Master Mode is fine. You just have to play differently and manage your resources

>Master Mode is fine. You just have to play differently and manage your resources.
Post times where you regret listening to Sup Forums.

Master mode IS fine though, as long as you play differently and manage your resources.

>nah dude the motorbike in BOTW isn't just some meme shit. It's totally worth spending $20 on!

No, not falling for it again, fuck off.

Just got all the memories on my original save, beat Ganon about 2 months ago.
Wrapping up DLC 2 content, MIGHT do master sword trials (maybe not, seems tedious and useleas) then I will finally restart in master mode.
Game is a fucking masterpiece.

>Let's make all enemies bullet sponges that ALSO regenerate health, so forget about using explosions to damage multiple enemies at once
>Also forget of using the weapons you can get from said enemies because they're all Boko Clubs even though they are Silver Bokoblins
>Just like keep looking for those floating platforms to get weapons lmao
>That entire Sword Trials with the broken Lizalfos that you LITERALLY have to cheese in order to win
>Don't even bother killing enemies because you'll run out of resources to get absolutely nothing in return
>Just like use bombs and magnesis for everything lmao
>Get a 40+ Yiga longsword
>Use a potion of +2 attack
>Backstab a sleeping Silver Bokoblin
>Not even half health
>He wakes up, waking the rest of them
>Regenerates full

Fuck you.

Dude like... Git gud??????

upboated XD

I beat the main game on my Wii U (120 shrines, all quests etc.) but now I got a Switch coming in the mail next week. I think I'll get the dlc for the Switch but then I'll have to restart from the beginning and it will take a while before I get to see the new content.

Sup Forums told me fallout nv was better than 3 but they are more or less the same

You can't kill almost any of the named, story relevant characters in 3, but you can do whatever the fuck you like in NV. I get that you probably didn't even play it though.

Is it worth doing master mode after 100%ing the DLC in normal mode?

Any tips for where to farm the best weapons?


I look forward to the master mode 100% speedruns.

Master Mode is fine because it actually demands you put all the game mechanics to use and consider everything when playing. Don't want to waste weapons on enemies for nothing? Learn to actually observe the surroundings carefully to see if they actually have anything worth taking and pick your battles wisely. I'm playing Master Mode now and this is the first time stealth actually feels worth something in an adventure game and not like a useless afterthought.

>complaining about a challenge mode

are they supposed to just give it to you or something

fucking cry moar

It isn't worth $20

so if you're not an edgy 12yo who kills every character he encounters, they are basically the same game

Sure, you pretty much have to play differently, manage your resources even further and actively use potions.

Master Mode is fine. Use two-handed weapons to knock enemies into water to kill them instantly. Use weak bows, like the Traveler Bow, to shoot down balloons and knock enemies into water to save durability.
After you reach a certain point, the game sorta balances itself out. The beginning hours take a lot of careful thought and item management, though.

>wtf nintendo?! why is the hard mode in this game actually hard?

Maybe in the Plateau, I haven't beaten any DBs yet and there are already Silver Bokoblins roaming around, literally what this guy said , not even a stealth hit with attack potions does shit against them, and there are 6 Silver faggots around him, the difficulty is as lazy as it sounds, they didn't test it properly and there are times where cheesing rewards you way more than playing the game normally.

What are you just charging into enemies and getting your ass kicked? Why not wait for them to sleep and sneak kill them, or freeze them, or do anything else besides autistically charging?

>hard vs tedious

Why are you projecting?

protip: get the Majora's Mask as soon as you get off the plateau, it makes Master Mode much more manageable

you'll still have to git gud for stronger enemies and bosses though

It's not actually tedious when Master Mode makes you learn even more efficient ways to kill everything. You could even say Master Mode is easier and faster.

I don't know about you but aside from the strongest enemies everything goes down pretty fast for me because I know how to play the damn game.

I don't mind having to get gud for bosses, what I hate the most about Master Mode is that most of the time, you win more by not fighting, the enemies are way tougher (which itself isn't a bad thing) so you have to use more resources to take them down, but they still have early game weapons so you use more to get less.

>You could even say Master Mode is easier and faster.
Now this is a straight up lie.

This is what I meant when I said to pick your battles though. Not everything in the game has to be a prize for you to take, sometimes there's shit that you're better off just avoiding entirely. If the mob of enemies aren't worth defeating entirely, check to see if the chest near them is even sealed to begin with so maybe you could just sneak in, grab the loot, and ditch them. Their weapons similarly sit out if the open if they're sleeping, you can just grab those and leave without wasting anything, so you can save the best stuff for the fights you actually do have to accomplish to get stuff in return or finish quests. I recently did the quest about the sheep kidnappers and I can imagine some would call the process of this tedious, but it's just a matter of luring one away at a time and managing your resources so you don't run out of stuff to inflict damage with.

>You could even say Master Mode is easier and faster.
This ain't persona 5, kid.

Doesn't regenerating healthy just discourage the player from trying to use BOTW's environmental damage? Isn't that one of the biggest draws of the game in the first place?

Right when you start the game you can pick up bows with 20+ attack from platforms, you can even find a Lynel bow from one of them. But that's not even what I was talking. What I was talkimg about is that master mode will make you figure out how to kill enemies without giving them timw to regen... So yes, sooner or later master mode will technically be easier.

If anything it encourages its use because it does far more damage than your weapons.

>it does far more damage than your weapons.
Yeah, but then the enemy just heals themselves before you can follow up on it. It makes the player just focus on regular combat, like they're playing dork souls or some shit

That's what I usually do, but there are quests that require you to clean up enemy camps, just today I wanted to do some side quests in Hateno and one of them was to clean a camp of Bokoblins on the beach, turns out there were 5 Silver Bokoblins with HUGE life pools, not even stealth hits with attack potions did shit to them, even with my strongest weapons.

Yep, forget about hitting multiple enemies with one attack (explosions, magnesis, elemental arrows) you can only focus on one guy at a time unless they're really close for you to bomb them together

I haven't played Persona 5 so I dont know how that applies here, I'm playing later though so I'd like to hear more about this.

I only hate playing master mode when doing trials of the sword.
Fuck that health regen.

Do people actually struggle on master mode? For me obviously the great plateau was more challenging but pic related a couple hours later I'm arguably more decked out then I am in my 80+hr normal mode account. Enemies drop so many valuables and decent weapons. And you can sell monster parts for mad stacks. I have like 16k rupees from just selling ore and organs from monsters and exploring.

Just before I found a Boko fortress FULL of explosive barrels, after exploding them with a fire arrow they didn't chip 25% of their health so they just healed full before I could approach.

That's exactly the quest I just talked about. Even though the silver bokoblins killed in one shot, I still managed to complete the task. Granted I died several times trying, and it basically consumed nearly my whole reserve of good weapons, but it was still very doable because I saved good stuff for just this sort of occasion and didn't waste my time with too many profitless encounters beforehand.

>Enemies drop so many valuables and decent weapons.
They have the same weapons they should in Normal, only their life pools are bigger because they went from Red to Blue etc.
So no, you can only get powerful gear with the floating platforms which makes exploring completely pointless.

No one actually likes BOTW's dull ass combat, we don't want to spend several minutes on every trash mob, we want to be able to blow up some explosive barrels and move along. Master mode takes that away, and it makes the game drag on forever.

Yeah but what's the point of using all of your good weapons on Bokoblins to replace them for their shittier ones?

Master Mode is pretty much the same game after the Plateau except the floating platforms, which end up making it easier. If they had actually made changes to material inventory limits then yeah, then you'd have to manage resources.

who here has beaten the sword trials on master mode?

it's kicking my ass ;_;

Which part?

as soon as the lizalfos come out. i can't damage them fast enough because their regeneration

To complete quests that requires their death. If it's an enemy that doesn't have any reward or progress related to its defeat, then why are you fighting them?

Nigga my fucking girlfriend is flying through master mode

Git gud holy shit.

>MIGHT do master sword trials (maybe not, seems tedious and useleas) then I will finally restart in master mode

Sword Trails in Master Mode are the most difficult bit in the entire game
Well, the beginning trails
Mid and end trials are piss-easy in comparison

Once you start fighting white and gold bokoblins/moblins they start carrying actual weapons like royal swords and stuff.

There are other ways of killing things besides slapping them across the face with a sword.

>what are arrows
>what are attack buffs
>what is stealth

The one where you start at the dock, or small islands? If dock, start by creating ice and jumping a to the water and killing first lizal with bow while in slowmo. You can try the same with others... But if you have ground to stand on and no water for lizals to fall to, just spin with your strongest two handed.

What if you're not around water or a cliff then dumbass?

Just knock that fucker into the water while poping one of the balloons holding the platform with an arrow or by throwing the axe.
Done. Pick up the weapons and you've now got more weapons than you started with. And proceed.

>To complete quests that requires their death.
Which you get rewarded with 50 rupees or food.

items are based on enemy level, since enemies are scaled up one tier on master mode they will drop better stuff

the furthest I've gotten was to the map where you spawn on the dock of the lizalfos camp. it's literally surrounded by water, how do you keep them from swimming around and healing? just arrows?

>use headshots to knock enemies into water
>use sneakstrikes
>avoid combat
>go to Hyrule Castle or other convenient area and get electric weapons as soon as you leave the Plateau
Did you even try, OP

The first you kill as I mentioned, then you sneak behind the other two lizals and IF you know how to abuse Sneak attack, all the better... If not, after the sneak attack you just hit them until it dies or falls in water, after which you really should try to shoot it dead with arrows ASAP.

Throw them in water. That's hoe you win.

>Dude this game is actually really good!

holy fucking SHIT what a lie.

The $20 gives you a lot more than the bike though.

>No water

>not even a stealth hit with attack potions does shit against them
Then make sure a stealth hit isn't all that you do. And set up chu chu jelly bombs or stasis something directed right at the enemy right before the stab.
Or just do two stealth stabs in a row.
Or blow them off a cliff using a leaf or a throw.

It's very possible.

It gives you a hard mode which should've been in the regular game, some armor sets which have NO new functions, and a combat challenge gauntlet in a game where the combat is weak

Then use electric weapons, pleb

I had wanted to do a minimal shrine run on Master Mode before being hit by the regen health surprise. I NOPED out of there. Trying to play master mode without more stamina is a massive pain in the ass. If I ever decide to replay BoTW in master mode, guess I'll have to do a completionist run.

>just make noise in a camp full of Silver Bokos, what could possibly go wrong???

OP here, can relate, I wanted to do a run with minimal armor and shrines but unless you get stuff you aren't going anywhere. Which kinda ruins it for me because BotW is either you get totally and brutally destroyed or you steamroll everything, no middle ground.

>Easy mode - 4.99
>Normal mode
>Hard mode - 9.99
>Nightmare mode - 9.99
>Dante must die mode - 3.99
>Heaven or hell - 3.99
>Hell or hell - 6.99
>Meme mode - 8.99
>Costume pack - 6.99
>Alt color pack - 3.99
>Alt character - 15.99
>Bloody palace mode - 5.99
>Plus tip

You don't need to make noise to do it.

>DLC gives you a Hard Mode (although it's poorly balanced)
>An improved revisit on the concept of one of the best shrine quests, if not the best in the game
>with three stages of difficulty and with an impact on the main game
>12 new shrines that aren't just fighting or blessings
>an expansion on the characters' background
>a fifth dungeon, with one of the best bosses in Zelda, period
>lots of gear pieces to add a little flavor to the game and some of which have actual practical uses
>a better horse
>and the bike
Seems fine for 20 bucks, I would have preferred the DLC waves being launched individually for 10 each, though

Master mode is absolute fucking garbage.

The only change it makes is to combat and makes it so combat is not worth your time because you waste more resources than you gain. What terrible fucking design, now the players will actively avoid the only part that was changed.

Not only that, all the cool approaches to combat can no longer be used because every enemy starts regenerating like 5 seconds after not taking damage so if you use explosives (which won't kill a single enemy) you'll just blow them away and they'll regenerate everything.

Oh and also, here's a majora's mask that makes every single enemy in the game ignore you. Jesus fuck what a terrible game mode, there is literally no point in playing it. If you want a challenge, play the game with only 3 hearts or never upgrade armor, it's much more balanced than garbage mode.

>>lots of gear pieces to add a little flavor to the game and some of which have actual practical uses
I like how you conveniently left out how none of them have new abilities. They're all literally just worse versions of armors in the regular game because they can't be upgraded.
>paying for blight Ganon rematches

>stunlock silver enemies with thunderblade, thunderspear, or great thunderblade
Wow, so difficult

>no noise

>cheese the game to win
Wow, so fun!

Sounds like a terrible experience. It's an effective strategy but I'd just as soon go play like, any other game at that point.

Chu chu jelly bombs*

>Master mode
What combat? I just place or throw a bomb to ragdoll the bokoblins and get them to fuck off. Games combat is fucking garbage. It's like a shadow of the Colossus with side content and no meat.
>He just HAS all this shit.
>Pretending you aren't farming to fill your inventory with GOOD shit in a sea of shitty shit with a fucking busted durability system
Literally everything except combat and the main quest. It's like MGSV

>This is too hard!
Fuck outta here

Are you implying that farming is going to a location and picking a weapon up off the floor

For me it made me change up my Beast order, it basically was:
>harder plateau
>go for Medoh first because Wind blight is the easiest
>get Ravioli bow
>go back to plateau to kill the Lynel
>repeat for every blood moon whilst on my Talus hunting for rupees
It was pretty enjoyable going full archer on that run, wasn't going to, but if nothing else, Master mode made me realize multi-shot bows are stupidly OP

I never said it was hard tho.

I'm implying that there's no fucking way any weapon you use has the durability to be used for more than 1 or 2 encounters. So you're farming items(going back and forth between locations so new drops load in/fighting enemies over and over and over for lightning weapons) there's no fucking way you just happened to have lightning shit for every fucking master mode encounter

But I already put those mechanics to use in Normal mode, and it got rewarded because my weapons didn't get any more damaged. The game was already awarding me for being clever. And it wasn't putting any big pressure on me to do that, either, so actually doing it felt more fun and like it was "my own idea."

You're, right, that's why the'res far more than Master mode in the 20$ season pass.

>listening to nintensoys

the season pass is worth about $10 at the absolute most. They didn't even add new enemies to the overworld. It's the laziest shit ever.

Not that guy. But I kind of love how the DLC allowed me to unfuck my compendium by allowing me to properly photograph them.

You can easily stock up on thunder arrows, user. You can be walking around with 40-60 of them at any given time if you're smart about resource management. Then just mark where a thunder weapon is in a shrine and grab it after every blood moon. It takes no effort.

>literally all the arguments in favor of Master Mode are

>Just throw them off cliffs xd
>Just stun-lock them

>having to pay for hardmode
Nintendo is such a fucking cancerous company and the fanboys who defend this shit deserve to be lined up and fucking shot.

Mastermode is only tedious at the very beginning.

Once you are equipped enough, it gets more balanced as far as engaging enemies.

>it gets more balanced
Why don't you tell us about Golden Lizalfos en Sword Trials user?

that's why I said flavor, and also said -some- had uses, Majora's Mask and Zant's helm gives you the ability of an entire set on their own, Stealth is good on its own to not need the Sheikah armor's speed+, and the Phantom armor is one of the best pieces of equipment in the early game

It's not for everyone. It's appealing to people who enjoy carefully planning for encounters and managing their items, or setting personal challenges or restrictions, but other than that it's pretty much the same.

>listening to Sup Forums

also deteriorating weapons is terrible

>use leaf
How can you soyboys be so bad at a damn Zelda game?