Berserk resumes Dec 22

Text on the top-left reads -- "キャスカの記憶の欠片つなぐ旅いよいよ最後欠片が" (The journey to connect the pieces of Casca's memory -- finally, the last piece)

A post a few hours ago on the Japanese forum 2ch gave the standard news leak of upcoming Young Animal releases, indicating that Berserk would be back 12/22 with a color page or cover (happens from time to time, usually it's just a single color drawing separate from the episode proper). The same guy minutes later posted the image, which is an advertisement in Friday's YA, as proof.

That's all I've got. 12/22 is the second day of winter. Seems Miura wasn't fucking around!

That's cool, I didn't like TLJ neither.

Good news but not Sup Forums.

Are we still in Caskas head?


anime/manga belongs on every board

>"Who's Guts again? I'm going back to Griffith"

fuck off

who cares, it is just going to be another 9 page filler followed by another hiatus

Thanks for reminding me, Sup Forums


I got banned before by posting HxH game thread.

Super. I wonder how they'll do the eclipse in dreams land

I swear to God please let this continue with less hiatus' in the future. I can't stand the blueballing.

More like a minute to ban evade, bitch

absolute state on nu-Sup Forums


I just don't see how the story can continue after they fix Casca. Guts doesn't even want to kill Griffith anymore I think. They can just spend the rest of their lives safe on this island.

well theyve been getting first person views of what casca sees. so...

Berserk is a national treasure. I’ll fucking kill you if you say such a thing again uncultured nigger

Unless said island is no longer safe and casca gets killed or griffith cucks guts again

That's nice, post it on Sup Forums you faggot.

That's a really good point

Meme anime.

berserk is Sup Forumscore fuck off newfag

imagine if Griffith flys across midland and the sea just to cuck guts again and then he just leaves back to Falconia

>going on hiatus
Miura should be more like based Araki. He didn't even go on his generally scheduled one month hiatus this year.

Araki is a robot.

That's because Araki is literally an autist, there's a reason why Rohan, his self insert, survives Made in Heaven simply because "lol he was so busy drawing he didn't notice it".


