Should Capcom get to make another top-down Zelda? Pic related and the Oracle games were masterpieces

Should Capcom get to make another top-down Zelda? Pic related and the Oracle games were masterpieces.

The director of The Minish Cap and the Oracle games is the director of Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild

So he should stick to top down

So does this mean TFH was the last top down Zelda? I really hope not, they're always great, I'm gonna be sad if we never get another.

many of the people who did those games work for nintendo now

Despite the hate Skyward gets here, it's got some excellent dungeons.

SS is still one of my favorites
Sandship is the best dungeon ever made

>modern capcom
hell no

that's sweet

>ALBW doesn't exist

>ALBW came after TFH

No. The oracle games were marred by those mini-games that they made essential to the game and Gasha nuts were a terrible idea. Minish Cap was pretty good overall although kinstones were a terrible idea.

>Pic related and the Oracle games were masterpieces.
No they weren't. They're both overrated as hell.

The only Zelda I enjoyed.

I like the other ones so, yes they should. I would definitely play another capcom zelda.

TFH was built off the ALBW engine. ALBW was first and was awesome. TFH wasn't as amazing but still worth every penny.

I liked the ground areas pretty much being mini dungeons. SS's problems was stupid padding and the sky being so bad

No. The best bird's-eye view Zeldas were all made by Nintendo themselves (ALttP, LA, ALBW, Tri Force Heroes...)

Why is Minish Cap so underrated?

it just wasn't as advertised. Not a lot of people heard about it and so it didn't get as many reveiws ):

I played it many years after its release. How was it not as advertised?

BOTW, ALBW, even Four Swords had tons of TV adds. If you look up Mish Cap advertisements, you only get the american version and the japanese version