Why the FUCK isn't Sup Forums talking about this gem? Do you hate fun?
Why the FUCK isn't Sup Forums talking about this gem? Do you hate fun?
>microsoft store
>xbox whatever
Release outside those and we can talk
From what people have been saying, the basic gameplay loop is fine but there's currently nothing to achieve in the game.
It looks like shit.
fuck off, shill. this shit looks mediocre at best.
How do i get into alpha and for how long is it?
It's on PC is it not?
The game's water is the best looking water in a videogame.
It's under NDA, anyone playing it is legally not allowed to talk about it.
It's like Rare looked at there past portfolio and decided to take inspiration from their Kinect games.
wow, i need 10 copies now
>Modern RARE.
>game about literally nothing
I bet you are a "muh comfy" brainlet too
>Windows 10 store
That worked out so well for Gigantic.
>No man's sky but on water and extra autismo
I'll pass
Funniest post I've seen all day.
Remember that Games For Windows Live thing that was a total failure? The Windows 10 store is worse, not better.
Because it looks shallow and repetitive, and like it will get boring in a day.
Every non-triple A game nowadays comes out like that, completely unfinished and unorganized.
Oh, it's you
What a jaded bunch of cunts you are
If the alpha is any indication of the final quality the game will be great
I agree about everything said about Windows 10/Windows Store though
No xbox 4me
I would be playing it right now if they didn't fuck up this version of the alpha. I can't get push to talk to work so I probably won't be playing this one. The last one I played was pretty fun though
>buy game
>play it
We're allowed to talk about it. Just not post footage of it
I don't like using it, but I will use it if it's my only option, like with Forza.
Is there a beta up or something? why should we talk about it? there's nothing new to discuss
yes there is you amerimutt
There's a new alpha up that added in a bunch more stuff.
Did it add anything more than
>get chest
>turn it in
It's gotta have something. I don't think I'd have played Guns of Icarus for so long if there weren't so many different ship/gun/tool combos to try out.
It added in different sized ships, non-mic communication for autists, more customization and trade routes so you can take shit to other ports and sell it.
so no?
I'm in the alpha and it's still barebone as fuck, it needs raids and some kind of monster hunt where you kill sea monsters.
>ship customization
>sea creature hunting
>AI ship hunting missions
>bigger map
>weapon variety
>swinging on ropes to get off the ship
>more players per server
>way to form crew in-game instead of leaving for matchmaking