Sev died for this ...
Sev died for this
Other urls found in this thread:
Kys, we're better off now than when we were under Lucas's direction
TFA's whole premise was a mistake, instantly making it worse than Lucas Wars.
Rogue One is only marginally more acceptable than TPM and AoTC. TLJ is complete garbage, iredeemable.
Disney Wars is trash, neck yourself shill.
even the prequels were better than the new abortions
>"The pilot managed to get us out of that pile of shit and smash us into another pile of shit, everyone clap for him!"
The ending for this seemed painfully rushed
the pacing in the movie fucking sucked.
felt like it was pandered to literal 11 year olds with ADD, which is exactly their target audience
Poe Dameron re-explains the plot every fucking scene so every retard in the theater can keep up with the clusterfuck of a storyline
>unironically defending Lucas, the man we all swore to hate
>defending the EU by default
wew, this place is dead
If it's any consolation the sequel would have Sev being a key member of the rebellion's early days
I can see that, having a climatic battle with his older squad
>the man we all swore to hate
hhhahahahahaha why? what the fuck are you on about? Get a life
>we all swore to hate
hold that thought, go back to rebbit instead
go back to r/redditlettermedia faggot and praise your favorite fat fuck there
>we swore to hate
are you fucking aut
He made the prequels and retroactively ruined what we love about the franchise, we all said we would party on the day of his death. Stop being autistic hypocrites
get fucking real, would you please
the prequels were bad movies but they did not ruin the entire franchise like the disney ones are doing; the disney movies are nothing but worthless garbage pandering to SJW politically correct bullshit
>He made the prequels
yes aka the best star wars films. When Lucas dies I will probably die a little inside myself.
shit posting false flaggers detected, how much is Lucas paying you?
Prequels are the only good star wars movies, kill yourself
What are you 5?
How many more days until you ingest that cyanide capsule, friend?
>how much is Lucas paying you?
he already paid for my childhood with six films and the expanded universe. How much is Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger paying you?
>Battlefront 3 never ever
I can have a laugh with the prequels and enjoy the music, what does your new trilogy have? marvel humor? Michael Giagenerico? lens flares? an uninspired version of the good Star wars movies?
I can show you a picture of any scene from the prequels and you can quote it and laugh at how bad it is.
NT you can just look at it and remember how boring it is.
you wish
boss nass is a fantastic character
I wish that mystery would be answered once and for all
>defending the prequels just to spite nuwars
You're allowed to hate both, you stupid faggots.
Clones were GOAT though. That's why SWCW was infinitely better than Episode 1-3, because they focused on the clones and not Sith Lord Jar-Jar
Of course you're allowed to hate anything, but you're not REQUIRED to hate anything except nuwars
kys, Kennedy is better than Lucas in every way
The prequels were bad but nuwars is a franchise ruining
George might have made the prequels but he has done some good things. What has Disney Wars done, except shit all over the franchise?
That's the same thing
>What has Disney Wars done, except shit all over the franchise?
Give us milkies
kys soyboy
Made a great new and consistent expanded universe thats all the same level of canon so nothing gets left out or retconned
>This man who looked off into the sunset hoping for adventure
>This man who risked his life for his friends, never abandoning them
>This man who saw the good in Vader when Yoda and Obi-Wan did not
>This man is dead
But ... le Reddit Letter Media said the prequels were bad. AND HE DID A FUNNY VOICE ALL THROUGHOUT!
Wtf, bros?
>we all said we would party on the day of his death
Who the fuck is "we"?
spoken like a true consumer
>nothing gets out or retconned
>accomplished by leaving things out and retconning almost everything
Fuck off, you can't prove a single thing from those videos wrong
Give one example
>people unironically believe this
I really didn't like what they did with Luke. I can appreciate the concept of Luke becoming jaded, but the execution was terrible.
Hi, I'm the single best piece of media to ever come out of Star Wars.
It was never canon
Yes it was soyboy.
>referenced by TOR
>referenced by multiple novels
Oops, wrong image haha! My bad! meant to post this.
To do this didn't they nuke the entirety of the old EU? I understand that people have a negative opinion of the EU, but I imagine they took out some good stuff as well.
TLJ single handedly made galactic habitation as we know it completely impossible, and all previous space battles utterly nonsensical, all because they wanted a nice visual
The story group had ONE JOB and they fucked it up.
Here are the facts
>RLM were correct about the prequels
>The Disney films are awful conveyor belt films made for plebs
thanks feminism
TOR isnt canon either. The only things that were canon after Disney took over were
>Episodes I-VI
>The Clone Wars
>Any booksor comics that were being worked on at the time or that were remnants of The Clone Wars plotlines.
Of all the old Legends stuff, KotOR is the most likely to become canon again, or have a canon bastardization made of it. Malachor from KotOR 2 exists in the new canon, Darth Bane was made canon (who studies a holocron from Revan that led to the Rule of Two), the Selkath were made canon, and writers for Rebels have outright said they had interest in writing stuff in the Old Republic era.
>>accomplished by leaving things out and retconning almost everything
Fucking leave.
Go back and never return. The reddit hivemind hayes him because it's cool to hate him.
They cherry picked a small amount out of things out of the EU and nuked the rest. Thrawn, for example, is one of the few things to make it out alive.
No EU works were ever canon under Lucas, only the movies were. He hated the EU with a passion.
Nice revisionist history, soyboy.
Normies aren't people, user.
For this?
>Dude, the past is the exact same as in the Clone Wars LMAO
Na. You could have done so much with the Old Republic, too.
It's not that bad. Literally all they need is to have someone in the third movie ask how it was possible for the Resistance ship to use hyperspace travel as a weapon, and have someone give some bullshit excuse to explain it away as a one-time thing. It certainly wouldn't be the first time that the movies did something that EU material needed to explain away.
Thrawn trilogy was a huge push by Lucasfilm to legitimize the EU you fucking retard.
anyone with an opinion worth dissecting doesn't watch youtube letsplayers in the first place lol. Sorry pal, RLM will never create anything worth of value and neither will you.
All memes aside, TLJ is even worse than the prequels.
The character assassination of Luke was worse than that of Vader, the plothole of 16 hours side by side with multiple days passing was worse than anything the prequels had, Finn and Rose's plot was more pointless than anything in the prequels, Snoke was more of a disappointment than even Darth Maul, Kylo and Rey are terribly written characters than outdo Anakin being the chosen one just because.
The worst bit has to be Rey going even further than Luke at his lowest down the dark path, yet nobody seemed to care.
They did. Tales of the Jedi is the OT version of the Old Republic. KOTOR is the prequel version of the Old Republic.
The point of the story group is that they shouldn't need to do that anymore.
His fault for having a name that looks like Soy
Can a sane star wars fan explain to me why the rest of you are giant unforgivable faggots? God damn every single one of you spouts retarded shit left and right. Every argument of an OT fanboy boils down to MUH CHILDHOOD. The only EU I experienced was the video games, but it seems like those who were hardcore into the EU can at least say something other than MUH OT AND TY DISNEEEEEY. I mean its fun to watch you go at it but holy shit. Some of you even went as far to harass the actor for young anakin, for no fucking reason other than MUH CHILDHOOD SPESSSS MOVIE!!! The fuck is wrong with you all?
>da preeecoool ruin muh childhooooDDD!!!!!"
>we all swore to h8 big ebil daddy lucus!!!
>we didnt ask for da prequelsSS!!!(yes you did)
>dey changed wat we loved bout star wooors!!!
>based didneeeey savin da fwnachise!!!
well fuck's real
Can you please recover from your stroke and try again?
Find me one time where Lucas outright said he liked the EU and I'll never post in this thread again
Because we all love Star Wars and want to see it go the way we want it. People want different things and on the internet those differences go ballistic.
>buttblasted OT fag and known reddit gold buyer at it again
>Some of you even went as far to harass the actor for young anakin, for no fucking reason other than MUH CHILDHOOD SPESSSS MOVIE!!!
Americans are mentally ill, that's why. Don't worry about it.
Why is Star Wars such a big franchise when it only has two good movies?
exactly, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. This is what I've always been saying.
>we swore to hate
I don’t know who you made that oath with you but it wasn’t me nigga. Get fucked and go suck Mickey’s dick some more you sack of shit.
I know the Prequels had some stupid gags with weird space animals, but this feels like a fetish being shoehorned into the movie.
>EA Jews kill off Clone Wars before they got their storyarch on Kashyyyk in episode 3
It's not fucking fair worst timeline ever.
It's not even the worst part
Why does every single alien in the nu-trilofy have that stupid fucking droopy face? One thing to apprecate from the prequels was diversity in both aliens and animals from Geonosians, Kaminoans and those Geonosian arena monsters.
I'll send someone to help right away
Holy shit
The only people calling Disney "based" are redditors who watched RLM Plinkett reviews and defend The Last Jedi for being different, while being completely oblivious to the fact that "being different" is the same shit prequel apologists used a decade ago.
>Though Lucas put Clone Wars in the hands of director Dave Filoni (whom he called his Padawan), the man behind LucasArts had a lot to say about the show's direction, animation style, and why he'd rather pay engineers than big-name actors.
I can't recall any time Lucas said he hated the EU, but he was very involved with The Clone Wars and if he didn't care about the EU he would not have funded the show out of his own pocket for 5 and a half seasons until Disney cancelled it after the deal. Bioware also sent him KOTORs script for approval, which he gave.
But pinkett shits on TFA and RO, and it seems they hate TLJ. In the Plinkett TFA he even starts reminiscing about the prequels a bit. Ironically, for being different.
I just want my Clone Wars back. This pussy shit rebels has absolutely nothing on this kino show.
RLM loved TFA but only brought back the Plinkett character because they knew there would be backlash if they didnt. They'll probaly love TLJ too like the plebes they are, but at least Nerd Crew is entertaining now that it's making other videocasters even more upset.
In their initial review they said it was ok... They didnt love it. They said it was a serviceable movie or some shit.
normally I'm desentized to cringebait but plebberboxed screencaps from certain users are just too much. I'm not even going to read that.