Divinity thread general!!!

Post tips and tricks for original sin 2!!!
This game is tough
- pick 3 phys damage characters and 1 magic tank/healer.
- Put glass cannon on 2 of your phys guys (probably ranger and rogue)
- Make sebille a rogue with executioner because they get absolutely broken amount of AP with adrenaline, flesh sacrifice, and the +2 on kill.
- You get good status immunity items as soon as driftwood. By arx you will be immune to nearly every status.
- Every character needs 2 aero for teleport/netherswap, 1 poly for cloak.
- You only need 5 scoundrel/ranger and dump everything else in to warfare even if you're not a warrior.
- Rogues can use warfare abilities and they're broken because they hit multiple targets (cripple blow).
- Only one character needs wits/initiate (your tank/mage).
- You can respec as much as you want when you leave ft joy.
- Thievery is the only real gold maker. Combine an air+scoundrel book to get smoke cloud and just steal from people right in the middle of town.

Typical battle for me was teleporting everybody in to a circle where my rogue exploded them and archer finished anyone else off that didn't die immediately. There's other fuckery you can do like terrain swapping death fog and lava, that was fun.

Number one tip/trick:
Don't play this garbage and get ready for the incoming RPG masterpiece for real men who aren't babies named Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire instead.

Literally fucking obsessed.

Enjoy your dead game.



Be honest ! Pillars good?

>Doesn't know how to check IDs


>He thinks anybody falls for basic fucking phoneposting creating two IPs


The Deadfire spamming faggot literally created this thread. He does this all the time.

I just got to the ship at the end of Act 1

My party is a 2H main, a rogue, an archer and a summoner
I've put one point in Aero/Geo in all of them so they all have the skills to restore HP, Physical Armor and Magical Armor. It really helped at keeping everyone alive in the final fight before the ship.

My main puts her social skills into persuasion, the rogue into lucky find, the archer into barter, and the summoner (fane) into loremaster/thievery

Hahaha , I don't give a shit about deadfire I actually just got divinity and it's tough as fuck and I'm loving it

>sebille romance

Thank you this is the info I need .

>larianiggers will defend this

What damage type do summoners deal? Or they can deal both types?
I want to make a second playthrough and use magic damage this time, but I also want to try summoners.

How long have you been posting this? It's been months.

both types, depending on where they summon their totem/incarnate. For example, if the incarnate is summoned in a puddle of water, then it will deal water (magic) damage; if it gets summoned on blood or regular ground (but preferably blood), then it will deal physical

as for the summoner damaging spells, they're all magic damage

>Being this mad at badly written sex scenes
The narrator saying it deadpan was hilarious.

Max out warfare on every physical character including archers and even fucking necromancers. Dump all stats into your primary damage dealing stat, then dump the remainder into wits. Any other way of building a character is objectively wrong and is dogshit. Multiclass characters that mix magi and physical damage outputs are utter trash. Constitution is not needed unless you're playing on honor mode and even then you don't need more than 10 points dumped into it. Don't mix damage outputs in a single party, go either full magic or full physical, since you will be able to eat through armor much faster this way. Have a thief in your party, thievery completely breaks the game (picrelated). Always have equipment that corresponds to your level, no exceptions. ALL of your characters should have access to the following spells: armor of frost and restoration while all mages should have access to these spells as well as Soothing Cold and Fortify, NO exceptions. You can meet the needed requirements for these spells from equipment bonuses, so you don't actually need to invest into geo or hydro. Always have your elemental mages specialize in two OPPOSITE magic schools, because there are enemies that are (nearly) immune not only to one, but TWO magic schools (i.e. hydro+aero).

And the most important tip: the game is retarded babby tier dogshit that a healthy human being can complete with his eyes closed. If you have any problems with this turd on Honor mode, you need to consider a new hobby and probably a brain transplant as well.

Also this , but unironically.

Summoners can do both and are broke (and fun) as fuck. I did a non-lone wolf run with 3 other players - a 2h warrior, an archer, and a pyro/geo mage. If you get +summoning on every piece of gear and stick mystic venom runes in armor slots you can get 20-22 by the end game.

At that point my artillery plant was shitting out 15k+ AoE poison damage with acid spores and my incarnate with blood infusion could both out-damage and out-tank the warrior. And since Summoning doesn't scale with any stats, I also had the highest mem, init, and hp in the party and dipped into amazing utility skills like teleports and buffs.

Forgot my pic.

Played through the first island and stopped in the city on the next area because my potato was getting so bad fps and load times. I now have a better potato that should get me a solid 60 fps and I'm installing the game right now

What has changed in patches since launch?

Mostly bug fixes and rebalacing some skills.

why did you hoard up so much money?

Loving the buttblasted Obsidianus. Can't wait to see how well will be their next game.

Crafting can be usefull
Nails + any shoes = no slipping in ice
Mix non elemental skill books with elemental skill book to get interesting new skills

Why not fuck off to /vg/?

I beat it on tactician with two lone wolves. It's what I believe the only reasonable way to beat it blindly in that difficulty. Sebille glass cannon with fane tank


Buy five copies of Deadfire, you bitch

is artillery plant worth it if your party is mainly physical?

right now I'm thinking of
>power infusion
>ranged infusion
>clear mind

next turn

>death wish
>living on the edge
>skin graft

and you're clear to do this again if the battle isn't over by the time your incarnate actually dies.