can't believe anti-indian racism is so accepted now
Can't believe anti-indian racism is so accepted now
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing is going to really chance.
Now go ahead and call me a Verizon or Comcast shill. Or post your Netflix infograph while forgetting they have throttled their own website before.
it's only blacks and muslims you're not allowed to be "racist" towards
>TFW live in Liberal shithole known as Ontario.
>Even most leftest people I know hate the Chinese
Not that they don't deserve it.
Did you even watch the video?
How is that pic racist?
Right, telecom companies spent years giving hundreds of millions of dollars to lobbyists because they have no plans to monetize the fuck out of the internet. Fucking retard, probably voted for Trump.
Is this where we pretend that ISPs weren't pushing stupid data caps while net neutrality was a thing?
meanwhile in reality
net neutrality was just internet communism- that's why only redditors are angry it's going away
>How is that pic racist?
>Indians shit in the street
>guy starts citing Vice
Has Vice ever written a truthful article?
>Did you even watch the video?
Yeah I've seen tons of videos on the subject. Here have another one.
If you guys really are americans and not paid russian shills I won't even feel bad for you when you have to pay 59.99 a month for your "premium gamer fast lane" for a shitty 10mbps connection
Atleast make an effort to provide an explanation you dumb Luigiposter.
>gamer specific ISP packages will be rolled out!
>comcast has had blast and xtreme specifically game oriented packages for years already and they are cheaper than normal subscriptions
These people are retarded, right?
>repealing NN is good for the consumer!
If that's true why didn't the ISP companies pay politicians to make sure it didn't get repealed?
And I'll see you when nothing happens in a year and faggots and redditors keep trying to push the internet rate packages meme.
stay mad commie nigger
>Implying I care about the subject matter or am saying the subject matter itself isn't true and not just shitting Vice "news"
Дoлбoeб, чтoли?
Competition wouldn't really make the a good option.
Why did they spend millions of dollars lobbying to have this legislation repealed if they don't intend to do anything with it?
Only retards think leftists cant be racist go read el che opinion on black people.
>Net Neutrality was issued in 2015
>russian shills
hello John Oliver.
>when phone companies privately own all the infrastructure so you try and found your own country with your own but get invaded and killed by the US government
ISPs have blocked and throttled companies to destroy competition before. They will do it again. Although i do agree it won't have too much of an effect on most people and gaming. Blown way the fuck out of proportion.
>If that's true why didn't the ISP companies pay politicians to make sure it didn't get repealed?
Some lobbyists DID pour in money to KEEP net neutrality
>My tribe did it so there's no way it could be a bad thing wah!
No more burguers on games???
the ftc still regulates that portion of the net. ISPs will be punished with antitrust rules when necessary
This. I don't really understand what all the activism is for, as the US already has supremely shitty internet. What are you even trying to save?
Pic related is what ~$12/mo gets you in (the developed parts of) europe. No data cap.
Is this the thread where we pretend isp companies weren't doing anti consumer shit back then?
Russia has a smaller economy than Italy and an badly outdated low morale joke conscript army. I'm more afraid of being invaded by America at the moment.
They want what's better for their consumers, you nitiwt
This is literally just leftist fear-mongering.
It's brilliant, honestly, one of the most effective pieces of propaganda ever. They have everyone thinking Netflix is going to magically cost $80 a month and internet speeds are going to be cut in half just because a law that's only existed since 2014 is going away.
Net Neutrality niggers are seriously the dumbest apes on the fucking planet. It's going to be hilarious when half a year from now, nothing has changed, and all the simpletons and redditors act like this never happened.
>being this naive
>No more Americans on the Internet
Based Trump.
Yes, super bunny hop, a known liberal shill who makes awful videos about video games, is who you should listen to regarding politics
>mfw Sup Forumsfags actually defended this guy just to have an opinion different from leftists even though people from the right shared that same opinion
>over 60% of americans only have a choice between 2 ISP's
Is this the thread where we forget everytime they tried something like this there was a large outrage and they stopped?
Because god forbid the FCC do anything other then lose lawsuit after lawsuit.
>russian shill
Are you still here from the Hillary Russian hacker shilling?
They're either shills or American teenagers who don't know better.
Telecoms would wait a number of years, since everyone is watching them at the moment, THEN start trickling in shit.
However, this will likely not hold; NN will more than likely be reinstated. It's massively unpopular to repeal across party lines among voters.
So, how long do I have before my internet bill starts shooting up?
Why do all of you guys not remember how this will LITERALLY change nothing. The Court of DC already claimed that the laws they passed against ISP weren't allowed and un lawful anyways. These things haven't been in affect since 2015.
All conservative media/comments I've seen just say that they're happy NN is gone if only because Liberals hate it.
I'm jealous.
...large outrage that resulted in NN
>muh competition and free market
If google of all companies got tied up in legal shit with other isp companies over their fios thing, what sort of competition could there possibly be? Especially if you're not already one of the big boys.
It is going to lower.
this guy's a fucking idiot literally EC tier lol
Well data caps have nothing to do with it. In fact, they could decide to charge you ten dollars for every gig used and that's perfectly legal. Also far more neutral, but no one actually wants that. People seem to forget that they weren't actually "sticking it to" the ISPs, since the ISPs absolutely will get the money from the consumer one way or another. Net Neutrality was really a matter of corporate interest vs corporate interest, and deciding which corporations should have leverage over another. Consumers pay one corporation or the other regardless.
It didn't even help with the "neutrality" people wanted, since it didn't prevent companies like Netflix from simply paying ISPs to attach to them directly and bypass the backbone in ways that startups couldn't afford. It didn't stop ISPs from implementing stricter bandwidth caps and then rolling out their own streaming services that didn't count against their customers quota. It didn't do much of anything really, except give the FCC a bunch of power it was never intended to have and didn't even bother to use and cause ISPs to go into sinking ship mode where they did nothing but gouge for profits for years and plummeted actual investment into infrastructure and growth since they had no idea when the FCC would just kick in the door and take over.
>Ignoring this entire thread
He doesn't remember because he's an underage cunt.
why wont liberals just have some introspection for once and understand why everyone hates them so much?
Can someone give me one good reason why I should subsidize your Netflix use with my internet bill if I don't use it myself?
>muh streaming is in jeapordy
>muh lifestyle and job in danger
Imagine being some loser who watches other people play. Also imagine being a loser who plays games for a living because he has no decent real world world skills.
>I always knew what I wanted to be when I grew up
>It was a literal who making video game youtube videos
>lose lawsuit after lawsuit.
lol they were already doing that before 2015. That's why NN was created.
and what makes you think that?
Depends on your ISP, it could even go down depending on your Internet usage
>getting fucked in the ass by your corporate master because you want to be different from the left
pol/thedonald is the most cucked board on Sup Forums
Fuck off, Salzor
Sup Forums and comcast said so
>don't have to provide access to every single website for the same amount of bandwidth anymore
>suddenly boutique ISPs become a real possibility
even a brainlet can see this
>triggered libs resort to racist cartoons once they're pushed to tears
Who would've known, leftists are actually the racist ones
All leftists can do nowadays is fear-monger because everything they believe is bad for society. Liberals literally thought trump was going to bring back slavery and arrest gays. Some were even sent into deep depression because they believed all the leftist lies.
>Land of the free
>"lol, look at this loser wanting to be FREE and not serve burgers to kids all day erry day"
>gets shot
but Sup Forums told me only netflix and google would pay more, not the consumers. Which is it?
Everyone will just switch user, just ignore the fact that areas with only two providers blantly don't compete. Canucks stuck between Bell and Rogers totally get good deals from all that healthy competition.
>unironically thinking that russia is shilling for anything
it was a fucking meme to make it look like trump "stole" the election you retard
its a common knowledge that nothing of the sorts ever happened.
>ISPs throttle the fuck out of each others legal streaming services to drive up competition
>pirate master race is unaffected, as always
Feels good to not be retarded
>get bled for all their worth in court fees by a big isp who doesn't want start ups happening
even a brainlet can see this
Most of the people here are either asshurt Eurofags and other non americans who have no idea how America works. Just sit back and mock them time will show that we were right all along.
>people work together to provide a service
>waaaaaah why can't I have what they made for free?
Honestly curious, is it impossible for people to start their own isps that are better than the other isps? There's laws that prevent companies from being anti competitive and like giving away free internet for a month until start ups die right?
>Old internet
>barely anyone using it, edge case of gamers downloading 330Mb games and playing Quake 3 and CS 1.6
>Nu Internet
>Literally everyone is using it, literally everyone is streaming 1080p audio-video 24/7, gamers have increased tenfold and are now downloading 20Gb patches and 100Gb games daily
The internet should be more expensive. Data usage has fucking sky-rocketed.
I will be amused when everyone who cut cable to save money because they're so much smarter have astronomical internet bills due to using data for literally everything
That goes against the spirit of the free market, you fucking retard.
>what do you do for a living
>I-I play games!
>no you guys, this is good. this will drive competition so it's good for us
>ignoring areas where there's only 1 or 2 isp companies
Hello, I'm an Italian fag, I don't understand shit about this, so answer me:
Is Net Nutrality GOOD or BAD ?
bad bait. shilling happens by any major group. US does it. Russia does it.
>is it impossible for people to start their own isps that are better than the other isps?
You cant make a new ISP. The massive amount of legal red tape is so much that even Google failed to pass.
I don't know why demos and libs are complaining. The only way they'll win midterms is if the young actually come out and vote, and if you fuck with what they personally enjoy they'll come out in droves, every time. Right-wing people really better hope and pray nothing actually changes or their 15 years of work taking over every branch will go up in smoke.
t. Independent that's seen this happen twice before
>they had no idea when the FCC would just kick in the door and take over.
I guess the plans changed last year.
And the running costs have sunk through the floor.
Net Neutrality would do nothing to address that issue, you fucking dunce.
Be sure to tell that to comcast when they sue an isp start up.
Good. Google "ISP lawsuits USA" and see the shitshow trumptards want to go back to.
>sexualizing Akko
>Net Neutrality neuters online gaming by ISP's imposing "gamer packages" for higher streaming speeds
>Multiplayer games ultimately become too expensive for some people
>Those people start playing more singleplayer games
>The singleplayer audience/genre flourishes over the sudden demand
Finally, the "ITS GOTTA HAVE MULTIPLAYER" meme is over.
it will gradually happen.
i don't know why people think that their ISP are going to go balls out immediately now that NN is repealed.
People are still outraged and it is fresh in their minds.
>get $200 billion to upgrade network to handle increasing traffic
>do nothing
>bitch you can't handle increasing traffic
>get the government to allow you to just fuck over your costumers instead
a neutral internet means everybody has the same pontetial access to the Net.
judge by yourself
>it's only the USA guys
European companies are already lobbying against net neutrality laws because american giants are now in unfair competition against them.
data caps and net neutrality are unrelated
the left really pushed the disinfo hard huh
>ever winning again
my sides