Is he a hack or is the man onto something?
Thoughts on MatPat's Doki Doki Literature Club video?
Other urls found in this thread:
Other than his speculation on who's what in DDLC's developers new game his collection of information on the fact that there is a new game coming is spot on.
He is a hack who just stole all this info from reddit. Really all he's done here most likely is voicing his video, which is written by an unpaid intern or something.
I liked this video. Fags get on his ass just cause he's popular.
Because he is popular, and an overconfident manchild who can't deal with criticism.
Never post on this board again
Nobody is gonna watch the numale fag your shilling for anyway
Fuck off to your general
He has the worst voice I've ever heard, and his humor is made just for 12 year olds. He might possible be the worst personality on youtube
only lasted 13 sec, what an annoying fuck
Part 1:
>You wont BELIEVE what we found in Doki Doki about the studios next big project, something never seen before that gives so much information
Part 2:
>lol its all shit you've already uncovered, i did actually fucking nothing
>t. backwards ball cap, 30 pounds overweight, slurping monster
Name one (1) more autistic and cringy voiced youtuber than The Game Theorists.
>Watching anything from a faggot who gave the Pope a Steam Undertale code on a piece of paper
He’s a fucking hack, why even ask? All his videos are wrong or shit.
Look up the video "I almost worked for Game Theory" and then check his newest upload. He pays other youtube creators to write and research his videos and lets them go uncredited. Oh and he also makes them post about the new video and that's usually the most you'll get about who the actual writer is
lmao matpat is a gigantic fucking autist, why would you watch any of his "content"?
I really don't understand why people make such a huge deal about this. Of course the pope doesn't play video games, but were the other gifts in any way useful to him either? And the point of the gift is not the content of it, but what it symbolizes and represents. And since matpat represented the gaming community, it would seem logical to gift a game, wouldn't it? And quite specifically a game that has a message of peace.
Make no mistake, I don't like matpat, I in fact kind of resent him, but this meme just triggers my autism.
Why do every eceleb pick Yuri but then refuse to love her? Fucking cowards.
is the game about super mentally ill girls who seem fine at first but become unstable as fuck and suicidal/murdery once you get to know them more and talk to them about shit?
i cant be bothered playing this because it would remind me of the times my ex tried to a murder suicide on me
>And since matpat represented the gaming community,
>the point of the gift is not the content of it, but what it symbolizes and represents
I like him, he seems like a genuinely nice guy and just does these videos for fun anyway
That is one cute doggo.
What the fuck is this
>tfw you don't like MatPat
>tfw when a lot of the criticisms I've had about him, he's actually addressed and gotten better about it. Even joking about it in a regretful way.
He's still a smarmy fuck, but at least he's started to admit when he's been wrong.
How these videos work.
>Matpat makes video.
>His fans go apeshit.
>Fans start throwing around videos like they're canonical facts.
>Creator of original content goes "No, you're way off."
.....yes, and?
You seem to have a skewed idea of a nice guy. The way he talks makes him sound quite arrogant.
Obama got a copy of Witcher 2
no - and its free, go enjoy the twists for yourself but don't join the fanbase.
sorry about your relationship - i hope it doesn't make it difficult for you to trust others, though i imagine it will.
I had an STD scare once with a partner, that's kind of similar in some respects, definitely less brazen but much more common and insidious.
anyway, go play the game for about 4 hours
You made this thread yesterday cuck
>they gave him the worst one
honestly they should've given him the first, I'd like to know what his opinion of Jaques de Aldersburg was
>Why do every eceleb pick Yuri
Because they don't wanna pick the other ones and look like pedophiles. Yuri seems to be the oldest.
I mean, that's your opinion man, we won't really ever know how he really is anyway
For all we know he's drunkard wife beater
Hack as fuck, parades crazy shit around like facts and so do his fans
The first video was literally nothing but padding and the second video asserts a bunch of bullshit, some of which was already proven invalid before the video.
If the DDLC fandom wasn't cancer before he might've just made it unsaveable
>"And ultimately you have to delete Monika's file to get the game's true ending."
lol, no, you don't
The tweest is that the one with the ponytail realizes she's in a game so she learns how to code and makes the other girls become crazy so the player would love her instead of them.
you can move it out the directory but the game wont respond if you move it back
Can someone sum up the video for me so I don't give him a view?
Kill yourself for bringing up this faggot and his shitty videos.
The true ending is the one where you savescum to get every CG, the protag explains it in monika's file
hes a fucking faggot with irritating editing but he really works hard on creating the theories. That's pretty admirable.
Kill yourself Matt, your videos are garbage
Part 1:
he says a bunch of padding to squeeze out the runtime so it's pretty boring. he goes over that one of the special poems you can get is actually the excerpt from PL about elyssa and renier and that's about it. the biggest assertion he makes is that all of the characters in DDLC are assets moved from a horror game into a visual novel.
My thoughts are that shills like you should be perma-banned.
Christ, why is this VN getting driven into the ground? I'm seeing this shit everywhere. It's not like this is the first VN with psycho bitches, there are ones that go way beyond this. Namely the one where the love interest stabs the MC and talks into the screen which I can't remember the name of.
So how does he know that Team Salvato (or whatever it is) is working on another horror game?
Is there any evidence for this besides the 2018 at the end of the letter?
Part 2:
he goes over how to decode each file as according to mithost's reddit post, and then asserts a few things:
-elyssa is the girl in natsuki's file
-the third eye is the trait in portrait of markov that makes one lust for blood
-the passage in monika's character file is written by monika, not the protagonist, and it's talking about her experiences in the game she was in before she was moved into DDLC. he says that whenever this game is released, the player will have an opportunity to warn the DDLC girls about what will happen so the events of DDLC never occur
-the previously-terminated person mentioned on the PL website is Elyssa
-all characters are mildly aware of the third eye, as it's present in natsuki's and yuri's poems as well as in monika's file
-Yuri is Libitina. he backs this up with a few things. first, the fact that Yuri's the only DDLC character in Libitina's age range judging from her date of birth (Yuri's the oldest in DDLC and Libitina would be 17 by 2018). second, libitina's behavours included erratic laughing, vomiting, and self-harm, all of which are traits yuri has. lastly, he brings up a printed on the site's merchandise page where yuri is holding a knife and an eye is depicted on a poster behind her. he also brings up a set of posters where a red ribbon is wrapped threateningly around all the characters. in yuri's poster the ribbon emerges from her heart
-the reason yuri likes PoM so much is because it's her story
-PoM/PL will likely be the next game released by team salvato in 2018
it's pretty mediocre overall, the best thing he did was show everyone how to decode the game's files. a lot of what he asserts has very little backing by concrete facts. he's really good at speaking/editing, it was really well made and he did a great job of narration, but the content is pretty bad
Because it's got ARG elements hinting at a new game to come out next year. Regardless of what you think of the writing or the game itself, there's a lot to speculate on. People love ARGs.
Well thanks for that, appreciate it user
Post the image where after the pope tweeted about vidya being the devil
It didn't have a language barrier since it was english from the start and it's on steam for easy access.
kimi no kanojo to kanojo no koi
in the video where he defends himself he specifically called all the other presents the other e celebs gave to the pope stupid like an ""illegal"" tree or a surfboard pointless even though the church could get the clear coat off get the pope to sign it and re seal it an auction it off for the church for several hundred or give it to a staff members kid, and he has the gall to say a surfboard is worse than a piece of paper that could have been lost 5 minutes after he handed it to the pope
imo ddlc was a direct improvement on kanojo story-wise, both are pretty good metahorror
I haven't played Totono because I can't read Jap, but I'm pretty sure it has more of an emphasis on repeating over and over with slight differences to reinforce its message.
He is a hack, but he's right in this case.
He's always been a hack
>made mediocre to bad videos on FNAF to rake in cash, kept this up with whatever game was popular afterwards
>has several people under him that would be better off solo
>gave the pope a video game that he would never know about
>has a side series where the primary goal is to start bickering between communities
>side channel about film is just as bad
>can't take criticism of any kind
that's just what I can remember, there's more than likely a lot more shit he's pulled.
Is MatPat actually smart or what? He seems very pretentious and often comes off as an asshole.
TwatPat jumping on another bandwagon I see...
He collects information that I saw first during discussions found either here or over on Reddit and then packages it all in a way that's clearly supposed to appeal to young kids. Whether he's right or not I simply cannot stand that style of presentation.
>let me take other people's hard work and make it digestible for 12 year olds
he's actually a genius
Higurashi all over again
>censoring "fuck"
nigga you stupid?
>yuri is no older than the rest of the girls
>the posters with the ribbons are fanart
>yuri's and natsuki's poems aren't about murder, theyre about surgery
>the note in monika's file isn't from monika, it's from the protagonist
>the retard doesn't even go over the most intruiging part of DDLC, why the devs would've made the club president sentient in the first place
>there's no evidence proving that PL was a horror game by team salvato, that DDLC is canonically connected to it, that elyssa is the girl in the photo or the website, etc
Well FNAF money well has dried up.
>He seems very pretentious
And you would be VERY correct with that.
OP here. Very interesting opinions. His assertion that the characters are assets from another game is very bold. I wonder what will come out of that...
nothing you stupid faggot
salvato tweeted out a "monika is fox" to parody matpat's retarded "sans is ness"
>I wonder what will come out of that...
Another video
People eating his shit and he getting away with it
>the creator of DDLC is named Dan
for you
Undertale fanartist was given a cookie with a needle baked into it
>the protag explains it
Oh wow, I didn't see it that way. I was thinking it was Monika.
So what is this VN ironically liked by normalfags even about
normalfags love it bc muh edge/muh gamebreaking
dating sim character realizes they're in a dating sim and attaches to the player because they're the only other real thing. really gud if you don't see the twist coming, pretty mediocre otherwise
Faggot you DO know that he literally asks people to write his ENTIRE SCRIPT for him right?
Search a video named "how I almost worked for game theory" and youll see what I mean
So its like that Yandere VN that knows when you try to load another save or whatever
I'm glad this image exists.
none of that shit would make sense if it was monika, the only character that kind of dialogue would fit with is MC-kun
I thought he at least did some of the research, I know he has like some guys with him but fuck me he could at least care a little.
Even though in OP's vid he straight up says this is all from reddit so his channel basically is "I steal theories/pretend I made them"
This, pretty much.
Matpat even had to get someone else to do the Monika voice and slap explanatory visuals everywhere when he read it because he knew it didn't sound like her.
Dude, it's all right here. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy had to take down his video about writing this script.