>can't beat this watery faggot
>can't get past level 2 of Risk of Rain
When did you realize you were bad at video games?
Can't beat this watery faggot
I beat Bloodborne several times but Im not able to kill the second boss in Nioh.
Its just a shitty designed game, based on farming equipment and shitty boss KI
lmao, You just suck
>Its just a shitty designed game, based on farming equipment and shitty boss KI
No, you are just terrible.
Hasn't happened yet
no I dont. Im pretty good at video games, so I have to right to say that Nioh is the worst game design from all "souls" like games
>I'm pretty good at video games
Yet you can't beat one of the easiest bosses because you haven't learned any of the mechanics
Im telling you that Niohs mechanics suck ass.
fucking following you even tho you evaded their attack. great game design
From this post alone, it's pretty clear you're playing it like you would a souls game and that's why you can't beat one of the easier bosses in the game.
For the water boss you should light all the fires in the area if you haven't. And use them to light your weapon.
If you're on the 2nd boss then farming isn't even close to something you need to do yet. Use hit and run and learn dodge timings.
light the 3 fires
use hyottoko masks, they deal like 30% of his health with one use
nioh babbies are so fucking mad if you tell them their game sucks LOL
who do you mean by second boss? Hino-enma or Onryoki? Are you counting the tutorial level?
You're clearly trying to play it exactly like a souls game which is the wrong way to play it. You're bad at video games because you can't adapt to something that's even remotely different than what you're used to.
the vampire lady. shes the worst boss ever designed in a game
Lmao you suck ass. Go back your souls general and enjoy guzzling cum
Why? Because you're not good enough to beat her?
Block more and use the ninjutsu pills against paralysis, they instantly cure it and give you resistance against it for a while
did you ever consider that dodging sideways in her face when all her attacks have wide circular swings was a bad idea? It's not a fucking souls game. block that shit or back the fuck up.
the number one thing that will carry you the most in RoR is to never ever stop moving, at least half of the enemy attacks can be avoided just by moving and/or constantly jumping
I don't reply to posts often and this is probably bait but your fucking terrible at video games if you think Niohs mechanics suck ass. Do what this user said
hinoenma is a great boss though
You are terrible holy shit
there are a lot of things wrong with the game, but 90% of the time on Sup Forums the complaint is "I suck too much to beat hino-enma/onryoki/umi-bozu"
>Umi Bozu
Fire Masks if you just want a surefire easy way to kill him. Spam them.
Otherwise, save up your living weapon on Kato. And make sure you have lit all bonfires to stop the summon spam
>all these souls fags
Play it more like an action game you fucking idiots. You gotta go fast, abuse those skills, and learn when to dodge and when to block and when to parry
Most of the posts are telling him to not play it like a souls game though
People pick up stuff at different speed. Theres no game that should be impossible for you as long as you are not mentally or physically challenged.
Just grind until you achieve victory m8.
>love RTS and strat games
>terrible at them
it hurts bros
you can also light your weapon on fire using the bonfires.
>use hyottoko masks
I forgot about those and just beat him. Time to hit the next wall.
but that's a trap that makes more enemies appear in the last phase
better off using talismans
Not that guy but
>Hino fucks me raw when i first get game on ps4
>I mean like 20+ tries raw
>Eventually just go ninja build and dodge the shit out of her.
>Come back PC release and perfect her first try
Felt like a fucking god. All she is, is a test of reflexes.
>Start getting bored around the shrine level
>Keep hearing about this super badass guy who duels you in a field
>Smash him with a hammer and lose all will to play
I don't get how they made such a boring game out of such a neat idea
I killed him even without all the light the fires gimmicks, but it was an incredibly shitty bossfight. It is a fucking crime to make a cool, indepth combat stystem only to shit on it by introducing a stage hazard boss, althouh I understand a gook folklore game without umibozu would have been lame.
Use another weapon, axes/hammers are fun at first with the heavy hits but then you realise all you are doing is just brute forcing your way through. Spears and odachi are great, tonfa is also fun but is apparently shit lategame