
What's Sup Forums's opinion on the Halo series?


Most favorite FPS series. 5 is the best shooter out there right now but it's sadly locked to the xbone. I would easily buy another copy on PC just for 5's multiplayer because it's so damn good. And I hate paying for XBL; it's bullshit.

baby's first FPS

its so slow paced if you ever played quake, unreal, or even perfect dark. they pulled off vehicles well tho

The original trilogy was pretty good. Probably the best console fps made.
I disliked it's slowness and weapon limit, but that's probably due to it being focused on the console experience.
Dunno which my favourite would be. I liked Halo 3's multiplayer the most, but that's because Halo 1's multiplayer is a mess and Halo 2's was dead when I started playing.
Halo Reach was very good as well and walked the thin red line between adding perks/abilities and keeping the shooter experience bare bones.

Then 343 took over and fucked everything up.

Also Halo 3 ODST was great.

Slow movement isn't necessarily bad.
However I agree that Halo should have been a tad faster.

>he doesn't know about Halo 5 Forge

>music is okay
>needler is cool

>Probably the best console fps made
The Turok series, GE, PD, and Timesplitters are all better.

You need to have a +100 IQ To understand and enjoying all of halo franchise is so complex and marvelous, anyone criticizing it are the same people that buy every call of duty,donate to streamers and contribute to bring normies and cucks to the industry

Halo is the reason CoD sucks too. Get over it, Halo ruined the genre.

I liked the first three, though in retrospect Halo 3 was kind of weak in SP. Reach had it's moments, the rest of the series can be safely ignored.

>Halo ruined the genre.
CS is responsible for most of the mechanics people blame CoD and Halo for.

Why is Halo the reason that CoD sucks?
Halo didn't introduce over the top kill streaks and other bullshit CoD is known for.

Fucking nu/v/. Old Sup Forums hated halo.

(I actually really liked the original trilogy before perks ect)

like what?

Underwhelming at the time, but surprisingly unique and enjoyable in hindsight when compared to the shit that gets shoveled out today.

casualization through shitty slow movement to appeal to a wider audience
less emphasis on skill by adding rng shit
limited weapon selection

What RNG mechanics did CS introduce?

there's a reason quakefags used to make fun of csfags back in the day


I love Halo CE and Halo 3, I enjoyed Halo 2 for what it was, I thought Halo 4's campaign was decent, Halo 5 at least has a good multiplayer, and I can care less about the rest, I can't wait for Halo 6 though.

>Comparing Halo to the unoriginal shitty yearly release

Dude killing people is so funny lmao


>ever good
The fuck out of here CODfag.

single player is so fucking bland and boring unless you are playing co op. bungie also cant tell a story worth a shit because you dont understand what the fuck is going on half the time. love the multiplayer though.

Original CoD and CoD2 were decent.

murrican babbys first fps

timesplitters is overrated, especially the first one.

to be honest timesplitters 1 is like street fighter 1, nobody really gives a shit about it

If you don't take it seriously it's a fun, goofy space adventure. I enjoy them.

the best of shield recovery fps mechanics, plays better on pc, also the magnum in halo is way OP and was an accident

When people say "TP is good" they mean 2 and 3.

>plays better on pc
This is wrong, though


Spraypatterns aren't RNG.
The player just compensated badly for it

overrated as fuck and didnt bring anything new to the genre besides regenerating shields

Even if you memorize the spray patterns there is still randomness within them you have no way of predicting.

I like the multiplayer, but I don't like how it popularized the 2 gun limit and regen bar. I know it's the shields but if you lose your shields in that game you're pretty much fucked.

that shit was shut down and cant be downloaded anymore

absolute shit

bonus round
>wars 2

and the multiplayer has always been awful btw

That could be a sign that Halo 6 may not be coming to Windows 10.

If the FoV was higher than 90 it would feel faster imo.

also showed the necessity of local co-op