Worth buying? i like zombies and fun

Worth buying? i like zombies and fun

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>i like zombies and fun
consider this instead then

get off the record best one in my opinion

It's not fun at all.
Play the first Dead Rising instead, it was re-released on Steam, PS4, and Xbone last year.

No. It's the worst game in the series bar none.

i guess i will get this one since its $7 on ps store

no it has to be 3 that was the worst

Good choice, user.

It's even shittier than 3

3 was decent but I have a newfound appreciation for it after playing the absolute garbage that was 4.

It's fun if all you care about is killing stuff for a while.

>playing this with Sims buy menu music
It was perfect.

Yep, it's pretty great. I'm glad they finally got rid of the time limit, too.

4 makes 3 look like GOTY material

>I'm glad they finally got rid of the time limit, too.
Pleb opinion detected.

Just play the first game.

I'm playing through it again now and it holds up surprisingly well. Way more fun than 2 or 3. Only gripe is no moving while shooting.

just a fair warning, unless you've mastered the game and played it before, you will probably run out of time to do the main story line. this is ok, you are expected to restart the story. you will keep your levels and upgrades upon restarts so the game will get easier. you are also free to explore the mall if you fail the main story line to study it and find secrets. this game can be very intimidating to some but once you learn the mall's layout and really put together some time management skills in your head it honestly becomes the best zombie survival game ever made. the reason most people hate DR4 is because they casualized and neutered it to the point where it's a massive borefest.

Dont even do the story on your first playthrough. Fuck around and kill zombies and level up

This, new players are going to have to NG+ at least once. Around level 20 may be a good starting point but ideally put it off as long as possible.

Doesn't the game literally tell you this in one of the first tutorial messages? How could casuals be so fucking stupid that they complain about this?

My man.
You're in for a treat for a zombie survival game.

>just a fair warning, unless you've mastered the game and played it before, you will probably run out of time to do the main story line.

I just can't enjoy a game like this man. This is going to sound like trolling but man, the Dead Rising were prefect for me if not for that fucking time limit. I was really glad they took it out in 4. There, there is my unpopular opinion. Too bad it is not as quality as 1.