2017 Vidya Gaem Awards: Less Than 1 Week For Nominations


Nominations are open. Please submit any game you feel is worthy of being voted on in any category listed.


>category ordering sorted to make more sense
>several awards renamed
>2 meme awards removed
>1 unfunny meme award added

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm done, nominated something into almost every category.

I don't want to vote in your circle jerk. look at the awards and tell me that this shit isn't a large circle jerk.

>NIGGER in all fields

Just like the guy who said he nominated Nier for every category ;_:. I'll take what I can get.

>I don't want to vote in your circle jerk
>Look! These awards are a circle jerk because I didn't nominate anything in them!

I have never seen someone so petrified they aren't even able to tell what games they don't like.

>vidya awards
Little late there buddy. No one cares about this shitty Sup Forums meme anymore

that wasn't me, i nominated normal titles over the span of couple of days

>saw several great award titles suggested in the threads
>check back in after they were updated
>not a single one of them is used and I'm pretty sure only like two were even changed to start with

fucking gay

call me when you actually use some good titles

My bad, sorry for the confusion.

>little late
>nominations close before the year even over
Don't worry, you'd complain if nominations were held in November.

>saw several great award titles suggested in the threads
>check back in after they were updated
>mentions none in this thread

I saw several anons suggesting "Generation Z (or Millenial) Nostalgia Award" for 7th Gen Award and that blows it right the fuck out of the water for starters since it at least has some personality to it.

I'm actually fine with the change to soundtrack award. Good job.

I haven't watched it in at least three years.

Haha epic xD
Finally a game award for us jaded fourchanners!!

how nu r u

Categories shouldn't be tied to game titles.

Nominated Nier and Persona 5 for all positive categories.

Here are some award name suggestions, as submitted.

1 x millennial nostalgia award
1 x Redundant Award
1 x The Gen Z Nostalgia Award
1 x Unregistered Hypercam 2 Award

We're still considering my options for anything that pops out. You can still submit new names for any category you find.


In the past three years, gaming got worse, but perhaps it also got better.

You're right, unless they're several years old and a good representation (e.g: PaRappa The Award, and I will fight you over this). HALL-A is going to be changed soon.

>1 x Unregistered Hypercam 2 Award
that seems like a shit fit for soundtrack

wouldn't it be better off for something like worst aesthetic?

I rated all the awards (but they were all good) and nominated a couple of games.

Keep doing what you're doing. The Sup Forumsidya gaem awards aren't perfect but I unironically think board culture is valuable. The more effort is put into building a coherent sense of board culture the harder it is for newfags to disrupt the posting experience.

Nah, that suggestion was for the best 2007 game.

Couple of spergs in a chat trying to use Sup Forums for their pretend awards again.

>Eroge award is gone

Daily reminder

The Sup Forumsgas are a fucking circle jerk don't fucking support this shit. Report all the threads. Can we just fucking get rid of these? They don't care about our votes or what we actually think about video games. They never cared about what we think about video games.
Also just think back on this year, you really want to vote on that? This year was shit. Video games are shit. Everyday I find myself more and more on /vr/.


Said the namefag.

>>The Sup Forumsgas are a fucking circle jerk
t. namefag

>removing the eroge award

what the fuck are her feet doing there


Disregard that, I suck cocks.

I’ve missed you so much come back to discord

Can you add an option to leave a comment why I think an award is shit?

literally not one good eroge released this year.

A better award would have been for the game with the most fappable fanart/doujins

Then make it "best Hentai RPGmaker game", there were tons of decent ones that rival eroge in quality and some have unique scripted gameplay, not just the generic RPG bits from RPGmaker.

>literally not one good eroge released this year.


>Get the real Sup ForumsGAs off the ground. Don't believe that fucking liar, Lucien!

Give me 5 nominees NOW.

>Hard Mode: No western shit
>European Extreme Difficulty: Has to actually be an eroge

I know you guys know this, but you can still nominate eroge games for any category you see fit.

Post it here. We read each one very closely.




ERoge is probably the only fucking genre worth saving this year and of fucking course that shit award show that pretends to "represent" Sup Forums has cucked us out of the only genre that is truly evolving and producing great works before our very eyes.

The Sup Forumsgas have manipulated us for almost a decade now, they don't give a flying hell's fuck about Sup Forums or what we think about video games. This is just a discords circle jerk.

You ever wonder why they dont make nominations and voting public? That's why. Because they dont care about who voted for what, there is no transparency, all they do is choose at the end (i've listened to the discord conversations where they do this).

Just FUCK 'em. They don't have fucking anything this year. Every year the interest dies a little more.


Does it have to be translated?

>Spend several threads going "haha look guys we have the eroge award, we're listening to you, these awards really are for Sup Forums"
>Quietly remove it and hope no one notices

You've had plenty of nominations given through the site and in every thread. I'll give you the same list I did last time: Meltys Quest, Eiyuu Senki, The Eden of Grisaia, Princess Evangile, Dies Irae, Little Busters, Karakara2, Muv-Luv Alternative, and that's just things with Steam versions.
Outside of Steam both ようこそスケベエルフの森へ and 美少女万華鏡 罪と罰の少女 were notable releases, along with After Service Gangbang Addicts.

Venusblood - BRAVE -

Oh yeah, Libra of the Vampire Princess is another Steam one I keep forgetting.

>2 meme awards removed
>1 unfunny meme award added

which ones?

too many for me to keep track of

Half of that list didn't release this year you fucking imbecile.

I repeat: There has not been a single good eroge released this year.

Jesus Christ dude, you might actually be too much of a weeb for this place.



You do not belong here, this board is not for you, this place is not for the likes of the sorts of scum who think ''weeb'' is ever a negative quality.

These are the people these rigged, normie-tier bullshit awards bring to us every year with their shitty fucking candidates and shilling on r*ddit and twitch.

These are the people who are why they don't make the data public, to HIDE the skewed, disgusting, normalfag fucking fuckers who vote and nominate in it and the favouritism shown to their selections in order to drum up interest higher each year.






you must be gay, but i'm sure there were even some good gay eroge released this year. That's how good this year was.

All of those games either came out this year or had their official English release this year, you dumb cunt.

Eroge was removed, the retarded cryptocurrency thing is the one they added. I'm not sure what the other removed one was.

>>>>>>official releases mattering

lmao, off yourself normie

Every post you make is an inspiration. Thank you, Tvas, for your continued shitposting.

No, but the original game does have to be released this year. If it's an 2017 translation of a 2016 game, it won't be considered.

>Quietly remove it and hope no one notices
>Make a thread, with the original post having the gall to call it a meme award

Spectacular! Though seriously, we will continue discussions on its status as an award. Nominations for it are still saved.

Son, you appear to be quite triggered. Maybe you should retreat to one of your safe spaces for a while.

For once I agree with the paranoid idiot. Official releases do not matter for porn games, especially ones with fantranslations.

Yes, official releases do matter, and that is how the Sup ForumsGAs have counted games as qualifying in the past, you retarded normalfag.

>Spectacular! Though seriously, we will continue discussions on its status as an award. Nominations for it are still saved.
Why did you remove it in the first place?

>No, but the original game does have to be released this year. If it's an 2017 translation of a 2016 game, it won't be considered.
So Persona 5 won't be eligible for this year then, right? After all, it's a 2017 translation of a 2016 game.
Why are you specifically contradicting the simple logic of releases and how the Sup ForumsGAs have always worked just to specifically make excuses to avoid the eroge award?

because official releases do not matter for eroge

Where the fuck did eroge go. It was there just few days ago. wtf

Why not? Give one reason that isn't "because it's a convenient excuse to make it more difficult to provide eligible games for this category that we don't want".

Because they don't matter, especially when most of the ones given official releases this year had existing fantranslations.

Like fuck, if we had a best JAV award would you demand that ones several years old that only recently had subs would be eligible? Or ones that were already subbed by fans but released by a proper publisher for the first time? Or ones that had an existing translation but got retranslated and officially released?

No, of course not, you fucking idiot. That logic makes no sense for fucking porn where everyone pirates it as soon as its available and doesn't give a fuck about the subbed versions unless they're a normalfag redditor.



please be a fucking pasta

>Because they don't matter
You said that, but you didn't justify it.
>especially when most of the ones given official releases this year had existing fantranslations.
Of the games listed in only Eiyuu Senki, MLA, and Little Busters had fan translations. That's three out of 9 releases.
> if we had a best JAV award
What an entirely retarded scenario.

Remember Rance 6? That game that was released back in 2004 and only got officially localised in 2017? Oh right, it got included in last year's Sup ForumsGAs and placed for several awards. Fan translations? So Romancing Saga 2 isn't eligible for this year then, because the SNES version had a fan translation for ages? Never mind that ports of old games are still eligible each year too. And I've already pointed out that allowing Persona 5 to be allowed in this year's Sup ForumsGAs is hypocritical based on the same arguments.

There is zero logic here, there is only you specifically trying to create an excuse as to why eroge should be held to an entirely different standard to other games for no reason whatsoever.

>Remember Rance 6? That game that was released back in 2004 and only got officially localised in 2017? Oh right, it got included in last year's Sup ForumsGAs and placed for several awards.
A mistake.
>Fan translations? So Romancing Saga 2 isn't eligible for this year then, because the SNES version had a fan translation for ages?

And P5 is different because it is not an eroge you fool.

>A mistake.
No, the mistake was it not winning anything.
>And P5 is different because it is not an eroge you fool.
>There is zero logic here, there is only you specifically trying to create an excuse as to why eroge should be held to an entirely different standard to other games for no reason whatsoever.

>muh "games" that make my pipi feel funneh award
Grow up.

*blocks your path*


>offical Sup Forumsga member

how the fuck am i meant to know?
this award is retarded

>user literally too retarded to understand how A can be different to B


I bet you're wondering how it got into this situation.

As hinted in , it had very large nominee overlap with non-eroge categories, and the large amount of Western/non-eroge nominees called into question whether or not an eroge game could actually win, versus some western cocktease stuff.

It's not too late to save it, but there are several other categories that also deserve obliterating and we can't keep all 36.

Localization has always been a case by case basis for nominees. Sega/Atlus games are a great example, because they end up changing a lot of shit, usually removing things, when they localize for the Western audience. If you could have nominated then, you would have nominated it then. It's precisely the reason why Yakuza 0 didn't sweep the 2015 Sup ForumsGAs.

The same idea applies to ports: prototype Star Fox 2 isn't eligible for 2017 (or prior years), but the finished Star Fox 2 on the SNES Classic is eligible.

There is no difference and you still have yet to make a single argument for why there is a difference, you're just saying "eroge should be held to a different standard" while not making any case as to why they should operate on entirely different rules to everything else. I suspect you are one of the Sup ForumsGA devs who doesn't want it to be included.

>As hinted in , it had very large nominee overlap with non-eroge categories
This was already brought up in previous threads and it was naturally argued then that the entire point of having the eroge category was to give those games a chance of being recognised, because eroge competing with non-eroge are not going to get anywhere or stand any chance of winning due to a lack of exposure.
>It's not too late to save it, but there are several other categories that also deserve obliterating and we can't keep all 36.
Yeah, like your dumb shit cryptocurrency award, and the comfiest game award.
>Localization has always been a case by case basis for nominees. Sega/Atlus games are a great example, because they end up changing a lot of shit, usually removing things, when they localize for the Western audience. If you could have nominated then, you would have nominated it then. It's precisely the reason why Yakuza 0 didn't sweep the 2015 Sup ForumsGAs.
>The same idea applies to ports: prototype Star Fox 2 isn't eligible for 2017 (or prior years), but the finished Star Fox 2 on the SNES Classic is eligible.
Why is it a case by case basis? Why is Persona 5 allowed to be eligible, but a 2017 localisation of a 2016 eroge suddenly isn't, just because it's an eroge? You are not justifying this at all.

But fascism is good, every single person of a nation needs to feel and be part of the heartbeat. You probably mean autocracy which Sup Forumsgas kind of fit.

>we can't keep all 36.
Of course you can, you can have 100 if needed. No one's forcing you to make 100 videos, keep some awards on the website and everyon is happy. IT'S THAT EASY

>user too dumb to read my old posts and understand them

gen z is 1997 right?

>user THIS assblasted his shitty porn games aren't getting respected and aren't sweeping the awards

It depends who you ask but it's generally regarded as starting in the mid 90s


>being butthurt over other people's preferences
Grow up.

while normally I'd agree to have so many awards, there is unfortunately a huge drop off in retention during voting and we want to at least get people through the awards that are getting streamed. Also while we won't be making the videos we do have write flavor text for each nominee so there is technically more work.

cryptocurrency award is a mistake, it was added in as a joke by the webmaster who disabled any users from going to disable it. I'm just as pissed about it as you are. For eroge, I want the eroge games to be nominated and recognized but they aren't and its just full of other games people put in as a joke or because they want a certain game to win more awards. Like if we were to keep the eroge category, we would have to remove around 70% of the games nominated because they don't fit. Then comes the question of "do VNs like that have no sex scenes even count?"

If there were too many non-eroge games nominated why not count them out? Would you guys count Persona 5 if it was nominated for best racing game?

Because the actual Eroge nominations are a tiny minority with such a small number of votes each that it's clear the level of interest in them is tiny even now in the nomination process.

I'd prefer if they stayed as well but as of now it seems like the award will just be cut due to a lack of (serious) interest compared to other awards. If more people were submitting serious nominations it'd be a different matter, but some things need to go and right now it looks like one of the better choices for the cut.

So what was the 1997 GOTY, Sup Forums?

>Implying anyone cares about 2007

>For eroge, I want the eroge games to be nominated and recognized but they aren't and its just full of other games people put in as a joke or because they want a certain game to win more awards. Like if we were to keep the eroge category, we would have to remove around 70% of the games nominated because they don't fit.
So fucking do so then, you act like no one has submitted unfitting games to any other category that you need to filter out.
>Then comes the question of "do VNs like that have no sex scenes even count?"
>Does a game without any ero count as an eroge
Obviously not, why do you even need to ask, you retard? It's not the "best visual novel award", and if it was it'd discount every eroge that isn't a VN.

A Sup ForumsGA dev already posted in previous threads that the award had a majority positive rating, what more does it need? The award was always going to have a low degree of notability and interest compared to other awards, and that was always the entire point, to give eroge recognition and representation that they don't have any in other awards.

Symphony of the Night.

Nominated a couple and came up with an award. Good enough for me.

I know it's easier to just post a full list, but would it kill you to divide the Games Released in 2017 into their genres? I always feel like I'm forgetting some game but going through the list as it is is a fucking bitch.

This seems like a decent idea. Just add a "Most Fapped To" award where you just answer honestly about what you spilled the most seed to. Good eroge would have a solid advantage but in off years character designs and quality doujins could pull off a win.

Except that's missing the entire point of having a specific eroge award in the first place. All that would happen is everyone would vote for 2B and Pyra, and they already have the "plot and backstory" award for that.


we all know astolfo/grand order would win

be straight with me lads, is Gravity Rush 2 in the top 5 for ANY category so far?

voting hasn't even happened yet

yeah but i mean is it even getting nominated for stuff or is everyone just forgetting it?

>Yeah, like your dumb shit cryptocurrency award, and the comfiest game award
Good ideas. Cryptocurrency award (joke award) has been disabled.

>but a 2017 localisation of a 2016 eroge suddenly isn't, just because it's an eroge
If the 2016 eroge changed enough naughty scenes for its 2017 Western or re-release to be considered significant, it would be no problem.


CAPTCHA: rance calle

>IP Twist award
>Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Prey
Why does this even exist?

>If the 2016 eroge changed enough naughty scenes for its 2017 Western or re-release to be considered significant, it would be no problem.
That's a fucking retarded metric. A localisation only counts because it removed content? That doesn't make even the slightest bit of sense. Again, you are not giving any logic as to why eroge should be held to different standards to other games.

most of those are valid nominations though
>Mario had an entirely new central mechanic and a pseudo-openworld level design philosophy
>Zelda went truly openworld for the first time and completely reinvented its mechanics
>Prey underwent an entire genre shift as well as taking place in a new universe with a new tone

Porn focuses on the porn, localisation isn't enough to differentiate between original and western release.

Other games do not have that problem and focus on the story.

Please understand.

They're valid, sure, but those are the only ones. It's a category with fuck all eligible games.

I'm asking the Sup ForumsGA dev, not you.
>Porn focuses on the porn, localisation isn't enough to differentiate between original and western release.
>Other games do not have that problem and focus on the story.
You might have a point if it were a nukige award, but it's not, it's an eroge award. Sengoku Rance isn't still discussed to this day because of the high quality sex scenes.

Why is this even a debate? It's really fucking simple, you just count games as being eligible in the year of their original release and the year of their localised release. There's no subjectivity, there's no room for interpretation, it's easy and makes perfect sense. The only reason not to do this is if the organisers want to use subjectivity as an excuse to not include games they don't like.

>t. brainlet

Nice argument faggot.

>That's a fucking retarded metric. A localisation only counts because it removed content?
For Persona 5 and Yakuza 0, that metric seems to apply. However, any release (eroge and noneroge) that is a translation/port from a prior year, that changed, removed, or added gameplay mechanics or content can be considered.

That's a really good point. Perhaps it doesn't have to involve wall to wall nudity, but certainly needs at least some of it.

Somehow MGSV didn't do this and it won awards 3 years in a row. Merely changing the platform or language is not enough to justify a released game's eligibility across two separate years.