Dokifags BTFO
Good. Now if only it had killed video games
literally who vlog
At the very least DDLC killed visual novels.
Doki Doki Culture is not Japanese.
Literally who's opinion matters why?
>not knowing /ourguy/
>When I first discovered I was about to play some vidya made by a guy who looked like he was cosplaying the contents of a McDonald’s fryer, I should have known what I was getting into.
>unironically using tumblr to describe something
Go shill somewhere else you try hard
What am I reading? A shitty troll?
Goddamn, haven't been to this motherucker's site for years now. Always thought the dude was a cool guy. Could say my cynicism actually came from him when i was younger.
How can a shitty western VN with this writing and shit art kill anything other than good taste
Reading this cancer almost gave me an anxiety attack. Is that guy serious or is it just satire? He'd be the ultimate incarnation of Sup Forums-tier shitposting.
>tfw you realize that the underage meme isn't a meme
Literally who tho
>literal who
>ddlc related to anime
>eceleb garbage
Why would a user of the "Sup Forums - VIDEOGAMES" (emphasis mine) imageboard know a figure from fansub scene
Ain't even funny.
>implying I follow any kind of social media, ecelebs, or anyone of any kind
Fucking casual
DDLC was honestly such garbage. That's a meme review, but he's not really wrong about it being utter trash.
I can't believe such an intellectually lazy game like DDLC even got popular. It's so fucking tasteless and banal, and that's when it isn't being incredibly boring. Trash game.
If only. They should stay in Japan, not get tainted by you subhuman EOPs.
Your post is a meme review.
I am against mass spreading of cancer so yes, I do agree on that they should have stayed.
>If you don't remember or recognize some guy in his 30's with the tag Dark_Sage you're underage
Literally who?
wow what an educated and completely unbiased guy
stopped reading there
Sup Forums - e-celebs and blogs.
pretty sure dark_sage did more to kill anime than ddlc
or is that the joke here
Anime was never "alive."
It was always just the "oooh, shiney!" of videogames, often used because the videogame doesn't have another tangible value.
>Guys one thing did a thing that means only that can do that thing and nobody else can ever do it again
This. But unironically.
>anime isn't mainstream anymore
i fucking wish
24 yo. Literally who is that?
Who the fuck plays western visual novels? Jesus Christ
>visual novels
What does it being western have to do with its quality?
ironic weebs
Compelling argument. They'd like you over there at reddit just as much as me.
Fuck off, nigger.
/jp/ gigaNEETs
When will the faggots who like spam threads about it fuck off to /vg/?
this but unironically
>weebs this mad that a western dev made the best VN in the last five years
oldfag here
fuck you and fuck you're e-celebs
Why are PC weebs exclusively nu-weebs and ironic weebs?
>he doesn't play real VNs instead
/jp/ would never EVER touch a western visual novel
>posts the literal most godawful shit that has disgraced visual novels in years
oldfag here. i remeber that name. but the only thing i remember is that i don't like him.
that's about how relevant this shitter is.
S;G0 was a mistake
/jp/ cared more about crippled girls than Sup Forums did
no, i'm just not a soyboy that watches fucking gooktoons and/or cares what other soyboys have to say about them.
one visual novel that made me cry and introduced best girl Maho can't be bad.
literally the worst vn ever created
>made me cry
>can't be bad
>literally the worst vn ever created
dark_sage is just anime shitpost in human form.
Fuck off /vn/
Katawa Shoujo was unironically a pretty damn good VN.
But honestly that's where my list of "good western VN" fucking ends, too.
>western ironic weeb """VN"""
So what's the difference between ironic weeb and weeb?
>posting about some random retarded who thinks he's hot shit
sjw doing some body shaming now, tsk tsk
Not zone or moot. Literally dont care.
Ironic weeb is worse, because he's JUST the same as a normal weeb, but KNOWS he's acting like a total faggot.
Like ironically wearing ugly clothes. You're still wearing them motherfucker.
Reminder that Sup Forums liked this game until it got popular.
>Reminder that Sup Forums liked this game
Yeah I know nu-Sup Forums is shit
It was always popular
>OP actually calling people newfags for not knowing ecelebs
Fuck this garbage thread
post butts
Sup Forums didn't mind it
Then you faggots spammed threads daily since release, even after you got a general
can I post breats instead?
fate franchise was a mistake
If my favorite porn artist (japanese) liked it, it can't be bad!
why is the hurdle clipping through her waist?
>Trash game
Y-you must be joking right?
>make a free 3 hour long dating sim with a creepypasta plot
>channers and waifufags enjoy it
>its somehow exploded in popularity among ironic weeb clique and now even the big guys like king sewdish cuck
I want to hate it but I just cant. The fanbase is FNAF tier though
sure i guess
Cynicism is not bold, sexy, or clever. Its the cowards way out.
"Ironic" is just codeword for "I like this but I'm actually cool really I am please like me please I only enjoy it ironically". It's like seeing someone play Skyrim for 800 hours and saying that he must really enjoy it, instead of saying 'Yes' he pours out excuses.
Why not both?
Does Sup Forums just hate every game that ends up being good and every one likes? How the fuck would this game kill anime? If anything it saves it from normies thinking all weebs are pillow fuckers and having creep sex dolls.
Ironic weebs are annoying becuase they are insecure to the max. Honest-to-god, I-wish-I-were-born-Japanese barely exist anymore but ironic weebs are so afraid of a stereotype that they become mired in embarassing self-denial
>guy 1 makes video game
>it's absolutely awful
>guy 2 makes video game
>it's really similar to the other game, but improved in every single aspect
i remember this exact same shit with terraria
Why the fuck would anyone on Sup Forums know who D_S is? OP you're such a fucking faggot.
Actually it just reinforces that harder.
Oh, fuck off. I like the game, but this is the most retarded and irritating argument one can make.
So we defined weeb and ironic weeb but can someone describe what a normalfag weeb is to me?
Seriously, is there anyone more pathetic than people who write essays and dissertations on fucking anime?
its like those normalfags who play vns just to make fun of them like all the 1k+ viewer streamers and just say cringe every minute
people who read it