Secret Hitler

Early morning Hitler elections. rage

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Haven't you learned by now that Sup Forums can't stand blind games because everyone on Sup Forums is an attention whore? I'm fine with a blind game too, for the record, but no one ever joins them. I wish they did so that this would be less of a circlejerk. rage


Come on in fags, we're four away.


TWO MORE rage, two more

join fags

>Electing fascist policies

When will they learn?

What's looping?

1-2 2-3 3-1 4-2 etc

idea is to keep fash from playing

Looping is a concept that TRUMP5EVER came up with. You keep as many liberals in government as much as possible. 12, 23, 31, 42, 51, and so on, freezing out any conflicts.

Do I have to make an account for this shit?

It's just username and password, no email, no info.

what the fuck is the password

standard pass

>Play as Chad
>Get first seat
>Spawn as Hitler
>Win the game

try not to leave

I want to shove a goddamn rake up your unholy anus and make it shit a fury of blood the likes of which have never been witnessed on this faggot earth before

Maybe you'll win next time, champ :^)

Reminder it was beaten by Chad Hitlers such as Platy and Baby

>Play as Chad
>Get first seat TWICE, because that's your fucking seat
>Spawn as a lib
>Become President
>Win the game

wtf can't make a game with a name?!


>the absolute state of 8 that game

Refresh, sometimes the site bugs out.

gedding fags loss

>tfw the fad has passed and the only people left are obnoxious attention whores
It was fun while it lasted

Two more fags.

this is such a shit game again


Fucking 2/3 threw the game early on

>2 and 3 passing R when both libs
>2 says RBB while 3 says RR
Either one or both of you are retards.
No wonder fascists won.

That last game was awful, fairy either fucked up or gamethrew.

Rounds being fun rely on the liberal team correctly reporting basic details like "What cards were you handed less than 5 seconds ago?", unless there's a VERY good reason you're choosing not to.

One such reason is brain hemorrhaging.

>everyone went and suspected 234567
>meanwhile 8 chooses 1 as chancellor and gets the game-winning election

Getting ALL the "fascists" in a row was the problem.

Anyone watch the replay for this?

Private game; no replay.

why is this Sup Forums

>It's Libs lose again because of another brainlet lib

Bullshit game, fuck RNG

Is there a discord?

Don't let it go to RNG then.
Fuck you.

no and fuck you

daily reminder to ban HREEEmperor

Daily reminder to ban HREEEEEEEmperor and his 50 accounts.

>it's Libs lose again because they pull the "if you're a fascist, you'll vote against X"

anyone who does that is a dumbass



Bump for whenever the new room is.


cocaine bump

New room when? rage

>Fascists arguing between one another
>even Hitler joins in
>everyone believes Hitler
Loud Hitler wins games.

Please kill yourself

>Play as Chad
>Fake intense opposition to Hitler's president election and get shot by him
>Argiebar on my team also gets shot from the same play, acceptable losses.
>Give Secret Hitler the legitimacy to be elected chancellor.
>Win the game
>End up winning EVERY GAME I played that someone didn't literally gamethrow in

The chad life chose me

>dude it's a game based on Hitler but you get permabanned if you have the Nazi flag lmao

Reminder that """metas""" like this are the reason that Sup Forums lobbies became cancer after the first 48 hours

There's no meta anymore, people just have fun.

"Meta" is easy to shut down
>Say "Nah fuck that" before the lobby is doing it
>Break out of it mid cycle because "fuck meta"
>Play less shitty as fascists and cast suspicion on other players so people aren't confident in the legitimacy of the loop
>Wait for the inevitable 1/8 chance each time for the loop to pull RRR and then shit on them and confuse all the liberals

Reminder that if there are 4 Fas and 4 "either him or the other guy" situations, you're already only 1 card away from a completed agenda and no one else in the lobby is trusted.

Meta doesn't improve your odds besides making what happened slightly easier to remember (shouldn't matter, I take notes when I play in a notepad file and you ought to be too), so don't worry about whether people are doing it.

pass: rage

get in here!

Pass: rage

Get in here.

The poster above is a fascist

>notepad file
>not using the build in notes

Sorry lads, caught a BSOD

do it for her


Fuck you fascist scum

I play this game in person a lot and it adds so much being able to see someones expression and hear what they say, I feel like this game would be impossible without that

>liberals are always brainlets
Really gets the joggin noggin

>be lib bc
>get neined for presidency
>the neining libs complain after the fasc win