What does Sup Forums think of him?
he's a write first,
"gamer" second.
actually i take that back, he's horrible at every game he has reviewed.
I enjoy his roasting of every game, but I can't remember anything he's said that I've taken seriously
I like listening to what he has to say but his opinions are frequently terrible
I've watched his videos for years and I'm not quite sure what he exactly wants out of games
great and funny game reviewer. to bad hes on a dead and dying site :|
>people somehow took that "PC master race" joke 100% seriously and made it a thing
He is an amusing critic. Fine for laughs, not a proper substitute for reviews and research on a purchase.
I remember him shitting on Oblivion super hard. Amazing to see in hindsight because Sup Forums holds that game in reverence.
He's a hypocrite.
meanwhile i think fallout 3 is the best fallou while Sup Forums thinks NV and i fnd oblivion to be the worst 3d TES while Sup Forums thinks skyrim is da worst and morrowind the best
I miss when he was genuinely critical. A while back he wrote a blog post about how people only like when he hates everything so that's all his videos would do from then on.
His streams with his GF make him seem pretty chill.
His reviews got old a long time ago. Same as AVGN. They should have quit while they were still ahead. I just think that Yahtzee realizes that he will not have the same following if he quit doing Zero Punctuation. His Let's drown outs with Gabe were more fun than his reviews anyways.
I mean i used too find him funny- he is a skilled writer. but he is not a good critic one bit.
>Sup Forums thinks NV
>Sup Forums thinks skyrim is da worst and morrowind the best
>mfw Sup Forums is finally right for once
I hate all the reviewers with a shtick, it just comes off as really cringy and reminds me that videogames are mainly for children.
he's a relic from a bygone era who's been doing the same shit for too long and it shows
I miss yahtzee and gabe
He was pretty relevant and well-liked on here back in 2008-2010. Once YouTube really kicked off he, really got left in the dust.
it'll never be the same...
He has a shitty gimmick to his reviewing job.
He's actually funny and doesn't take himself too serious like dunkey. Btw, does he actually have a dolphin fetish?
His gf is actually quite funny too
i actually like yatzhee even though i disagree with a lot of the things he says.
The videos of him playing Dark Souls with his girlfriend revealed him to be the beta cuck he really is. Still pretty funny at times though, although he can be too casual.
Early 2010 was his downfall. Opening his bar meant that he started half assing his reviews, not to mention he managed to expose himself for the casual that he is by shitting on Demon's Souls, Bayonetta and Monster Hunter all in quick succession. The live action video and the slow talking April Fools video didn't earn him any favors. By the time we got to E3 2010, he'd vanished from Sup Forums's radar completely.
fuck off roastie
you can't understand the subtle homo-eroticism that made Let's Drown Out good
His childish refusal to play multiplayer for any game is fucking stupid.
He can be entertaining but he's just a casual gamer at the core, and his opinions really reflect that
He was better at writing adventure games
Still watch him.
Funny, often makes some good points but also often makes bad ones.
Still enjoyable to watch. I go back and watch the classic videos from time to time as well.
I quite like him but I don't watch his stuff any more.
Humorous, fun roasts, it's nice seeing him get excited and enjoying things.
Has absolutely nothing interesting to say about actual game design though, which makes his reviews mostly gut feeling and not very thorougly explained.
he needs to go back to making niche indie horror adventures
basically this
Still check him out every Wednesday, although I wish LDO was still going
Will Save the Galaxy>Mogworld>Jam
This, enjoy his vidja but haven't taken him seriously since I saw his Witcher 1 episode.
>Will Save the Galaxy>Mogworld>Jam
Although I agree, I will say he's not an amazing writer. Every single one of his characters in his books all have the same smarmy, dry-witted attitude as his ZP character. He only has one way of writing a personality and everyone has to share it.
He's alright
Age of Evil is a legit good DN3D mod.
He is, just see how he brags about Demon's Souls death mechanics and how he praise Dark Souls for the same death mechanics.
>"I hope for your sake you're not planning homosexual rape."
One half of my two favourite homosexuals on the internet