what went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nintendo discovered that sex actually sells.
How the hell is Iwata responsible for some twitter shitpost
They realized that their main playerbase now consists of 30 years old manchildren that fap to cartoon child porn.
What about during Iwata?
Nintendo realized that kids these days don't like baby garbage so they have to pander to their older fanbase who clings on to the brand through a combination of autism (I have nothing against those on the spectrum, some are good people but this is definitely a common trait among those in the Nintendo fandom) and nostalgia for times before they had to work for a living.
30 year old manchildren fapped to female vidya characters in the 90s, too
this isn't some new phenomenon
Sup Forums is obsessed with twitter.
so you think all gamers are lonely manchildren that spend all day masturbating
tell me who told you this
Yeah, but they fapped to bishoujo characters, not blatant child pornography.
Not gamers in general. I'm talking about Nintendo fans.
Sometimes I feel like the average Sup Forums poster wasn't porn until the 00s.
iwata allowed negro reggie to destroy NoA and even made several memes with him
>The amelican is good boy!
Freud would have a field day with you, pedo.
its pretty much the reality nowadays gramps
I was porn. My dad was an alcohol.
Well shit, time to stop posting before further embarrassment.
Nintendo always knew. Nintendo of America argued in opposition though.
Japan finally roughed up their American subsidiary this time around though so it looks like they're straightening up in line much more compared to before now.
No just you, faggot
That's okay, you're posting anonymously. Just bash your own post to make yourself feel better about it and pretend that you're not the guy anymore who made the post, and start a new argument like everyone else.
Hopefully we get rid of the censorship shitshows now.
Really disliked his artwork for SSX3.