When did you realize that nintendo was for manchildren?

When did you realize that nintendo was for manchildren?

Any pokemon game after diamond and pearl

What the fuck

this 6

Report and move on

This guy has been banned 3 times already.

When did you realize that console wars are for manchildren?

Salty fuck. How about laugh and move on.

He is going to come back again.

It's just a test of his personal endurance and however much time he has on his hands to post this

This is getting boring. You can post anything, why post the same shit every day?

And fetish art involving memes isn't?

When I grew out of consoles by playing pokemon Crystal.

t. manchildren

It isn't. It's for children, but some of those children are adult men. That's totally different, you goofball.

After seeing pic related.

Man, If I had a dollar for every time I saw shitty posts like these, I would have a way to quantify visually and also spatially how much garbage I sift through to find enjoyment on this taiwanese pachinko tilting forum, and maybe then I would come to the conclusion that spending time here is not in fact worth it. Anyone willing to start paying me?

this is more accuret
also ps is for faggots

heres some advice

No thanks I don't want to become bankrupt

Somebody drew this picture.

>play switch on plane
>plane turn
>switch fly out the window
thanks nintendo


I always reported shitposts and the only ones who get banned are the most obvious ones. Moderators literally ignore any shitpost as long as it doesn't go against what they like. Fuck off, now I support shitposters too.

When Sonyfags spammed a boring meme for months to prove they're manchildren... oh wait


Where's the pasta, John?

This is the best thread on Sup Forums. That pciture is amazing


This joke has been made on multiple occasions, how is it blowing up again

Oh hey it's you
Another example I was going to add before the thread got nuked was the bedbug. Male bedbugs have spiked syringe dicks that they stab anywhere in the abdomen of the female and inseminate them.
This bitch would NEVER do that because that's the anti-thesis of her feminist nature shit.

Best post all time. It actually made me get off here for like a week. Maybe I’ll try it again. This place sucks.

After the DS, I think. I loved the DS, but it was all downhill after that. Then when I saw people start to argue so vehemently about how ALL games were for children, or that Nintendo games somehow transcended age brackets, it was the final nail in the coffin. They doth protest too much, you know?

Wait, that's how you do it? I thought they said a pea sized amount would do?

I'm surprised they haven't died out with horrible reproductive mechanics like that

>when u realize sony is the only company who is on the demise

its pretty sad man

>Best post all time.
It's certainly a contender.

naw dude, you gotta use he whole thing up. Its better if the paste gets smeared all over the mobo. It conducts electricity faster that way

Wow thanks for telling me I wasn't having fun I never knew!! This whole time! Wow..