Which series has better monster designs?
Digimon vs Pokemon
Digimon is a lot more varied.
overdesigned crap
You shouldn't compare them because one is about designing an ecosystem whilst one is about designing things made out of data, so they can look nonsensical and weird, and digimon follows a more consistent theme of mechanical stuff being powerful
pokemon has higher highs but by now there's so much garbage digimon might be better overall
Pokemon's got a higher quality to it. Digimon's monster designs are messy, and the artwork looks cheap.
Flip those and you got it right.
Digimon has more consistently good ones.
Pokemon. Digimon's designs are inconsistent and overdesigned.
Pokemon. Digimon is so inconsistent has no design ethos is almost seems like they design Megas and Ultimates with absolutely no regard to what they evolve from. Digimon is just a big mess design-wise.
Digimon designs usually stop being appealing after the Adult/Champion level but up until then I probably prefer it
this, the designs aren't bad, but they don't look like they're from the same world.
Yup digimon is better
Monster Rancher
>pokefag believes pokemon design are getting better
>they literally copy digimon but make it worse.
Pokefags are the true cancer of Sup Forums
Wrong answer
Well they're completely different in design philosophy and what they intend to do with the designs.
Pokemon are generally smooth, have less lines and detailing, and are intended to evoke a friendly, cartoonish depiction of animals, yokai, and common objects that you would find in the world.
Digimon generally sway in a different direction, with copious detailing, rough-edged outlines, and are intended to look more "fierce" or dangerous, as they don't live in a real environment but rather a digital one.
Another thing to note is the setting, as above. Pokemon are essentially regular animals in their world, or have at least grown to represent that over the years. Digimon are not. They're digital monsters ranging in appearance from a little ball with eyes and funny ears to a cyborg dinosaur wielding a sword that could split galaxies in two, or a near-naked humanoid woman in a silly outfit.
Overall it boils down to how you like your fantasy. Pokemon, despite how far it went in gen 4 and 7, still remains fairly grounded for a fantasy anime series, with friendly, easy to attach to designs.
Digimon loves to go over the top, with crazy reality melting nightmares and demons that can destroy all of time and space that ever existed in a single attack, and the designs reflect that in how over the top or crazy many of them are.
Personally I would have to say I prefer Pokemon simply because I find it relaxing, but I've loved bug Digimon since I was a kid and it's a real shame that I don't see many designs like Okuwamon or Kuwagamon anymore in the stocks of new ones they put out.
Digimon is better.
Digimon has the better designs ESPECIALLY when you look at both series as a whole but I want to fuck Gardevoir, so Im going to say Pokemon.
I haven't seen a single Digimon I want to fuck or commission porn of.