What the OBJECTIVELY best/least bad active MOBA game out there and why?
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You'll never get a solid answer. Too many people like or dislike each game.
Paragon and Smite are either dead or have no future ahead. HotS is pretty active but it's filled with blizzdrones and casuals that consider Dota2 and League 3hard5me. Dota and League are the most currently played, play League if you like gameplay more focused on yourself and outplaying your lane oponent, play Dota if you like gameplay with a more strategic aproach. Lastly, if you are pussy that gets easily hurt by mere words, then try to get some friends to play with you or mute everybody once you enter the game
Which one is objectively the most skill based?
Anyone who says lol is just in for the fan service.
Anyone who says HoS doesn't like mobas anyway.
Anyone who say dota is russian or deluded into thinking the game doesn't suck now.
MOBAs killed themselves.
HoN & Hots
They're all shit because as it turns out you don't make a good character action game off RTS mechanics.
HotS has the most fanservice, being a crossover game. I know what you meant but I'm talking about real fanservice.
DotA has the most in-depth combat, (even top league player admit that) It's mostly casual lolbabbies who need to go "lol is better in every single aspect and everyone who says it has any flaw at all is wrong and a noob or a hater and can fuck off". who won't admit that.
Doesn't mean it's better though, I just like it more for that reason.
in-depth being as deep as a puddle
HotS is fun and is more of a team fighting game then actual farming. Unless you are playing laughing african frog shotgun man
First of all, moba is a garbabe name made up by riot, ok?
Multiplayer online battle arena can apply to literally 99% of multiplayer games
Is CSGO multiplayer online battle arena? Yeah, is quake? Yeah, battlefield? Yeah, the name is fucking retarded, either say RTS or even ASSFAGGOTS
objectively its dota
The gameplay in league is stale as shit, you can only play certain type of champpion on a certain lane you do otherwise you get banned. t. D4 player
HOTS gameplay puts too much pressure on your team, there is no laning, it doesn't even feel like an RTS and shouldn't be compared to them, its fun when played as a team of 5 tho
As for smite, 3rd person doesn't really fit that genere, things like last hitting don't feel natural. its not a bad game but definitely not the best one, I'd say its right after dota.
Paragon is the fucking worst, characters have no feel to them, same problem as with smite and this garbage card system that should have died long time ago.
Dota, it has most diverse mechanics of all. All mechanics have a lot of depth and you can interact with the map in numerous ways.
As much as league was improving lately, if you look at most of champions from over a year ago if you take the formula "Q damaging spell, WE- some sort of steroid/AOE spell, WE- dash/shield" you can apply it to shittons of champions, they were simple as fuck.
But as I said they were improving lately.
Legoleg has a lot more consistent players and delivers in being an extremely accesible moba
Dota, as previously stated, has better combat and the gameplay is more fun
Smite has it's place on consoles but doesnt excel where other Mobas do
Hots has some pretty terrible balancing and is full of Blizzdrones
And what game does have more depth in your opinion?
The "What is a last hit?" HOTS?
Or "Lets just give a champion damaging spell, dash, shield, AA steroid, some damaging ultimate and call it a game" league of legends?
Games that aren't based on a butchered babby mode RTS.
Well, then go and give me a firm hand shake as I appreciate your opinion on the matter
Mobile Legends because it's built to have shorter matches around 10-20 min max.
Definitely DOTA. I think anyone who knows all the games well would be aware of this.
>If you want to just have fun
HotS is probably your best bet since it's a lot more fast paced and no shitty lane phase killing minions for 10 minutes before the real game starts.
>If you want to play competetively
Probably DOTA2 or LoL
Early Smite was fucking great, but the devs make a lot of characters that are never going to be balanced because they're kits won't allow it.
Dota, for several reasons:
/actually/ free. Zero in game microtransactions that effect the game. All optional skins. Literally NOTHING is locked behind a paywall other than skins. All heroes are free, forever. No rune pages, no skill trees no bullshit.
Most in depth gameplay out of any MOBA on the market. There is a reason people say Dota is hard, because it is (pic related makes League babbies shit their diapers in horror) Besides pic related, you can kill your own creeps and towers to deny XP/Gold, vastly changing the games landscape.
Items actually fucking matter, and you have to use them. While there are passive items, 75% of Dotas items require a key press and have an effect either on you or your enemy, it's like buying another skill.
If you argue that something has an edge over DOTA in any means, please understand that you are fundamentally wrong and clearly have not played all of the available MOBAS to any significant degree.
They all offer some strong variations desu. No reason not to enjoy them all
Dota is objectivly the most difficult and rewarding compared to lol, hotd, smite.
This is such a dumb Argument.
>Mario Kart
Ugh, that's not an in-depth kart racing sim, you don't even have to shift!
>Any FPS
Casual shit where you can just eat bodyshots, Arma3 is much more in depth!
Just because something is more or less complicated, or inspired by a more complicated game doesn't mean it's better or worse you fucking idiot.
You're basically looking at counter strike players and saying: "You idiots, that isn't even Half Life" Yeah no shit. You wouldn't call Tower Defense shit because it's derrived from a RTS game.
So what you're saying is mechanic depth doesn't matter in a game about mechanic depth.
Hey this looks like the girl who played Luna Lovegood.
Dota I suppose.
Dotas core mechanics are straight from RTS so that should tell you everything.
I've played all of them way too much. Only played smite for about 200 hours.
Dota is hands down the best and most difficult. I would say HOTS is the best for the casual player and is probably 2nd to the rest. The rest don't feel as rewarding and are just too easy.
Based (f) Pugna poster.
Unironicly HotS laning phases and gpm tied to last hitting aren't what makes a MOBA a good game.
Teamfights and objectives are what matters.
Don't you dare post my lovely lovegood with your bullshit. I'm saying that more or less depth doesn't make a game shit, it just makes it a different game. DotA has less depth than SC but that doesn't make it a shit game, just one that is easier (or rather, difficult in other ways). Counter Strike is less mechanically in depth than Arma, doesn't mean Arma is the better game.
ARTS games are not better because of mechanical depth. It largely works toward raising the skill ceiling but to make a game "good" or "bad" a TON of other features count into that.
A realistic pilot training flight sim, is way more in depth than "Ace Combat" you wouldn't call the flight sim the better video game you absolute fucking moron. You'd call it the more complicated one.
ARTS quality is NOT measured soley in complexity.
By your logic I could make a game that's impossible to control by humans, where you control 20 Invokers but each has Element combinations instead of 3, with math equasions you need to solve to see the next wave of enemies, you'd have to QWOP to move and it would be super complex and in-depth, and it would be the greatest ARTS because it's super fucking complex?
Yeah but when you say you should play DotA over LoL because of its depth when both games are shallow as shit, it makes you look ridiculous.
>The "What is a last hit?" HOTS?
What is valuable about the last hit minigame? I guess it requires a little bit of player attention to get the most out of laning, but it is just another minigame tacked in.
Give me an altertive to last hit that isn't simply proximit experience.
_HOTS_ is most fun for me.
It's easy to pick up, the grind isn't too painful, and good variety of waifus/interesting heroes.
I literally didn't say that. Quote my original post:
>Doesn't mean it's better though, I just like it more for that reason.
LITERALLY me saying depth doesn't make it better, but I prefer DotA because of more in depth mechanics. This also means that it hits a sweetspot for me. It's just enough to make it more interesting to me, but it's also not TOO hardcore, so that at the age of 30 I can still reasonably play without getting absolutely shit on by 16 year olds with better reactions all of the time.
MOBA is straight up a shit term. "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena" might as well describe PUBg, or WoW PvP, or, Mario kart, or ANY PvP game ever.
Action-RTS might not be perfect either but it brings the point across FAR better than fucking MOBA.
>MOBA is straight up a shit term
I don't disagree. The proper term is still ASSFAGGOTS.
Smite, Paragon, and HotS are piss easy so none of them.
League requires faster reactions and being able to read your opponent more, kinda similar to a fighting game. It's very easy to pick out bad players from good players in League.
Dota doesn't really require reactions because every spell has a long start-up or cast time so it's easier to read. An 8 year old could do well in Dota if they coordinate with their team, but that's also harder to do.
If we are talking individual skill alone, League is the most skill based. Otherwise, Dota is.
HoTs posters in a nutshell lol
Plunge any DoTA2 player into these games and they will play fine. Same cannot be said for the other people that play other games and try DoTA2
Only that one can say A-RTS in casual conversation, and ASSFAGGOTS will get you banned / your ass kicked everywhere outside of Sup Forums.
>League is the most skill based
Can anyone describe Paragon to me? It's the only one of these I haven't played
>no shitty lane phase killing minions for 10 minutes
so much this. You start with all 3 abilities. Lanes are about strategicly pushing them across the map and secondary about XP parity. Losing XP from ignoring a lane isn't that big a deal because a few successful kills will bring a team that is a level behind into parity.
Whoever the fuck thought MOBAs need a mastrabatory laning phase where you 1v1 last hit mooks while trading inconsequential pokes should be scolded.
>bronze babby
Hehehehe, I bet you're the type of person to ask riot to hide your border
I don't think that objective ciritque of the modern moba market is possible, due to the inherent tribalism that seems to cling to these game's playerbases.
That being said, I like HotS the most. It's good, casual fun.
>Implying Battlerite doesn't take out everything that makes MOBAs shit and improves what makes them good
>Implying that after 6 years of league I'm not playing Battlerite like there was no tomorrow and having twice the fun
Objectively? None because you can't judge them objectively, whether you like each game is a subjective thing. Most people here will say dota because the scope of things to learn is higher which is a dumb way of saying a game is better. That's like saying a game is better for having better graphics or a console is better for having more bits like the Atari jaguar thing. At the end the best game for you is the one that has the characters or mechanics you like the most.
League is spamming abilities from a deep mana pool and centers around snowballing a single champion by giving them all the last hits and kills for a gold/xp advantage. DOTA does similar but punishes deaths by allowing gold to be stolen. Dota has comparatively shallower mana pools and longer abilitiy cooldowns with the negatives of "nomana" and slower, more cautious soloqueue gameplay.
HotS is nothing like either with team XP and bonus xp for the lower level team when trading kills. The rubberbanding means that no snowball is unbreakable and the game isn't really over until a core/nexus/ancient is destroyed.
That said high level DOTA/LoL play has gotten much better about not surrendering because endgame respawn timers are often long enough for a game ending push.
battlerite or hots.
Those are dota pros playing in a league tournament and losing in less than 15 minutes.
The one I linked is League Pros fucking up against DotA randoms.
For those who forgot:
ASSFAGGOTS: Aeon of Strife Style Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides.
Aeon of Strife was a Warcraft 3 Custom Map.
>best players of one game play against the best players of a game that plays different
Wow, so this is the power of esports
So? Did you even see the level they are playing at that tournament? They'd lose to intermediate bots playing that way. It doesn't matter if you switch between each game, you'll always do bad until you understand what each character does which is the most important aspect of MOBAs. They could switch to HotS or Paragon and it would be the same result.
League is for tryhards, DOTA 2 is for contrarians, HOTS is for Blizzdrone Smashfags, Paragon is for graphics whores and SMITE is run by fucking Hi-Rez
Pick your poison, user
>people who don't know the map or characters or game pecualarities are having difficulty from their position of ignorance
you don't say?
In HotS the individuals would be last hitting during a major objective and wondering why their team is unhappy they had to fight 4v5. And I say that as HotS being the simpler of the three in most mechanics.
Aeon of Strife was a Starcraft custom map. The fucking name refers to some Protoss lore shit for fuck's sake.
Hots if you dont care for laning and farming. Actual team fighting is IMO the best in Hots, and a lot more complez than people who dont play it think
>Everyone chilling about the kirks of each moba listed
>Suddenly dotards come in to trash talk all the other games
Oh, I agree with you. It was posted as a response to a guy saying that:
>Dota doesn't really require reactions because every spell has a long start-up or cast time so it's easier to read. An 8 year old could do well in Dota if they coordinate with their team, but that's also harder to do.
Pointing out that there is more to it, and that not only only was he wrong in his assumption that "an 8 year old could do well" by pointing out that even seasoned pro players of the very game he praises as harder and more difficult because it is faster are getting absolutely shit on by random no-name enemies. According to his post, they would have crushed the enemy, but they did not.
Smite needed more /34/
HotS because it's the closest thing to Dawngate we'll ever get
Right now I'm happy with the variety of the games in genre. There's League that is a one size fits all, Doto for the tryhards or genre purists, Smite and Paragon who like the 3rd person aspect, HotS for the ones that just like teamfighting all the time, and more eventually
>dota pros
lmao those guy are literal who's
Dota 2 is the most balanced and has the highest skill cap. On the other hand you need to spend all your free time playing it if you ever want to git gud.
HotS has the most maps I believe, one better than the other and some very badly designed ones like Isis Lasers. Healers being a must have and lack of utility supports in a MOBA is really bad for a game, and it shows especially in HotS. If you have played blizzard games before you know some of the characters which is a small bonus.
LoL is a dating tool, girls and girls (male) love it because they don't care about HotS.
Smite is an imbalanced shitfest with more leavers than in any other game in the genre.
Never played Paragon
Battlerite is a lot of fun if you like arena games, but the champ skill designs are repetitive. Counter tied to a blink and i-frame dash on almost every character, same ultimate on 2-3 different characters because the devs are creatively bankrupt. And you must not forget that Stunlock Studios can't balance for shit.
Heroes of the Storm mainly because it removes easy snowballing by focusing a single person.
Second, a big problem with other mobas is how every hero shares the same list of items, and in some cases you even rely on an item to counter a hero.
HotS doesnt have that problem, in HotS what you can do is 100% reliant on your hero choice, you can't just buy bkb to save your ass from that ult, you need to play around them.
And personally I love it because they can't make up heroes, every hero is a preexisting character.
SMITE and Awesomenauts are the only mobas that didn't instantly put me to sleep with boredom.
>they can't make up heroes, every hero is a preexisting character.
dota or HotS if you dont like moba's in which case I'd just suggest battlerite. league if you have shit taste and can tolerate that game's ugly art style.
DotA is the original, that kick-started the whole genre and also retained the RTS gameplay. League didn't even have shift-queueing last time I tried it for fuck's sake.
Also I find it funny when people call DotA casual when even SC2 pros couldn't make it in DotA.
OP here, is awesomenauts still alive? I left playing it around when they added Ted McPain and the goo guy with the sword.
>Isis lasers
>bad map
Its one of the better maps, but a lot of people dislike it because it's more scrappy and a lot more about pushing than fighting. Overall all maps are good for different reasons and the best thing about the game is people have about different opinions on map preferences
The only map I can say is legitimately terrible is hanamura and thankfully blizzard took that map to live in a farm upsrate
I havent played it in a while, but you should not have a problem finding a match.
Hots is the best if you're a casual like me.
League is too cancerous.
Dota is too much time-consuming.
I've never tried smite.
Paragon is ruined.
i hated hots at first when it came out and came back to it recently
now, the moment i realize i have to last hit creeps in those other games makes me just UGH
>Free to play
What? I don't remember that.
Did they make it Free to play since when?
This, and this doesnt just go for this thread, it goes for all what is the objectively best X threads on Sup Forums
holy shit does paragon still exist?
>he doesn't know
Faerie dragons existed before warcraft
It's rampant with hacking
gotta play what you enjoy
Battlerite is one of the most enjoyable MOBAS
>No farming bullshit
>No item bullshit
>Just pure unadulterated arena combat
>Designed so you can win 3v1s and 2v1s if you play your character right
>Every character is viable
>Fast, action packed rounds
It's for people that enjoy playing video games instead of last hitting for 20 minutes.
fairy dragons we're a thing in warcraft 3. so the asset's we're used to make a hero in Dota plus Birghtwing in is wow I think she's chilling in the emerald dreamway
>being this butthurt
Like a year ago I think
>a relatively tame thread discussing mobas
i-is this Sup Forums?
I'd say balance-wise, Battlerite is better than the other games but FUCK the ninja frog.
The only similar ults I can think of are Ashka's and Thorn's though and even then they still work a bit differently.
As a species sure, but not as a character.
>stand still to fire big projectiles
There are like 4 ultis with that concept
Yeah but the projectiles have vastly different properties.
That's just like saying every character is the same because they have a skillshot and an escape.