>Saber is stated to be the """best""" servant class
>It's the lowest rated of all conventional classes within 5*s alongside Lancer
>OG Saber herself is the lowest tier 5* in general
Justify this.

Other urls found in this thread:


the first "uber rare unit" being less powerful than the new ones is just gachashit being gachashit and powercreep being a thing.

see, when people see a new 5* coming and see that it's less powerful than some old 5* they just will not care. thus, the devs have to pump out a stronger 5*. every. time.
it's why old WoW dungeons are literally worthless when new WoW dungeons from expansions offer waaaay better loot. it's why Dragon ball went from martial arts to destroying planets and 70 stages of super sayan. in controled dosages powercreep might be fun, like the TF2x10 mode, but most often it's a steep downward slope into trash

Okay, but then doesn't that hurt the old limited time servants whenever they have a rerun?
It seems to me that the best thing to do is buff the old servants every so often, or else no one's going to roll for them when they have a rate up.

There's no justifying F/GO.

I've never played or watched anything Fate related, but I find this woman so absolutely sexual I always fap when someone posts her.
Thanks for posting her, user.

I don't think she is in any of the VNs or animated material

isnt this the wrong critism for fgo? launch servants like herc, waver, vlad, orion are still top tier

Saber was garbage since day 1.

that's a way to combat powercreep, yes, to "fight broken with broken", so to say.
but i dont think the whales care about that shit and thus the devs dont care, too.

Saber is still the best girl.

never played it, so half of my post is bullshit i pulled out of my ass while the other half is adapted bullshit from an Extra Credits video on powercreep. sorry.

Merlin was the only powercreep that mattered considering how it affected future content.

Alter maybe

Scat is beyond erotic, that is perfectly understandable.

She's FGO only, so far. Hopefully she'll be put in other material at some point.
Hell, putting her in Extella Link might actually make me consider buying the dam thing.

Well while FGO is still making bank like it is they're unlikely to change anything in their business model. Whether it holds or not remains to be seen, really.

Just for (You) user

Assuming people only get one pull and not have a fou, Saber class is the only one to have nothing less than 3* - its one of the few rules they'e been consistent with. Also going by the logic that archers beat sabers, the only 1 or 2* archer servant right now is Arash, who kills himself whenever he uses his noble phantasm.

OG Saber's kit has the problem of being one of, if not the first, servant made and trying to shoehorn her into a jack-of-all-master-of-none skillset - she generates crit stars, pumps up her buster, gives a reliable party attack buff, and her 5 cards can help keep up a chain so long as the team isn't a Quick team. She can even buster chain with her own NP, which a lot of servants seem to lack. She just straight sucks at excelling at anything, even at being a toolkit support when Waver exists, and compared to other sabers of her level.

If there's anything FGO has taught, its that Shiro should've had a super soaker stuffed up his ass alongside Avalon

I'm so glad I was never trapped in mobage shit.

It's a shame tho, because I usually like the usual gacha system, but having to pay real money for it is just shitty gambling for absolutely no reward.

I know next to nothing about the series but Mordred is the best of the Sabers.

So this is A rank instinct....

>but having to pay real money for it
You really don't, though. Plenty of people are F2P and have SSRs regardless.


She's the cutest, arguably


Oh honey no, you don't have a butt.

She's CUTE!

>The thought on all the KotRT's minds is "how was the dirty deed accomplished?"
>Merlin knows very well, hence the grin


>those fucking levels

is it time to bully Mode Red?

I didn't start hand grinding until later on, and Jack and Medea were fresh off the gacha.

Lancer is better than Saber. Lances have the advantage over swords.

>Thinking F/GO matters.
>Using GO as a measurement for servant capability

>Lances have the advantage over swords.
Not in FGO. Not that the advantage triangles make much sense in FGO, but still.

>Thinking F/GO matters.
I'm so sorry.

The rates are absolute garbage, its mitigated by the friend system so one of your 30 or so real life people you will never even have the means of talking to in game will have a servant that's free for you to use forever unless they unfriend you or change up their support lineup. This was pretty crucial early game when everyone but whales had a meh team and anyone doing f2p gets by just fine with this

I wish the game did not crash every time I tried to get passed the title screen.

Not even the weirdest
>Level 90 SSR
>No equipped CE
Some Support set-ups are just bizarre.

the FGO triangle is revisionist propaganda to help the britbongs further oppress the Irish.

Your whole statement about WOW is valid this is due to Blizzard just making the current stuff just matters and not updating the old content, but on gachashit not so much. There is much room to buff older units and newer units.

posting the better red saberface to bully mord

What are you playing on?

>skirt that's transparent in the front and has ass-cleavage in the back reaching up to the middle of her butt

so obscenely lewd but classy.

Upgrade your Android/iOS/pocket calculator/whatever version, I had the same problem and that fixed it.

Red saber a shit.

5 Star servants are useful regardless of how "shit" the tier scale is.

The only servant that broke the game is Merlin for multiple reasons.

try disabling usb debugging if you're on android, thats what killed mine

Arash is a dirty muslim, who portrays the religion well.

>ass-cleavage in the back reaching up to the middle of her butt
I need to see this


ZTE Z981

That is probably it. My phone only has like 2gb of ram.

I don't even know if my phone has that feature.

Fuck off retard

Rin has ass cleavage too.

>That is probably it. My phone only has like 2gb of ram.
I meant upgrade your phone's operating system, not the phone itself.
Although that could also solve the problem, I dunno.

And after seeing them desperately try to work around Merlin in gameplay, I can't see them making another Merlin again.

The summer version of Nero almost did to, they only had to make her NP a single target one to see her get first place for attackers. Even right now her AoE NP hits more than a lot of single target ones, especially with Merlin on her ass.

I only come into Fate threads for the porn.

that's true for pretty much 70% of people

garbage series but cute grills

My love for you is like a truck.

>>Thinking F/GO matters.

I'm sorry but its time to move on from Type Moon.

It's not about moving on or not, it's called not being a blind fanboy and carefully picking what you're going to watch or play.
The only good Fate related things so far have been Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero. I'll be giving the Extra anime a chance however because while the gameplay was dogshit, I think it would be much better as an anime.

Gacha creep

power creep, serves you right for playing kusoge

Power creeping. A lot of servants released at the beginning are mostly shit to the newer ones.

Only Emiya/Heracles are exceptions. Emiya is saved since he's most popular male atm and got a bunch of buffs, but was also trash.

Why do people love Herc?

I have him.

He's unrivaled 4* berserker

he seems... average to me. Sure he hits hard but he takes a good chunk of damage

He's the most tenacious Berserker in the entire game.
He has a guts-granting skill, an evasion skill and when you get his Bond CE it gives him three free Guts on top of that.
Get that Bond CE, son.

look at his bond 10 CE.

Jeanne and Zhuge Liang have been available from the start and according to the rankings they're among the best Servants. Only below Merlin in fact.

Bond 10 CE. Gives him Guts 3 times. He also have two skills which let him survive.

There's a video of him soloing the final boss.



I'm working on the bond CE. All these events have forced me to bench him for a while so he is at like Bond level 7

>below merlin
what is shimosa aka fuck you and your merlin strats

He is still good without his bond ce, but it elevates him from above average to one of the best berserkers in the game.

>Really love Emiya
>Re-roll for Emiya
>use free 4* ticket on Herc
>Try rolling for Emiya during his rate-ups for an NP2 at least
>Get 3 more Hercs
fucks sake
This really is the grindiest trash game I've ever played.

Y'know, having an np5 herc is pretty great.

He's okay without the bond CE but I can see why the bond CE makes him good.

it basically makes his weakness not really an issue

>cant be rooted
>cant have dev mode
>blocks emulators

>Complaining about getting that many Hercs
Then again, I was salty about getting Arturia and Altera whilst rolling for a Herc, so I guess the grass is always greener.

Can't have you enjoying their slot machines without paying, you know?

FGO general abused a lot of shit back when the game was new which forced them to implement these changes.

After Extra is over the only thing coming after it is GO and even more GO.

Strange fake is never getting anything its to good for that.

Reminder this is currently strongest Servant lorewise

I thought the jew was

And yet she's only mid tier at best.
Fuck you Abi, I burnt all my quartz and tickets failing to get you.

>tfw someone saved the pic i made

I hope they keep fucking that fuck boy in the ass.

>Fate X Demonbane X Yamibou collaboration servant

Cheats. There were a metric fuckton of cheats because a lot of stuff in FGO is calculated client-side. That forced DW to enforce those rules.

You lack the required eyes on the inside.

She is Great Old One tier, Beasts are stronger.

Plant eyes on our brains, to cleanse our beastly idiocy

Online now :) come join our RP raffle.
twitch: sweetarcade

because i really like this

Ahh, Abi, or some say Abicchi...
Do you hear our rolls?
No, we shall not abandon the gaccha.
No one can roll you, no one can catch you now!

How is that even possible?


>NAtards going off a memelist that's 2 years ahead of their current meta

You don't roll based on the meme list right?

Saber class has all the best girls, obviously.

you mean casters

I work with whatever I have, fuck the memelist. I've been using Sche recently and she's very fun to use.
Fuck Artoria though, that NP is nothing short of embarrassing. Sword of Promised Victory my ass.

How isn't it?