When did you realize that you're being slowly faced out by a generation that was raised on Skyrim?
When did you realize that you're being slowly faced out by a generation that was raised on Skyrim?
>everyone is getting older and things change
Great fucking post
Games have always been for kids and manchildren. Normal adults should stop playing games in their early to mid 20s.
>raised on Skyrim
>doesnt realize the current generation has ease of access to almost all digital media in the past decade
>doesnt realize he had a limited childhood compared to what is available today
Oh shit, time goes fast, now almost half a century of digital media
How old were you when Skyrim came out bros?
I was 12
It's fazed you degenerate brainlet
Can’t wait for all the retro game YouTube channels to do entire web series on skyrim
>When did you realize that you're being slowly faced out by a generation that was raised on pong?
>When did you realize that you're being slowly faced out by a generation that was raised on street fighter?
>When did you realize that you're being slowly faced out by a generation that was raised on starcraft?
>When did you realize that you're being slowly faced out by a generation that was raised on half life?
>When did you realize that you're being slowly faced out by a generation that was raised on WoW?
>When did you realize that you're being slowly faced out by a generation that was raised on halo?
Ad infinitum
Sixty seven years later and oblivion is STILL the better game
Fuck, I was 13. It gets scary when you start seeing people younger than you here who aren't underage b&.
I wish I could go back in time to the 90's and stay there forever
Anyone younger than me should die.
If it means Toddlet's will replace wojak posters, I'm good with it.
this tbqhwy
Which one do you like more? From the elder scrolls saga
I was 19.
>Normal adults should stop playing games in their early to mid 20s.
Jesus fuck no, normal people stop playing with toys way before they're 18
I think phone games and opinions formed by LP youtubers are worse boogiemen
I was 13 I remember I was so hyped for it and got a ps3 to play it
I didn't know you could change your name and basic looks so I was just the regular blonde nord template with the name ''Prisoner'' for my first playthrough
>Normal adults should stop playing games in their early to mid 20s.
To be honest, I feel way worse about still being on Sup Forums at the age of 25 than I do playing video games.
Why don't you just leave?
Not sure if serious.
It's nu-Sup Forums, you shouldn't be surprised
>thinking the dumbing down of games is acceptable even when retards can just look shit up on the internet if they get stuck.
Old gamers don't die they simply face away.
I don't know. Might leave soon though. Sup Forums used to be at least somewhat fun, these days it's just boring.
Turn 20 in 5 days.
I’ve made my peace. There’s nothing that can really be done about it, so why bother worrying?
The standards for 'dumbed down' keep changing. The casualizations of yesterday are the norm of today. There's a lot of these things that Sup Forums won't take note of anymore.
you're retarded then
I was on Sup Forums the day it came out and everyone loved it
>hurr durr games have always been in the process of becoming more shit so lets just allow games to get even shittier! XDXXXDDXDXDD!!1!
you are gonna get banned
If he was 12 he is either 19 or turning 19 this month
>raised on Skyrim
>Not mobile, arena shooters and MOBAs
It would be nice if I could have a conversation with a newer generation about Akatosh.
>most people like things that I don't like and I can't handle it
It's not even the generation being raised on casualized games that bothers me, it's that they grow up with microtransactions. You can say "vote with your wallet and just don't buy it bro lmao", and I don't buy them. But too many other people do for it to matter. Looking forward to a future of "games as a service" disgusts me.
>I don't buy them. But too many other people do for it to matter
Why do you think that you should have control over the entire industry
Why the fuck are you here? Go to your mature adult websites if playing a fucking video game bothers you so much.
just end me now
>so lets just allow games to get even shittier
games have become objectively better in the last couple years
I think 13, crazy how its still the newest elder scrolls game not counting ESO.
>I'm browsing with all these children
welp that's what I get for having video games as a hobby I guess
>we used to be the children
>never once admit my age for fear of backlash over too young/new/shit taste
>next generation publicly posts about high school and college shit
Actually true. I'm 20 and I have started to cut vidya because of work and studies. I'll probably switch to Film as a hobby around 24
21, 16 when Oblivion came out and 12 when Morrowind