Why aren't you playing the most realistic FPS?
Why aren't you playing the most realistic FPS?
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But i am
wait did they actually do a Christmas Truce on Verdun?
Because """realistic""" videogames are for autistic cucks.
This brainlet is really butthurt
>t. chromosome burglar
Not sure about Verdun itself, but there reports and storys of the Germans and French singing together on Christmas and boxing day.
Its a 5 minute map in the rotation, its a nice break from absolutely moping up the shitters in a game where it seems like everyone else has parkinsons.
Woah a news story!
Also >caring what welfare queens play
no i meant in the game Verdun. did they hold some kind of community event where they reenacted it or something?
More like woah, evidence that you're retarded!
>Talking shit about your own nation's military
What a soyboy.
Because I prefer my World War 1 game to be filled with Black People to represent diversity.
>news is factual and nothing more than anecdotal fragments
>putting people on a pedestal simply for the job they decided to do
Found the cuck
cause it's shit
Yeah, last year you wrote letters and threw snowballs and shit at each other.
Was pretty alright
>camp in corner with a bolt action: the game
Yeah i love entire matches of either camping a spawn or being camping a spawn from across the map, so much fun.
I won't do your research for you, faggot. Already posted proof of my argument, now go look for more yourself and fuck off, dicklips.
>Talking shit about the people who fight for your country
You got soylent in your veins, fuccboi. I bet you also think policemen are oppressors.
Realism is the opposite of what I want in a shooter.
>"chase" the ennemy team with the better weapon
Yeah i love entire matches of either camping a spawn or Benny Hill my way with an automatic rifle until it's my turn to die, so much fun.
Yes, it's more fun than camping all day.
Shooting and moving was the most fun thing in RO2 by far.
>Shooting and moving was the most fun thing in RO2 by far.
no, it was playing Commander or using the mortar.
Tannenburg isnt very good.
not enough blacks. this is clearly racist.
Stay a soyboy
>No argument
Hell, that was easy. Then again it's not hard to beat a dumb cuck like you into submission.
>people who fight for your country
>being an israeli
Man, being a Marines isn't what it used to be.
because, not surprisingly, realism isn't very fun, and getting shot from across the map with no idea where the shot came from is boring as fuck after 5 minutes
>game says you're out of bounds and magically kills you if you try to advance when you've got a perfect opportunity to and forces you to retreat to avoid the game auto-killing you when you can defend your position just fine
Verdun fucking sucks, if you want a better "realistic" shooter play Red Orchestra 2.