How's going for you Switch bros?
I'm loving mine, this is easily the best console ever made.
Next year we're getting even more games.
What are you playing? What are you waiting for?
I'm playing Zelda and I'm planning to buy Gungeon on Monday.
Can't wait for NMH and SMT V.
How's going for you Switch bros?
Her feet are terrible.
She was only hot 10 years ago when she played Jesses gf on breaking bad
she's cute as shit
your standards are much too high for a Sup Forumsirgin and a foot fetishist.
I have Zelda which is garbage after you learn the full mechanics and world locations so it turns into an absolute slog instead of the wonderment it first has.
Mario is fantastic. Needs some more difficult DLC challenges or something. Getting certain groups of stars was implemented terribly like Toadette and purchasing.
Namco Museum is rad because I can finally play portable Dig Dug in a vertical orientation. It's a waste of money if you don't like improving at arcade games.
There are no upcoming games I'm looking forward to unless they announce something interesting.
She looks like one of those white northern indians.
beautiful desu.
>what are you waiting for?
Animal Crossing
Krysten a cute
Footfags need to be gassed
Seems good for sex desu.
>Chinese quality tablet
>easily the best console ever made.
See you in a year when the easily best console ever made's battery starts failing and it can barely stay on.
OP obviously wanted to talk about that slut, but disguised this thread, I'm waiting for the mods to delete this thread.
Did someone say "northern Indians"?
Proof they're the same person? I'm not buying it.
Discount Christina Ricci
The fact that her arm is still fucking BROWN in the after pic.
As well as the henna tattoo.
and both of them are street shitting degenerates
ain't you ever seen a make-up tutorial on the jew tube?
That's most people on Sup Forums and Sup Forums and pretty much Sup Forums in general.
Uh huh, fuck you.
>this is easily the best console ever made.
My thumb constantly bumps into the right thumbstick when simply pressing the primary buttons. This controller design is worse than the N64
Skin color on the arm, plus you can see a bit more of what looks like the same tattoo.
what the fuck is wrong with her arm
The only difference here is the streets they shit in.
Are you actually retarded?
>dark arms on the right
Shit. It's real.
Prove that north Indians shit in the street, prove it.
I'm waiting.
based retard poster
Whatever you do don't look at pictures of her feet.
Frig off pajeet
This is how I know you that you know fucking nothing about India.
She shouldn't wear glasses because she looks like Michael Jackson in them.
i know their flag is a FUCKIN WAGON WHEEL and they are full of a billion unsanitary, barbaric street shitters
Getting games on your console used to be a given, not a shilling point.
Ahh, when she was growing up she wore garbage shoes she thought made her look pretty. Way too many girls fuck up their feet because they don't want to wear simple runners
I'm pretty sure you think Mexican is a race and that they are all brown too, you're so fucking stupid.
Yes, but that was before 8th gen. Or Sony in 7th gen.
frig off rajesh, south korea isn't north korea either but they are both full of slanty eyed gooks that nobody likes, so what's the difference? some of your street shitters are coffee colored instead of nigger tier? wow good job, you still wipe your fucking ass with your bare hands and live in LITERALLY the DIRTIEST, MOST UNSANITARY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.
Nice try faggot, North Indians don't shit in streets.
How about you give me proof, I asked you first.
can't be much worse than her face
Looks like you couldn't find any proof
>with my world view
Yeah go fuck yourself, how about you think about what's going on in the world and the many different cultures besides your own.
Faggot, stay inbred.
>one system selling exlusive
>market is full of multiplats and shovelware
>best console
looks like you were unable to find even a single shred of proof
Collecting dust until Pokemon or Fire Emblem. Zelda was decent but Mario is boring as all hell.
I'm not looking for proof, I asked you first.
Nice strawman by the way.
Why do people follow celebrites on social media? What do they gain out of it?
I can't wait to play Octopath Travelers. It's my most anticipated game of 2018 so far. I hope we get a release date and an actual title soon.
They are too pathetic to have interesting life and so they seek to experience more fun one.
Just like players
>more fun one
>celebrity lifestyles are fun
That's why celebrities and hollywood has a massive drug and suicide problem.
Underage, I tried to have an argument with you but you only send memes.
You already lost.
>not underage
You sure as hell sound like one, kek.
God i hate all Indians
cry more
why are you replying to people that you consider to be underage?
I'm bored, plus I'm half northern Indian so I don't see why not.
>Indians racist against other Indians
This is pathetic, you all equally don't matter
Nothing racist about that image.
>rescue a victim of famine
>give her switch instead of some food
cruelty, I'll say
I hate krysten ritter. Maybe its cause her nose looks like its been chopped off, but she really bothers me.
Since theres clearly some indianbros itt, can someone explain to me why the north hates the south? I had a sikh indian coworker in retail once and he hated all the southern indians because they'd always ask him for deals and shit. He'd call them dogs.
I find her nose to be the cutest part.
It's amazing how marvel tv shows have the best waifus
The Foggy actor really ruined Daredevil for me. He's my only strong negative for season 1. Season 2, even with the on-off Elektra stuff, he really pissed me off.