Is he the most red pilled video game character of all time?


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Replace the patriots with the jews and everything in Metal Gear can be applied IRL

thats not how this works dumbass

Isreal is our ally retard

>Israel is our ally
Low effort post.

Nah he got badly bluepilled by Ocelot. On top of that his shadow government's son killed him in a sword fight.

>b-b-but you can't just allow jews in positions of governmental power just like that!
>b-b-but you can't just accept Jerusalem as the capital of Israel!
You lost
Get over it

How many levels of irony are you on right now my man?

Solidus dindu nuffin wrong

drumpf is a orange retard

>*drops mic*

thats fake news, the mainstream media photoshops him, pic related is the truth

>writes drops mic
Liberals baka

Except they are, retard

>da jooooz
Mudslimes are the threat and Israel hates them too.

He seriously looks like Dan "Get her in the van" Schneider when you whiten him

>everyone that disagrees with me is a liberal

You are literally retarded

stop using the memeword "redpill" like it means anything

it means "listens to far right propaganda"

t. avocado-pilled wanker

Redpill was a thing before pol fucked it up.
I want this "everyone pretends to care about politics" episode to end.

And? It now means right wing propaganda. Sup Forums popularized it.

I need to find a way to play through Sons of Liberty again its been years and I feel like the big reveal that he's the third son of Big Boss just came out of nowhere at the 11th hour of the game. Almost an afterthought to wrap up a loose end or something, which is pretty bullshit narratively speaking. I mean every cameo became a meme character has a giant tome of their philosophy, aesthetics, backstory and whatnot and one of the biggest players in the long twilight struggle of Outer Heaven vs Cipher, who is the THIRD SON OF BIG BOSS, is just a footnote of 'control is bad mkay gonna do it gonna blow up Wall Street :DDDD'

I don't get why you gotta jerk yourself off about it, but whatever, guy.


I dunno about that
But his theme is nice

But they mention him being the third son of Big Boss in the ending of MGS1 when they reveal Solid Snake had the recessive genes