Is the PSP STILL the best portable console to this day?

Is the PSP STILL the best portable console to this day?

>10/10 Exclusives
>Backwards Compatibility
>Homebrew Projects
>Region-free games
>Fan-made english translations

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yes, OP but Reddit will Disagree with you.


>have to buy the shitty adapter for micro SD cards

it's a gift from the gods

it's pretty fucking good

I gotta go with the 3DS.

I loved the fuck out of mine, but I gave it to my friend after I hacked my Vita.

I wasn't into handheld gaming back in the psp days, is it worth getting even if I have a vita?

Peace Walker is the greatest "portable" game of all-time. Prove me wrong


>garbage screen


I bricked mine on accident lol

It was the king for ages, but a fully hacked N3DS with 32+gb card might just be better.

RIP in peace

>tfw vita was supposed to be the chosen one but failed hard

So did I, bought another one the same day.

Later I made a Pandora-setup and rocked two PSPs from then on.

Yes. I still play mine to this day. I bought it for Castlekino Dracula X Chronicles originally. Probably one of the best vidya purchase decisions i've ever made.

Imagine if they had just gone with microsd.

What an unbelievably short-sighted move.

maybe technically, but as a PC gamer it is my most played console of all time. I generally don't play consoles much though even though I have a lot of them. I have little doubt switch will supplant it eventually.

not even the best mgs on psp

Literally only played/finished PSP games this year.

While we live in a good timeline, this would be a great timeline.

Imagine if they had first party support

What can a hacked psp do that a hacked vita can't?

Imagine this

>Vita 2
>720p OLED Display
>Micro SD Card support
>Switch powerlevel
>MGS Super Collection (every MGS game until MGS4)
>Demon Souls portable


What a bungle.

>Demon Souls portable
Do you want to destroy your Vita?

Get emulated on pc

PSP emulation is grossly overrated and only fondly remembered because it was roughly the first of its kind.

Try to emulate anything more complicated than a Genesis and you can expect frameskips and glitches.

PSP > Switch > 3ds > Vita

Vita might become the best if 3.61 ever gets hacked. Not being able to play the whole library sucks and an unhacked vita is worthless.

>unhacked vita is worthless.
You what?

He's right.

Did I stutter? Unhacked vitas are worthless. I'm not playing $120 for those god awful fail in less than a year memory cards.

Best menu ever?

Better than 3ds/switch but something about vita bubbles man.

vita bubbles a shit

So your argument is that the vita is worthless because it's too expensive? Alright then...

>fail in less than a year memory cards.
They never failed for me.

>too expensive
And they don't have enough capacity, plus you HAVE to buy one. It's not at all optional.

If 3DS didn't have a god awful resolution it might jump from worst handheld to top 3.

whenever people bitch about grafix I have to wonder whether they began gaming with the 360

yeah 3ds grim res makes me sad.

The vita shits all over the psp in everyway

Vita skittles are funner and kawaii

It actually is better than the PSP if you mod it since it can do everything a PSP can.

psp had games

I don't care about the rest of graphics but games looking blurry as fuck, that make you feel like you have bad eyes is just not worth it and I even have the small 3DS. With the DS it was alright since the games were mostly 2D but the 3DS is full of 3D games.

I found most games to be unsatisfying except for maybe moorhun and sh origins.
The backwardscompatibility is great tho, played through sh1 and now playing through castlevania, most likely will get resi 1-3 too

You're right, I love paying out the ass for small memory cards to play the 3 exclusives that came out for it!

Ok, if you're short on cash that could be a problem I guess, but that's not what worthless means. I had to buy a memory card for other handheld consoles as well like the switch. You can argue that one of them is worse than the other, but that's overall a pretty small aspect of the console. I haven't even considered it since I first bought my vita 5 years ago. One big card was enough for all that time since I have a decent amount of physical as well as digital games.

Vita made me realize that the JRPG genre is just a genre that is literally a waste of time since it's full of filler content and the genre with the most repetitive content too. PSP had more variety.

it's 240p and the screen itself has awful pixel density. a lot of the games have detailed 3d stuff but they look really bad unless they're really close to the camera.


It does have Dissidia, though.

reminder that you can emulate the psp system on the ps vita

3DS games aren't blurry they're jaggy as fuck.

Dissidia is one of those games where the loading times make it not worth playing.

It's great at it. It's the only thing I use my Vita for.

Can't you just play an ISO?

Ive had the same 64gb vita card for 5 or 6 years now.

shut the fuck up son you will never be as good as me

Only with PSP native resolution which is blurry on the vita screen.

>Using bilinear filtering
Lol dumbass

Xenoblade suffers the most from that, you can't even see most of the great detailed world
Even in Pokemon, look at some upscaled pictures just how much is just completely lost

Good morning, gentlemen.
>10/10 exclusives
>decades of backwards compatability
>far more emulation including PSP itself
>insane application base
>region lock? what's that?
>all of the mods you want and a lot that you don't want

I found it playable thanks to the ps3 collection

Fuck off, homo.

Well ive had ps+ since it started, and have bought plenty of games for vita, I probably have 300 games for it and it isnt havked so I can earn trophies with it also.

stay mad moron

And people are already bitching about the Switch price

It must be suffering to develop for the piece of shit that is the 3DS.

The only reason to even consider the vita is as a psp with a second thumb stick and for emulation. But at the price of vita memory card you can just fucking buy a psp. Don't pretend like the switch is in the same category, the switch has 32gigs built in and you can buy regular SD cards with 10x the capacity for a similarly priced vita memory card. Also even if you hack your vita you don't get access to the full library, fucking horrible. You have to pick between playing all the games or getting fucked in the ass by memory card prices and limiting your emulator capabilities. Not to mention the dog shit battery life on the 1k, but the 2k also has the shittier screen so fuck. You can't win with the vita.

I agree. You can count the fucking pixels.

>10 fps
>emulation is shit except for ppsspp
Yes but not yet, switch shits all over it

But why?

I can buy a GTX 1070 or a i7 8700k for the same price.

psp is a best

i loved the fuck out of lego batman

Vita games are shit, just hack it and use it as a premium PSP. The better controls make it completely worthwhile. Get yourself an SD card adapter and you're set.

It's a full-fledged laptop, though. Keyboard is a bit awkward for laptopping in naked state, though, but defo usable.

it had some good games, i wish soul sacrifice gets the ps4 treatment that gravity rush did

PSP emulation being good is the biggest meme of all time. Struggles playing anything at GBA or SNES level without frameskip.

Never was a fan of monhun personally but I heard this game was ll right.

At that point it comes down to your preference in form factor and I prefer the psp go and running at native resolution. Some times psp/ps1 games look weird on the vita. I feel the same way about ds games on the 3ds.

It's not a MH clone.

Is Snes emulation still shit on the PSP?

The Vita hardware is still kinda shit. Many games I tested ran poorly.

Freedom Wars was the better MH clone but SSD is good too. I also played Natural Doctrine on Vita too, was a good game to have on the go. Aside imports though the Vita library is weak as fuck


It emulates everything PSP can, plus it emulates PSP itself, plus it has no trouble with older or less demanding PC titles, which puts both quantity and quality of its library way above any other console, handheld or not. With Switch I literally ran out of worthwhile games around July.

That's just wrong though.
The Vita's resolution is exactly 4x that of the PSP which means you can do an integer nearest neighbor scale to preserve the image perfectly. You need to disable filtering senpai.
As for PS1 games, they look weird because 256/320/512x224/240 doesn't fit neatly into 544x960 but it works better than the 272x480 the PSP had to work with.

It got a little better.

MH is a 'clone' of Phantasy Star online anyway if you want to get technical

Sad, I remember a few years ago wanting to play some portable DKC2 on it. I had to keep raising frame skip, or it'd run like ass.

SS is massively underappreciated.
A PS4 sequel should've been a must.
But now with MHW there's no point anymore, unfortunately.

I have a hacked PSP Go, but I hardly use it for games other than chess because the thing is so tiny my hands cramp up very quickly using it. I prefer my hacked new 3ds xl to it, which was making my fingers go numb & hands cramping playing it, but I got a grip for it that mostly quells that issue.

Though the Switch is my favorite handheld ever now.

lose some weight off your tubby fingers

The switch being an handheld is the biggest meme ever.
Would you be confortable going around your local park with a fucking giant ass switch in your hands playing your wahoo bling bling?
No you fucking wouldn't, you liar.

The switch is a mediocre home console that refuses to truly go the fully portable route with a poorly ergonomic design and is oversized.
What Sup Forums considers an handheld is "i can carry this to my shitter and play my marios while i take a dump", that's not what an hendeld is.

>That's just wrong though.
Maybe you don't notice but I do, even turning off bilinear filtering, also the colors are off, the psp go has great PPI and even going to my 3k feels weird. The image is just not as sharp.

>It emulates everything PSP can
Not even that, ps1 emulation is a joke without a more powerful pc and even then. No m8, psp is right now the best emulator for ps1 games known to me and the easiest to setup. Have fun emulating dos on that piece of plastic lmao, or playing more modern games. The switch at least gets modern, optimized games (more or less) at an acceptable resolution. Nah dude, for that price its really a joke and will stay one until it can play more demanding games

>Vita is shit, bad hardware and no games
>3DS user

I don't go to my local park with any handheld, playing vidya outside is annoying and stupid. I'd have no issue carrying a handheld of any size in a bag to the airport or on a train.

>Not even that, ps1 emulation is a joke without a more powerful pc and even then.
even toasters can play PS2 games these days. No desktop made in the past decade struggles with PS1 games.
>No m8, psp is right now the best emulator for ps1 games known to me and the easiest to setup.
can't even play wipeout xl without severe framedrops

You're a silly caboose.
I'm fit & sexy.

>switch at least gets modern, optimized games

While I was a big fan of the vita seeing those Atelier screen shots made me feel awful. All my future gust purchases will be on switch, same for NIS games. Pirate on PC for 1080p/60.

Also my phone plays PSP games as well as the vita, it's hardly a "feature" anymore.