Would blacc womyn buy vidya if they could afford it?

would blacc womyn buy vidya if they could afford it?

what do you mean IF

Good thread OP.

Because this black girl said all white people are racist, this means all black people and all liberals think like this and thus all liberals are dumb. Haha my superior logic wins again. White power!

shut the fucj up fagit. 4 more years u dumb cuck

My wife is black, and yes she buys me vidya every once in a while......she doesn't play though.

>in b4 triggered Sup Forums fags

Literally nothing wrong with interracial couples.

You ain't fooling me Dale.

Anyone have some edits of this picture?

Why does Sup Forums love Sup Forums so much?

>she doesn't play though.
she doesn't play though

That's a quite the straw man you've got there

My wife is also black, buys vidya and plays it too.
she makes more money than me

Your children will despise their ancestors

>It's okay when I do it with Humble Bundle though

I want those fat lips around my 4 inch dick.

Why do they keep getting stereotypical black women in video games? Do they think black girls actually play video games?


It's almost like white men are the biggest demographic in gaming.

this is a very different situation, i personally only get games from those sites if they are free and to leech cards
they cost nothing because they are shit, thus i am doing myself a favor for not playing them

> According to a Entertainment Software Association survey, women players in the United States increased from 40% in 2010 to 48% in 2014. Today, despite the dominant perception that most gamers are men, the ratio of female to male gamers is balanced, mirroring the population at large.

Exactly. I dont get this fucking pandering to a demographic that barley exists.


>mobile gaming is gaming

Which videogames?

>mobile gaming isn't gaming


It isn't.

>moving goal posts

>People who play peggle on their phones for 2 hours a week are "gamers"

I thought black people liked FPS games and anime fighters?

Wow, got them. How will Trump ever recover?

They're easy converts because they'll latch onto any retarded thing someone can meme at them.

it isnt
my cock

you should ask your guardian before posting here again

>people who play 80 hours a week of Dota on their potato laptop are "gamers"

New Reddit/phone posting teenagers that flooded into this website during the Trump election because they want to feel cool
And unfortunately Sup Forums happens to be a popular board

>only the games I play are real games!

Probably no more than white women. It's not a matter of economics, but a lack of interest.

That said, hot black girls on Instagram are a blessing from the gods and I'm infinitely disappointed that the only black women in my country are the weird alien looking ones or Abbos.

Yeah they are. I don't really know what point you're trying to make here but it seems like you're just shitposting at this point.

i wouldnt consider those gamers either

While saying white men are the biggest as a blanket statement might be invalid all those characters are from console/high end PC games. I'm willimg to bet those demographics might fit his earlier statement closer.

what a coincidence that gaming was better during the time these characters where made.

I've never thought I'd ever miss the dudebro shooter era
things were so much simpler back then

why is this dumb half-truth still around, they counted every idiot who ever downloaded a mobile game, does not apply to AAA/mainstream/hardcore/whatever you wanna call it gaming, where they're pushing this garbage

Exactly. Obviously some women play proper video games but most of the people in that bullshit survey just play dogshit like Just Dance and Bejeweled.

can you play the real game though?
it is one way, ALWAYS, one way

>Why are people still using facts and evidence? This doesn't buy into my narrative!



no, they would just steal them, like the niggers they are. Just like male niggers.

If the people who did the study actually took time to do qualitative research and didn't just shit out some vague "gamer" label onto a huge swathe of people who would be considered casual at best in order to push some stupid fucking narrative maybe the study would be worth the paper it was written on. Fucking disingenuous little cunt.