What's the coolest American city for setting a video game?

What's the coolest American city for setting a video game?

God, fuck Bourbon street.


no thanks

New York is most comfy, bonus points if it’s in winter

What's your end game? I've seen this thread multiple times here on Sup Forums, and other boards over the past few days

The barely legal club

Salt Lake City is the easiest city to copy if you're going to be committing crimes in game.

None are very interesting to me as a foreigner, but like Max Payne's New York are pretty nice for that sort of shitty crime ridden hellhole feeling. New York in 80s movies are sexy as fuck since it gives of a kind of post-apocalyptic vibe since everything seems so shitty and run down.

LA and modern day NY can go fuck itself though.

There was a point in time in the 70s that New York was so bad that the Streets of Rage cover was an accurate portrayal of New York.

Rural Pacific Northwest



Chicago, its the most vertical which makes it the coolest. You feel like you are indoors in certain parts of the city.

In a game or what?

LA in the 50s

I always liked the Las Vegas setting in games, having a city full of bright lights, cars, and consumerism, in the middle of a barren wasteland of sand. Was always cool to me

depends on the game

NYC hands down for how its congested and there's so many historic and ethnic neighborhoods

works way better in a narrative game like GTA IV and there needs to be a lot of interior gameplay

LA is pretty good too just because its so massive so it's good for open-world gameplay but it has nowhere near as much culture

Can't think of many games set in Vegas other than driving games (and San Andreas and New Vegas sort of). The city plus the barren desert would make for a cool open world game.

Best state’s best capital, of course.

This is actually what downtown Detroit looks like though.

Are there any actually comfy cities on either coast? I've been to LA and its a genuine shithole. I don't have much experience with the east though.

Boston, most other cities in New England


Speaking for the North East, every major metropolitan area is a shithole here too.
Can't speak for anything south of the Potomac, though

Yeah Boston looks comf from what I've seen, isn't it pretty dangerous or am I thinking of somewhere else?

I remember really liking the new orleans themed level on one of those matt hoffman bmx games. Dont think ive played another new orleans level but id like more.

Boston since it has snow

Looks like New Orleans needs another flood, if you know what I'm saying.

Mafia 2 was in new York right? Top comfy, every season of the game.

It was like that until the early 90s when Giuliani took over as mayor. 2000-ish murders in 91 and dropped off year by year after that.

t.working in 911 as an EMT, where the seniors started/worked through the crack epidemic in the mid 80s/early 90s.

>Brighton Beach
Fucking unwashed Slavs everywhere, the place is hell during a humid ass summer

Charleston, SC is pretty comfy

Everything in the west seems shitty but everything in the East is boring

Everywhere else but LA is a ok for coastal southern Cali - all the hollywood stars that don't live in the hills above everyone in LA live in Orange County, which is literally 45 minutes south of LA and has gated communities within gated communities. The city of Irvine in Orange County is rumored to deport all its homeless to its neighbor, Santa Ana, and has a crime rate so low it sticks 2 weeks worth of problems on half a newspaper page.

Seriously, even LA people say there's nothing to do in LA. Everything south of it has better beaches, more laid back, and sells better burritos. If you're a tourist that just wants to comfy around for a week, just go to San Diego and rent a car for when you want to visit the theme parks in LA

cities on the east coast are less boring than anything on the west coast or in the middle

[Spoiler] Houston [/Spoiler]


San Francisco is actually incredibly pretty in Watchdogs

San Francisco is a lot of fun in games due to its verticality.

Watch Dogs 2 was fun, except Ubisoft fucked up by not including the airport and having a bunch of the transit and bus lanes make no sense. Also letting cars drive on the bus lanes

What are some games set in a dying mid-sized rust belt city?

Best city coming through

New Orleans looks nice from OPpic