You lied to me, Sup Forums. This game is actually shit

You lied to me, Sup Forums. This game is actually shit.

>loaded with hitscan enemies with 0ms reaction speeds
>rats and fish that are nearly impossible to hit
>collision issues up the ass, with invisible geometry often cockblocking my bullets
>ammo is so fucking scarce, it's more of a survival horror game than an action game

I got to like the 5th mission before I quit. Doom and Quake are far better than this.




Strangers in the moonlight, exchanging glances


I finished it when I was like 7-8...

>waah I can't just circle strafe to win, what a shit game

Turn down the difficulty if it bothers you that much.

It's a fun game from that era. I don't know why it gets it's dick sucked so hardcore though, it's not THAT great. It's good.

the badass action gothic horror theme is enough.

>wah wah im bad
try lowering the difficulty pleb

>lower difficulty
>game gets even harder because bugs
No escaping from Blood, baby.

You sound like DSP

How fucking dare you insult Blood. Go back to your braindead cinematic shooters and stay there, faggot.

fun fact if you crouch the hitscan enemies can't even hit you

You can't

I played this game for the first time last year (and therefore with zero nostalgia). I had a lot of fun with it. Blood is very different from Doom and Quake, but that doesn't make it bad.

>You sound like DSP

Blood's difficulties are just bugged.
If you save and reload it fucks up and the damage enemies do gets bugged. Enemies on the lower difficulties will do WAY more damage to you than they do even on the highest difficulty. Coincidentally, after reloading, enemies on the highest difficulty will deal almost as much damage as enemies on the lowest difficulty (without the bug).

For example, a Zombie on Still Kicking will deal 11 damage per attack before reloading the game, then will deal a WHOPPING 36 DAMAGE after. Compare this to zombies on Well Done who deal 22 damage per attack pre-load and only 12 damage after.

I'm not sure when or if this bug got fixed. I know it's present in at least some versions of the game.

lol git gut

I feel the same with Duke Nukem 3d. Coincidentally its the same engine as Blood.

Doom is just the better game.

No, they still hit you. It's just that they're more likely to miss on their first shots if you crouch.

Source release when

Never. Getting the game, downloading Java, downloading the BloodGDX.jar file, and playing it through that jar file is still the best way to go.

Game's fun, but the maps are boring mazeshit.