
>Healer class
>Has no heals

What did they mean by this?

She has like one healing skill that drops potions but thats about it, i treat her just like pyra, a dps with an emergency healing

What skills a blade gives you matters what character the blade is on.

It sucks because her design is fantastic and I want to use her, but she just doesn't seem very good. Roc just seems like better wind dps choice thanks to the smash ability and boosting your damage by being an actual ATK class.

Friendly reminder that you can obtain more overdrive protocols by dismissing a 4 rarity common blade with a completed affinity chart.

I still use her, just not as often ever since i’ve got the ice spear chocolate girl as a proper dps character, i might transfer her to Nia once i figure out what to do with her...

>4 rarity common blade

That's a thing? Does their rarity increase as you fill out their affinity chart?

Thanks for the tip also.

She's one of the best Blades, especially with her drop rate increase.

Rarity is the crown under thr blade name. Can't be changed, rarer than rare blades, and get dropped from Legendary cores. Farm them so that you can make meme/minmaxed sets.

Friendly reminder that 4rarity blades are rarer than 5rarity blades and only show up near the end of the game anyway so it's a shit way to grind.

Who's a better tank - Morag or Tora?

I got her for Rex, but I didn't really like using her with him so I put her on Nia and she's really good. Because she's wind you can easily do the chain combo that goes Earth > Fire >Wind.

Tora is a pure tank, Morag is more of a tanky attacker.

Does anyone play Rex as a healer? I've been trying him out with Boreas and Nia and it seems solid.

I use him as a dps/healer
>Pyra/Mythra, Nia, Perun

works for me

>Nim's quest during post-game
>Superboss patrolling the area while a lvl 95 mob stands right on top of an important npc.
Who thought this was a fucking good idea to fucking put them there?

Drop rate increase is nice, but that bonus to enemies weak to her element absolutely shreds through fights.

I use 2 of her type on Nia because directr heals are not needed.

What she does have though is launch. I have Nia set up with break and 2x launch and Morag with break and 2x smash. Both have fast blade switch on all blades (morag has the +damage on blade switch for super crazy threat / dmg) and 9/10 the enemies get smashed with me only needing to topple.

I do the toppling on mythra who I can use to spawn potions at will when on max affinity and spam no cooldown side slash and the AOE that gives minus aggro. This gets disturbed only if I miss for some reason but with affinity pouch item this rarely happens.

Mythra is broken good and its nearly always a net negative to leave her. I use Pandoria and Roc as my extras for +str and enough crit to get me to 100% with full affinity on Mythra, this also lets me solo topple/launch/smash for times where it is really needed.

Fun times

Morag as you get far more control over her abilities and her damage is far above what Tora is capable of, which when it comes to the tanks is the only thing that matters as they only die if Rex/Nia dies.

Maybe he should've tried reading those books instead of punching right through them

Tora as a strict tank, but I prefer Morag so long as you pilot her.
Late game you can get away with using both as tanks and having Rex on offense and heal duty by just spamming anchor shot.

How do I get good blades for Nia

I took all her blades off except her default Dromarch cat dude because she keeps switching to a non-healer DPS type blade in combat, doing absolute dick all for damage and dying.

I want to find her another blade so I can do more combo chains but I keep getting DPS blades. Is there a trick?

Vess via quest and roll one of the dozen healer blades

Talking to that Phonex took all of the sneaking prowess honed from avoiding fights in X.

That was one hell of a surprise to see there.

Keep all overdrives for her unless its too late. In fact all the core crystals should be used on her as Morag has easy access to guaranteed tank blades, Zeke is useless compared to Rex and Rex can use any blade from like ch7.

>Tfw learned to abuse Shadowrunner in X so I never really had to learn to sneak

All your cores should go to Nia. Morag's best 2 blades are story locked, Zeke is average compared to Rex, Tora can only use Poppi and Rex gets enough fucking story blades himself the greedy fucker.
Just throw all the generic cores on Nia until you get Daliah or Boreas.

Zeke is fine so long as you take Pandy away from him.
Rex+Morag+Zeke is a pretty solid team once you get Blade Nia

I put her on Nia and never looked back. She's great on Nia

>Zeke is average
Zeke can literally solo every post game boss.

Boreas is better on Nia, especially when she's AI driven.

No neutering Rex just to use a sub par blade!
I mean, its viable in the fact that it works but removing Nia (who is the only NPC to walk over potions) is pointless as none of the others can have damage that makes up for losing it.

In any set up that you want to kill super bosses with rex should be doing like 90% or more of the groups damage so the others should be bought for their utility.

But like, the game is pretty free and you can get away with whatever really I am just autistic about breaking games like this as much as possible and getting the most out of a team.

I have titty rabbit on Nia so i'm good

>Get to the Praetorium
>Little ref girl makes choir, which pretty much sets you up for life
>Is getting stalked by another ref girl who so butthurt about not making it that she hired some mercs to kill her so she can take the spot
Well ok then.

I was happy since that quest ended on a sorta good conclusion with the pissed girl making amends, but then I remember that you just had to beat the everloving crap out of two random mercs to reach that point.

Do longer merc missions give better affinity chart rewards, or is it better to spam shorter ones?


this is Nia. say something nice about her

>cucking pandy for this cute nerd
No better feeling.

puffy vulva

>Use a literature pouch item
>"Oh I love books! How did you know?"

>has no nipples

into the trash it goes

Actually the line is "You knew I liked books? How could you tell?" and I choose to believe she's saying it facetiously

But blades do have nipples and presumably vaginas.
Considering its commonplace for people to fuck their blades according to Rex's mother figure.

how do you fuck a girl whose body is incomplete?

Two of the four rares I got on her were Boreas and Ursula. She's been doing great with them.
So great I'll probably just give Vess to Rex so he has a backup healer blade.

I mean, she still has a mouth.

Well shit, I guess that's the problem with 3+
hour pouch items. I don't hear the lines enough.
She strikes me as the type not to use sarcasm so I don't see it being facetious. She just wouldn't be thinking about how being made up of pages and having a giant book chained to your back makes it seem you like books.

Well, she is extremely honest and outspoken, almost to a fault. I think that's part of why I love her so much,

>Nia's english voice bothers me too much
>don't get any of the non subbed dialogue when playing in japanese
wat do bros

high cut leotard

Yeah I use Rex as a healer. Using Redemption with Nia and Anchor Shot with Pyra/Mythra pretty much ensures my team never dies.

You can just swap to Nia and use any special and full heal your team.

I mean you can do the same thing with Ursula too

>pure tank
Poppi is the worst tank though

Adenine was my first blade. She cuts and that's good enough.



nia's japanese voice is atrocious though.

I thought her level 3 Special was the only one that healed? Well shit I guess I'm just not paying enough attention.

>He doesn't like kansai delinquent accents
End yourself

You're right, lvl 1 only heals yourself, lvl 2 has chances of dropping HP potions

Ohhh shit, right. I guess I never realised. Thanks man. Also is Ursula in the gacha or is it part of a quest?


Shit. Aight, thanks man

Gacha and shes broken as shit though has bar none of the worst affinity gain in the game.
She has a big heal whenever you blade switch to her.

>two pieces of fanart for adenine in the whole world, one of them unfinished

Give it time Book-chan will see her day