THIS, is what a female gamer looks like

THIS, is what a female gamer looks like

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Skin too white
butt too fat

That is what an attention whore looks like.

that battlestation doesnt look very comfy


I would let her have sex with me.

>playing games

Choose one.


I wouldn't, look at that crooked nose


And she probably already has a boyfriend who's 90 times hotter than anyone On the board, if something is unattainable it may as well still not exist for us.

>pc on floor
>desk barely fits 2 small monitors
>mouse in left hand
>monitors facing towards light source

LOL haHAhahahHAH us gamers AMIRIGHT

>Skin too white
>butt not fat enough
fixed that for ya

Are you some kind of nose fucker?

Her boyfriend is actually a super average looking gook.

nah he's just a normal looking gook



I wish I was a female gamer

that fuckin desk setup

>mouse in left hand
Pic is inverted.

Doesn't matter because she's probably cucking him anyway.

The PC is in the kitchen.

They already have a very dedicated shitposter for AMWF.

this picture makes no sense at all


>mouse in left hand
huh... you do realize its a photo on a mirror right?

How the fuck did her gook bf manage to get his hands on her, like what the fuck

could tell it was photoshop from the thumbnail, try again roastdogs

now I notice the leet gamer wasd keys, it just gets better

what. it's not.

>butt too fat

You are fake news

Giving women voting rights was a mistake.
Letting them into gaming was an even bigger mistake.
No woman made a single game better after being involved with it. They only think with their vaginas and look for beta orbiters everywhere.
They don't care about games, they butt in into someone's hobby and start to force their views into it by screaming shit like "muh sexism".
I hate them so fucking much.

>skin too white
Kill yourself

That's fucking DISGUSTING

Well still, girls like that are ALWAYS TAKEN, NO EXCEPTIONS.

>Skin too white
I seriously hope your taste isn't this shit.

Contrary to what everyone on this board seems to believe, you don't have to be a 10/10 to get a nice looking girl. As long as you're not outright ugly, personality is a huge part in it.

I want to marry and impregnate STPeach

She should see a doctor for her spine.

She is a dentist assistant once she is done with this chapter she will move on.

looks more like this

you mad black bois?

If by personality you mean bank account, sure.

She has no personality go watch any of her streams.

>he likes his women to look like corpses

sure thing bub

Uhhhh she is a REAL GAMER, guys

This is her playing VR

Any more of this semen demon?

Sup Forums cucks fell for thicc meme from tumblr since niggers are done with fat whores.

That's not a gamer, it's a slut who uses her body to buy reviews.

holy fuck. why isn't she modeling

She does that Draenei posture on purpose for pictures, theres a webm of her standing straight and her ass is still gigantic

Whoa, her cock is HUGE!


found the potato muncher

>And she probably already has a boyfriend who's 90 times hotter than anyone On the board

That's cute.

No sweetie it all depends on how hard he chokes her during sex and how hard he makes sure she knows that she is not important.

sometimes I wonder if every twitch whore was also a true whore that went naked on camesites before they found the gaming community

she has this "slightly above a real whore because didn't go naked on cam before" vibe

butt not big enough

you mean why isn't she doing porn

How can a man have so little self-respect to stoop to giving away their money to a whore?

How? I literally cannot comprehend such cucked behavior. If you're a loser at least love yourself enough to spend your money on something that actually exists and is attainable for you.

I wish. I don't know who she is ;_;

Has money and is prolly going to be a doctor or something to secure her finacially.

thiccfags are disgusting holy shit

This is why zionist control the western cattle look what she looked like before LUL.

>Skin too white

I fucking love Amy Thunderbolt. Id even kiss her gigantic hip tattoo

Oh sorry guys that's all the protein shakes and fat cutting foods I've been eating tee hee~

streaming to neets is more lucrative.
models are being paid nothing unless you're the top 0.1% a la victoria secret tier, if your not modeling is a meme.
I had 2 girlfriends who were modeling... sounds like bs i know.

no wonder you fuckers were almost wiped out by FUCKING POTATOES.

>If you're a loser at least love yourself enough to spend your money on something that actually exists and is attainable for you.
As opposed to buying a prostitute?

what pathetic excuse of a desk is this

I can actually use my mouse with both hands because when I fap I need to use my left hand to scroll through the porn

She's hot and fuckable, unlike you, the living cancer glob.

See jews take most then the human live stocks no longer have actual friends this is the digital souless age, they think they will get attention, friendship or love.


> 3D women

Thats such a shame. She looked really cute before she gained a disgusting fat ass.

This is what a real woman looks like.

Reminder that when it comes to twitch girls CinCinBear is objectively the best. I want to marry her.

Tumblr endboss.

*tips fedora*


>4 years

That's a natural ass and transformation, wtf are you guys talking about

Look at her legs, the muscle matches the ass
It's not like a clear fake but (pic related), look at the weak legs compared the butt mass

STpeach might be a shallow thot, but her ass is REAL

Something like that might actually happen at this rate.

Read the filename



Go to bed Ireland

Have any of you virgins ever stopped to wonder about all the positions you are unable to penetrate her with because she is too fat for your average dicks ?

An average dick can't even doggy her. if you can't throw her around your dick from all positions, and having at least half of your dick inside her at all times. it's not worth it.

why would you have a tree INSIDE your house? you're doing it wrong if you have a giant houseplant. Either prune the faggot or put it outside

Shame going to the gym did nothing for her personality she has nothing going for her i bet she only does missionary.

i can see why you didn't attach an image. woof

I want to cum inside of her

I know you're a virgin and all but asses are typically soft and easily displaceable.

someone post the butthole pic

She has yellow fever, her current and past boyfriends are all asian

fucking moot

What do you mean "might" happen?
Look up lov.randalin

Could've been worse. At least white female asian male hapas aren't crazy.

ty based thumbnail for saving me from her visage