Platinum Games

>wild displays of power (which we got anyway) are the only metric of success as a hero

That's what's presented in Mouse Wars, yes. Truly made for children under the age of 3 and IQs under the digits of 3.

Star Wars: A New Hope was a financial long shot. No one thought it would sell, and Lucas and crew were rejected for almost a year before Fox threw them 8 million, which got stretched to 10, which was still a shoestring budget for a Hollywood film back in the era.
Fox expected to get maybe 20 million back. They didn't bet on the script, their in-guy just liked his previous movie and thought he would be a solid director. Even Disney rejected the film because they thought it wasn't going to make revenue.

It's success surprised everyone.
So they gave him a pretty much unlimited budget and all the creative freedom he wanted for every following Star Wars movie and they lost some magic and got crazier and crazier.
Artists need some limitations to work with or they get weird. Ewoks and Gungans weird.

Wow, that's good editing.
All theese feels.

He is just trashing the movie at this point, I love it.