Is Granblue Fantasy noob friendly

Is Granblue Fantasy noob friendly

it's boob friendly

Play FGO instead.

it explains the basics pretty well but stuff like how to properly build a weapon grid has to be researched on your own, but the wiki has a good enough explanation for most stuff
As for free shit, it's pretty good, thousands of times better than thats for sure, and they will probably shower us with free stuff soon
Just remember to never roll outside of the doubled SSR rate

>entire race of horned shortstacks
Sign me the fuck up

Do not play japanese paytowin slot machine simulator gatcha games
just jerk off to the doujins and fanart and leave the game alone

All games need this. It should be law.

Why is everyone obsessed over fate global offensive?

desperate for attention

What happened to the Platinum game, btw?

Seeing literal cowgirls makes me want to install it too user
But masturbating is slightly easier than playing

no news yet, we either get something within 7 days(the big Granblue festival event is happening) or it might as well be cancelled

dead game

Either it gets mentioned before New Year's Day or it's dead.

It´s super grindy

Who is this one, I need to fap to her right now

just some NPC



We posting DRAPH?

Loli from Halloween events. I believe that one is from Beatrix's Halloween cutscenes.
Unfortunately NPCs aren't very popular in doujins, they only have one (really good) doujin and a few lost paged in other ones.

how hard do i need to work for 6th from start and can i play through the game with her

All I know about it is that it has a whole race of shortstacks.

you do realize the character is essentially a younger sister to you AND a mindbroken retard?
the boob window one? I think she might be in the pool of 6 or so SSR's you get from the tutorial roll, but she's probably the weakest one of the bunch(depends if another absolute TRASH character is in that set), she's alright for starting out but really low compared to most other wind characters

Doesn't matter. Thicc + big breasts is automatic mommy material.


goddamn it I love Naru-neesan

No, not in the slightest

You have to grind for months just to start to be able to grind the real content and then depending on your elemental luck you could be stuck waiting a year+ for your relevant xeno to come back/come out to make your grid less ass

This is why FGO is better. You can just play comfily without worrying about e-sports.

she's like 3 feet tall

That just makes it better.
Short and busty is justice.

Anila is my favorite Granblue. It's the massive horns that do it for me

I wish there was a GBF in the style of Bravely Default, with a proper single player campaign and quests instead of a shitty gatcha mobile game.

Also every event that isn't xeno or GW is laughably easy, even Arcarum, so you can beat the events and get most if not all rewards by leeching raids or doing the lower difficulties



>1 other player, 1:29:31
>There isn't any loot you can collect from this battle
Strike time was a mistake

You can also play "comfily" in GBF, it's not like you need a complete grid to clear story mode and story events. GBF have better rates and nicer gacha mechanics.
Hell, you don't even need to worry about gacha shit. You get the cutest, strongest girl in the game for free right after you complete the tutorial.

but Levy isnt cute at all

There is something wrong with that Luria.


She got upgraded.

That looks more like elephantiasis. Maybe I'm just used to sticc Luria but I think that the proportions look too weird in that picture.

This gacha trash is literally only good for the porn it produces.

Aren't all gacha games only good for porn? That is pretty much how they promote their games.

pretty much all jap artists start out drawing porn, they draw porn of popular mobile games, which in turn boosts its popularity further, repeating the cycle

Yes and no.

The game is actually really easy to just pick up and start, it's actually extremely F2P friendly as far as Japanese gacha scams go, and you can take it as casually as you want and learn as you go along no problem.

If you want to do any of the high end content though requires a fucking ridiculous amount of boring grinding and a ton of research into unintuitive and questionably designed systems. The only point of doing that content is to give you an easier time at doing more of that content though, and most stuff in Granblue doesn't require that level of commitment to see.

Granblue's got a weird design where it's a good casual game and a good hardcore game but it's an absolutely fucking awful game for anything inbetween.

Basically this.

If you're willing to reroll during specific times, you can grab Summer Zoi. Then, spend 25 bucks on D. Jeanne (or try to reroll for both if you're a fucking LUNATIC), and you've got one of the best possible lineups you can get for 25 bucks and some time spent. Granblue doesn't even have particularly difficult rerolling considering that some gachapon games have characters drop with arbitrary stat increases.

Then it's just a matter of grinding.

>it's a good casual game and a good hardcore game but it's an absolutely fucking awful game for anything inbetween.
Fucking this.
>that awful power level range where you are too strong for casual content but too weak for hardcore content
>the slow rank progression to unlock hardcore content in the first place
At least I already can solo some magnas and extra mode stages to get some mats ready for the upcoming grindy hell (if I survive the journey).

honestly they just keep making the grind easier, Arcarum drops the magna magna weapons, on 21st withthe rebalance patch they will icrease the drop rates for Chev and Celeste, FINALLY stopping this retarded bullshit with dark and light being a trap

You're right in that the biggest gap is probably from 80 - CCW

I'm kinda in that gap but don't really feel "tired" with the game, I just dont have enough time on hand to play it more, but yeah it's kinda painful to be at thestage where you can get T4 and start going into HL's but you cant tackle stuff like Baha HL

>Mobile trash is literally only good for the porn it produces.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Honestly I think that dark and light will always be noob traps, even with increased rates. Having SR weapons with actual damage bonuses would be very nice crutch for me when this stupid fake big sister managed convinced me to play her element right at the start of the game.

it's not that bad these days with pendants letting you exchange for weapons etc, I started with Naru as well ad had a pretty dreadful first year, then I got DJeanne, then I crafted GW fist, then I rolled Zoi and 3rd annivesrary gave me Vampy+Bahamut
Holy shit the payoff was so good

>when you realize just how shitty all your free draws were but you've already put too much time into the account to reroll
Would've been nice to have at least one good SSR but nope. At least I got welfare Levi from the event.

save for a spark user, it feels really bad but with christmas+fest+newyear+anniversary in march you can surely build a huge chunk of spark quickly

It's all the menu grind all the time, no playskill involved.

The payoff is definitively great, but I still wouldn't recommend it unless your dick is capable of generating massive amounts of willpower on its own.
The game pretty much asks you to start as a windfag so you might as well roll with it if you can't handle the ded boat hell.

That's admiral obvious to you, thanks.

I really hope thatin the patchthey fucksomething up and Chev/Celeste enter the baalfest state, two days of easy magnas