Okay can we get a Zelda game with an actual story now? Thanks

Okay can we get a Zelda game with an actual story now? Thanks.

>people say DLC2 will fix the story
>nothing but recycled content and a motorcycle
>at least we got ONE new boss

This game is a joke, but yeah, fucking when?

>legend of zelda
>adventure of link
>link to the past
>Link's awakening
>ocarina of time
>Oracle games
>Four sword
>wind waker
>Minish Cap
>Twilight Princess
>Phantom Hourglass
>Spirit tracks
>skyward sword
>a link between worlds

I can guarantee these games have a better story than botw

"You, short kid wearing that funny green outfit, here's your sword. Go kill Ganon and save Hyrule."

Do Zelda games really need any more story than that?

>replay TP after 200 hours of BOTW
>remember how much I don't miss constantly being interrupted to mash A through an endless stream of cringe dialog and boring plot
No, fuck you and fuck story in video games. BOTW is at worst the second best game in the entire series, and you autists with your shit taste do not appreciate it. Incoming replies filled with BORING EMPTY LMAO uttered by 19 year olds who have never played a good video game in their lives

T. 30 year old that had never enjoyed a video game in his life. Go back to asteroids if story is that irrelevant to you

As long as the story isn't some very important gameplay mechanic like in Majora's Mask, I will care more about a rat's ass than about story in Zelda.

>tfw can't have fun playing 3D Zelda

I've tried BoTW, TP, WW, and Ocarina.

I have tons of fun playing 2D Zelda but find 3D Zelda boring as all fuck. Explain this

Not that guy, but video games are inherently systems of mechanics. If those mechanics are good, nothing else really matters.
Story is just a nice frame.

Well, they are pretty different types of games.

BotW method of telling story is great, but the story told could have been much better.
Although it not like Zelda ever had actually good stories...

It's not even story I want, but actually good atmosphere and dungeons. You dont need a big story with a lot of cutscenes but I would like more environmental storytelling and cool atmospheres and mystery. BotW really didnt have any of that at all.

It should have less story to be honest. Even on the DLC they wasted resources on shitty story bits on one cared about instead of making more mobs and NPCs to populate the world.
They should stop trying to expand the story and just focus on filling what is already in there is more content if they make more DLCs.

I actually think Majora's Mask has a very good story.

BotW had a ton of mystery, what are you talking about?

The story would have been better if it were evenly paced instead of being 10 minute infodumps once every 10 hours

MM is imo the most interesting story wise for sure.

But I never felt the Zelda games to be super interesting story wise regardless.

Why is the idea of a well crafted, well paced gripping story such a hated concept here? Does nu-Sup Forums really need instant gratification whose attention span is worse than a three year old?

Whenever people hate great universally praised open world games its because some people just dont do sidequests. When you have so much shit to do you focus on the story (which was pretty shitty in this game, including the bare bones boss dungeons.) and that was the weakest avenue to showcase the fun of the game.

Because putting an excessive amount of ressources into an inherently non-interactive aspect of a medium that sets itself apart from others by being interactive is just paradox.
Stories in vidya can be good as long as they serve the gameplay.

First Zelda I've played. Is it me or does it feel a bit weird in some aspects?

>Get to a new city
>Only a few chores or quests, not even obvious, just speak to everyone in the town until u find them.
>Get sent to somewhere far away.
>Fighting enemies has no purpose, it only wears down ur weapons, which are made of warm butter.
>The shrines are cool, remind me of portal. Thing is, the same dialogue every time you finish, so many of them look alike, it just seems lazy.
>Shops are rare and few,
>even though the map is huge, it's mostly scenery with random enemy bases.
Still like the game, it just doesnt seem to me to be a 10/10, like all critics said.
For context, I'm 26, I just didn't play zelda when I was a kid.

>BotW had a ton of mystery

it had practically zero

"Story" doesn't inherently imply a ton of cutscenes and non-interactivity though

It's really not a 10/10 like all the critics said, it's mostly just an interesting tech demo and a good starting off point. But the game is mostly just filled with terrible world design

>we will never have a decent BotW thread ever again

>monopoly is such a shit game the story makes no sense why is a thimble buying houses

It nothing like other zeldas, so not having played them changes nothing.
The sidequests are really bad and not worth doing really, the only good/decent ones are the shrine quests and a certain about a new city. But some cities get more quests once you deal with the divine beasts, so it's worth talking to everyone once you do that.
The weapons get better as time goes by, late game weapons last longer. But i personally had no issues with that.
Shops are not rare, you must be blind, you can always find merchants walking on the roads, and every town has item shops and most have armor shops.
>even though the map is huge, it's mostly scenery with random enemy bases.
look harder. There are shrines hidden everywhere.

For most games it sadly does.

The dragons weren't mysterious to you? The king of the mountain? The sudden yiga attacks (before discovering the yiga clan)? The giant horse amongst the baobabs? What do you want from a game to say it had mystery?

Can we get more games as fun as botw thanks

Yes nigger. I'm not expecting deep shit but there should be SOMETHING I can keep me emotionally invested. Like Link's fuckin grandma and sister in Wind Waker or Colin in Twilight Princess. Breath of the Wild is just lifeless.

>Story in Zelda games

Get the fuck out. Even MM had a garbage story

>Colin in Twilight Princess
u wot m8

I mean, if that is your argument for BotW being lifeless then I don't know, I guess you just don't like BotW.

Monopoly is a shit game, but not for that reason.

>there should be SOMETHING I can keep me emotionally invested

Honestly I think the Champions are the first time since Romani Ranch that I felt "emotionally invested" in Zelda characters.

BotW's story is so great because of the amnesia angle.