which is better? I think probably 1 but is it still active? what's the Sup Forumserdict on these 2 games?
Which is better? I think probably 1 but is it still active? what's the Sup Forumserdict on these 2 games?
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>kf2 >not a steaming pile of dogshit
refunded that crap the second it came out of "early access"
literally all fur coat and no knickers
I heard it's decent now, user
It just took awhile to come into its own
Fuck KF2 and the developers for being lying sacks of shit. Not saying KF2 is necessarily a bad game, but it just isn't as fun sometimes. It feels soulless. Voice acting and character designs aren't as good. Artstyle they went for/making the game look like it's a comic is awful. SFX is horrible, especially the melee ones. The only thing better is gore, graphics and enemy response to damage, KF1 wins everything else in the long-term.
I've been having a blast with KF2, but I've never played the first one. Is online pretty much dead for KF1?
It isn't dead at all.
KF2 is the better game and is getting better with each passing update. It took a while to get into the groove and early access was just fucked up.
The only things that kf1 has that are better are atmosphere, voice acting(to an extent) and some difficulty. Some major things but also some nitpicks.
The improvements in gfx, gore, weapons, animations, perk depth, common enemy variants all make kf2 the superior game but they definitely havent recaptured the full kf1 experience. That doesnt meant they wont get there eventually. Like all tripwire games they start off bad and slowly get better until one day they are great.
the first game has better atmostpear
Well shit, I'll have to check it out then
I preordered KF2 the moment it was available on Steam as I absolutely loved KF1. EA of KF2 was such dogshit, I refunded it. I keep hearing it’s good now, though, but I’m not giving them a second chance.
No, they're both trash.
Got KF1 for free and it was garbage, is 2 any better?
Relative to it's time kf1 was a much better game, kf2 is competently made but just lacks the oomph and grindhouse feel of the original.
It lacks the charm of the first game but Demo Firebug and Support are all an absolute blast to play and melee is more enjoyable too.
it's a straight upgrade now gameplay-wise
damn shame they couldn't figure their shit out earlier, though
1 is spoopier, but 2 is better overall.
No. They even talked about this at length- one of the things they disliked most about KF1 was the cookie-cutter "every enemy gets more health" difficulty setting. One of the focuses in KF2 was making the difficulty entail similar enemies (no bullet sponges) that became more difficult due to higher aggression and increased attack pools. The difficulty is the single best change made.
Can't argue with atmosphere / charm, though. They sacrificed the LODSEMONE for microtransaction bux and it shows.
You're trying too hard.
What about killing floor unreal tournament 2004 mod vs the standalone and sequel?
>1 is spoopier
This is something that confuses me. When was KF1 scary? Was it when you were watching a man in a chicken suit throw money in a circle? When you and your bros were discussing things over mic during the game?
kf2 is way better than kf1 currently. claiming that kf1 is better just shows that you haven't actually tried kf2 gameplay now. stay delusional nostalgia kf1 fans.
For some reason I just don't like KF2. I can't really put my finger on why, either. I used to be able to spend entire nights playing kf1 christmas event and now I can't even play an hour in kf2's version.
Whatever you say faggot.
I still feel, and yea I admit this is purely subjective, the Hell on Earth in KF2 doesnt quite force you to be as conservative with your ammo as KF1's HoE does. So in that sense it seems easier. But maybe thats just me. But I do like how the game has evolved a bit beyond always camping a single spot.
When you weren't watching that, obviously.
Stuck alone on the 7th wave, in a map like hospital horrors or bedlam.
Killing Floor 2's Halloween and Christmas maps suck. Fuck these microscopic holdout style maps. I don't understand Tripwire's obsession with this new style. The new Krampus arena is hideous and the Krampus boss fight is a mess.
It's mostly the mod that's spoopy, KF1 had a gritty artstyle if you ignore all of the characters except for the starting ones that aren't dlc or added from events.
KFMod was kind of boring, perks were very lacking. Atmosphere and the overall design makes it pretty spooky though, which is why I loved it in that aspect. If the animations and models were better it would be way more awesome. Too bad tripwire got the license now so we won't be seeing that soon.
I still like 1 better even though 2 is better in almost everything except 1 has something that blows the fuck out of 2 for me, charm.
Fucking exactly. Being forced to not be in a location because "you've already defended it, keep progressing!" is a disgusting idea. Wish we could've had a santa's lair. Krampus fight isn't too bad I think? What made ya hate it?
Here's a better discussion: of the weapons that appear in both games (hunting shotgun, m14 ebr, etc), which version do you prefer over the other?
Speaking of coop games why is Vermentide's recommended CPU requirements so bananas? Is it accurate?
well, you sure showed me.
After trying a HoE match in KF2 it's so much better than suicidal. At least you can kick the shitters with low levels who cant play their role. Though sometimes you just get shitters who cant into the meta
lazy shitty devs that can't optimize or bugfix for shit so they set the recommendation high and point to that when you have issues. remember to buy some dlc, goy!
d-did you have fun?
The lighting and size of the Krampus boss map make me not like it. It plays better on normal maps. The (infinite?) abomination spawns have a lingering aoe attack that has almost no indication. Bloat mines everywhere. KF2's most annoying boss so far for me.
Kf2 is better, whoever says otherwise is an underaged faggot who refunded it after early access and now want to defend their stance blindly because they fear regret.
>perk depth
I don't sense any depths on any of the perks
Great argument Spider-Man
I didn't present a single argument. Also i'm not even trying to argue.
If a monster has a visible penis it's not scary. It's just hilarious.
You can't sense any depth or sarcasm apparently
2 used to be bad when it first released but is now better in most things than 1. It still has a couple of things that it's missing like the gritty atmosphere and the British humor, but gameplay-wise, the game is definitely better than KF1.
Sup Forums is generly obsessed with arguments and counter arguments. This place doesn't know the meaning of discussion
Wish KF2 had the ambience and atmosphere of 1 it would be a straight up upgrade if it werent for that.
You're not the first one to post this, but fucking this. That and maybe not make the welder a fucking piece of shit.
It's really not now that Support can fix broken doors. No perk in KF1 was able to hold a door against anything larger than a Gorefast aside from the Support, and that pretty much remains the same now.
Is that freezethrower a limited time thing?
Well how do I get it? Is it perk specific too? The wiki for KF2 is garbage.
I'm downloading the KF2 free weekend off Steam.
What I wanna know is if I decide to purchase, there's a Deluxe edition with all this extra shit added on top of the base game.
Can you buy this stuff in game or something?
not perk specific. you buy it from the trader. works well on support
So do you have an argument or are you just a faggot who says you can't compare and contrast games and say which one is better? Go be a retard somewhere else.
Doing the dailies to farm vault crates isn't that fun sadly. Just doing it to kill time.
I have played kf1/2 and got multiple classes to 6/25, whatever the cap is.
Both are great, just depends on what you are running it on. Shit PC? kf1, b-baller PC? kf 2
Pretty sure you can't. In any case, if you don't care about Scully, then don't get it. It's not worth it.
Although, if you don't already own Killing Floor, then the Deluxe Edition also comes with a free copy of KF, and having that game unlocks Classic Masterson and Classic Briar for as close to the British humor of the first as possible. You'd be missing those two as well unless you buy KF separately.
UE3 has a better hit detection which is great. UE2 makes laggers have a horrible time though, especially in competitive games like SWAT 4's VIP Escort.
Depends really.
I wish it was possible to play the mod without having to own UT2004
I don't care about the new characters, as I like the charm of the original KF characters.
Since I own KF I might be better off with the base game.
Did they fix the god awful main menu of 2?
What I mean is that you can use skills to customize how you play the perk. So for example there can be two medics on your team and one of them selects perks that benefit team buffs and healing and the other one goes a more offensive build. It allows variation of playstyle, something kf1 didnt really have.
You can get it very cheap off of gog(2 dollars). If you want, I can send you the installer as a download, think you can install it completely for free there.
You can always try out new tactics rather than sticking with the same one in KF1 like bringing an M79, Katana or Crossbow as a Medic. The skills are really shit imo even if they do make a difference like increased damage vs better healing. They said "we won't do this as much! we'll make the skills unique and cool!" and look at it now. All of them are complete garbage, uncreative bullshit. Even nuDoom did better.
KF2 had a rough start, but it's better than KF1 now.
>you just have to wait 2 years until it gets good
I think the deluxe edition gets you DJ Scully
I must admit some of the skill trees are pretty unimaginative and also have a tendency to be a clear case of one being WAY better than the other.
However it does offer up some interesting changes. Solo oriented versus team support, durability versus damage. These things are also not mutually exclusive with new tactics in fact they complement and encourage them in some cases. It is a clear improvement over KF1's grindy levelling and flat damage upgrades etc.
>if you like the casualized console version of Killing Floor you're underage
I should mention that Scully also comes with headphones that can be worn on most other characters. He also has a unique hat but I think only he can wear it.
If you don't care about the cosmetic stuff or Scully himself (all the characters have unique chatter now) then don't bother with the deluxe.
KF1 was pretty barebones for the first couple of years too
Terrible boss though. It says hes fast but hes incredibly easy to kite the entire fight and take no damage besides the exploding enemies that spawn in your way.
Mr. Foster is back, right?
How is his chatter?
I wouldn't call him terrible, but there's room for improvement, sure. I don't doubt they'll tweak him based on feedback. The original Hans played very different than he does now.
He loves mones, hates it when he has none, loves himself and is British. Pretty good I would say.
>still no Miss Foster
He's all I ever used in KF anyway so if I like KF2 might just use him again.
He should have some kind of hook and chain to pull people in. Devs like giving those to fat fucks these days. Maybe he gets faster when his armor breaks.
He did, considering you said anyone who says 1 is better never played 2.
hes designed specifically for the event map
its small and has a lot of very narrow routes, so if you try to kite him around the map youll start doubling back into his mines before you even get his armor off
Its actually playable now, after the usual 2 year community fixes because TWI are incompetent fuckwits
zeds still spawn up your anus tho so 1 is better in that respect.
Yea he's back. If you look up his lines on youtube it won't have the mask filter applied though.
All the krampus does is take a shit and waddle around. In HoE everyone just slowly walks backwards filling it with bullets, taking no damage.
KF2 has a problem with difficulty. The game is fucking too easy unless you play on the hardest difficulty, and then you just get raped.
>no matriarch boss
>half assed abomination instead
fucks sake TWI
>When was KF1 scary?
when it was a mod. early mod version was terrifying since it was a survival game rather than just shootin tootin call of dootin. I remember playing it was a friend and it was pretty spooky
KF2 for the balance alone.
KF1 was fun as fuck but my god there were few things more overpowered than the sharpshooter after that update that added the M14.
In KF2 every perk feels like it has it's place, except for survivalist.
+funny characters
+better weapon fire sounds
+perfect soundtrack
-some official community maps have bad spawn points
-small playerbase
-a lot of noobs that don't know wtf they're doing in servers
+better graphics
+3 more bosses (King FP and Abomination barely count at all considering they're mod-tier levels of quality)
+better gore
+better gun animations
-turn on clot grab
-dialogue wheel is incomplete
-annoying characters
-too easy
-annoying gameplay mechanics like fart crawlers and the melee parry noise and color filter
-shit soundtrack except for like 2 songs
KF2 has had matriarch for like 2 years now buddy
>2 songs
Which two?
Matriarch, not Patriarch
I have no clue what their names are, sorry
>thinks KF1 is harder than KF2
some scrub shitter that never learned to flinch scrakes I assume?
>I'm not going to play a game that's good now because it was bad years ago
What kind of logic
>No Rachel Clamely Matriarch Boss
I think we can all agree.
The characters in KF2 are so fucking boring, all of them are bad.
Classic Briar is my man.
Best Killing Floor.