So what's the Sup Forumserdict on Ep Ignis?
So what's the Sup Forumserdict on Ep Ignis?
15 is shit through and through, anything associated with it is shit as well
imagine fucking up so badly over a ten year development that you eventually have to rush out a half finished shitty product. and somehow SE thinks this is some great success
Why is it shit?
A bit over the top but Ignis is very satisfying to play as. I wish the other 2 characters got episodes that were this cool.
I bet you didn't even play the episode you nigger.
Best episode of the three and now the character swap mode is out i've been playing an entirely new game as Ignis only and it's been a blast so far.
>10 years.....FOR THIS!?
I hope they do something to improve Noct's gameplay, they gotta step it up after Ignis's episode.
Easily the best episode.
His episode made Gladio and Prompto's look like shit in comparison.
Based Iggy.
It's the OST available yet?
The alternate timeline ending where Ignis keeps his eyesight, and Noctis and Ravus get to live to see the new dawn brought me to tears.
You can find the music rips on YouTube, but an official release probably won't be out until next year. They'll probably release all of the DLC music in one album.
better than the original ending desu
do you even have to
you can see a shit mountain from miles away, you dont have to climb to the top to know its shit
Fuck off kid and come back when your done sucking mommy's tit.
brilliant analogy
>food analogy
I prefer Comrades to the episodes.
One thing that perplexes me about the alternate ending, how did Noctis defeat Ardyn and bring back the sunlight without dying?
I assume the credits montage was them looking for a special way to defeat ardyn without having noctis die.
ok, tabata
Chink shit for gooks.
Alt ending was pure kino
Is that you, Todd?
In the original game, Talcott mentions that Ignis kept obsessively searching the Lucis Caelum tombs for something during the 10 year gap. He didn't find what he wanted. Presumably, now that he knew more and Ardyn got weakened, he found some way to help Noctis with the ritual.
Really enjoyed it, and playing as Ignis feels fucking great. If that's the last of the gameplay updates and all we're getting is further Episodes, I think I might start a fresh game from scratch.
if I thought the base game was shit but liked Ignis as a character, will I enjoy this DLC?
It's pure fucking kino. Versusfags on suicide watch. Looking forward to episode Ardyn now.
Is that you, honorabru slant-eyed consumer?
Comrades is pretty cool, but it's also barebones as shit right now. Where the fuck is my Kingsglaive swag, Tabata?
Noct's waifu is still dead. Unless he finally lays pipe with Iris.
I know that the next episode is Episode Ardyn, and after that its likely Luna, but what are peoples predictions for the third episode?
I want episode iris set in the dark world
Ignis still doesn't have any good costume. I just don't know what to put on him.
assassin's robes
Prompto's snowy adventures are ok, and Gladio's cave has actually well designed enemies.
>Ardyn bitches that he'd never been called 'Your Majesty' in his long life, salty as fuck
>Ignis mouths 'Your Majesty' to Noctis in the ending, happy as fuck
That was incredibly satisfying on several levels.
Prompto's time trials can go fuck themselves though. Fuck that entire mess of a mini-game.
>tfw no Kinglsglaive coat in Comrades
Damn AIs teasing you non-stop.
I quite enjoyed Metal Gear Prompto, to be honest.
It's why they gave him hair down but the costume doesn't show his hair down in main game.
>kingsglaive outfit
Get on my level senpai
I fucking hate how you can't drop the shoulder cap for Noctis' King attire and just wear the suit. The alt of taking the jacket off is dumb and ugly.
Rate the boys from best to worst:
Who was the mysterious female voice in the alternate timeline? It reminded me of Azura from Morrowind.
Noctis is pure, and clearly extremely uninterested in Iris. He'll remain chaste for Luna.
He's the worst version of a waifufag though. He'll be married to his fucking fishing rod before he sticks it into a woman not named Luna.
They look much better on Gladio, since he's already bulky and he tends to expose his chest anyway. Having two characters with an outfit that looks kinda unique feels awkward.
I find comrades just boring as all hell. I have played 5 hours and I'm not impressed. You can't walk around with your friends in Lestallum, only in lobbies before a hunt. No free roam. It's so ridiculously grindy repeating the same missions over and over. And more loading screen than action. Maybe let us pick a new hunt from camp. I heard the servers are a complete mess on Xbox and still haven't been addressed. They need to adjust the level of grindyness before I'll jump back in.
Oh, no kidding. I wanted to kill myself so hard during those.
>Let's make a mode that requires a lot of precision to do properly with a vehicle that does whatever it wants
What were they thinking?
Well we have another year of XV DLC so expect updates for it.
>tfw you can't cosplay as a Tonberry
Getting the Chocobo suit was such a pain in the ass.
It's worse when your collusion physics has you bouncing several feet into the air or backwards. That and the camera, holy shit the camera.
>alternate non-canon DLC ending is better than the ending I waited 10 years for
You bet I'm mad
Collision. Goddammit, what the fuck.
Yeah. Sometimes after a jump you land and it's all nice and dandy, other times the damn thing decides to do a complete turn upon landing and other times it simply bounces into the air. How does this even happen? I also remember those crystals strategically placed on rubble to fuck you over.
I like both endings, but still prefer the "aw he dead" canon one.
Awful combat pretty shit story really bad bosses so in the end the same verdict as xv
>He'll be married to his fucking fishing rod
I wouldn't be surprised. He certainly loves his fishing.
Yeah, you can even see how he takes it off whenever you camp, what a tease.
I wonder if Ardyn can take his ugly coat off in the DLC.
Play the time trials again you faggot, unless the new patch fixed them that came with Episode Ignis, I 100%d that mess of a DLC minigame.
Unless he gets together with Iggy.
God knows he wants that royal D hard.
My question is how did Noctis beat Ardyn without killing himself this time? All Ignis did was fend Ardyn off for abit
Better than the main game. It truly is a better quality product than the full thing, and that's embarrassing.
Iggy's thunder mode needs serious work, though, right now it's even more automatic than anything else in the game.
>tfw I equip low level weapons with poor stats so I can enjoy doing content with other people because low level quests are the most populated
Its debatable if he even did actually defeat Ardyn or just passed the buck to a future generation.
I guess the typo was 2pol4u
Maybe he was weakened enough by Ignis' fight? Maybe he hasn't reincarnated yet and they're waiting for him.
Aerena probally would be interesting. If they were prepared to put the effort in, I'd love an episode Regis where him and his bros go on their roadtrip.
But that will never happen
I hope Episode Luna has an alternate ending where she doesn't die.
It's to force you to get the dlc suit
No clue, even was labeled mysterious voice in the credits. At first I pressumed it was Shiva
It wouldn't shock me if SE decides to have the episodes have more story significance in the future after the reception that Ep Iggy has received.
Cor would be a safe bet, given he was one of the options available back at the survey. I'd mostly want an Ep Regis so you have an excuse to play Insomnia's invasion, maybe have it start a few days before it all goes down so you can see how it is in peace times.
Ep Aranea could happen too, but I'm honestly not seeing a chance of Iris getting one. What else could be there other than them? Ep Ravus? Ep Ardyn's brother?
Doesn't that mean the next gen is fucked since Noct was the chosen one? Hasn't he doomed the world?
This guy is way too fun. Episode Ardyn fucking when?
What reception did it get? Was it good?
All I can think is "it sure would be nice if the game came out like this in the first place."
The just wait nigger.
Wait for what? I already beat the game.
What would be insteresting is if Ardyns brother looked abit like Noctis being an ancestor
Easily the most well liked of all the episodes, mostly due to the fact that it's actually rooted in the main story and the alternate ending
>Ardyn has two modes: Armiger/Royal Arms mode and unarmed
>RA Mode is like that old build of the game where each part of the combo has a weapon assigned to it, with the possibility to power up into Armiger
>Unarmed has him use roundhouse kicks and such like he does in Episode Ignis and taunts
>So what's the Sup Forumserdict on Ep Ignis?
just as mediocre as the main game
I know that feel. I always go in with a shitty shuriken and daggers I randomly threw together because destroying everything in seconds with my optimized Dragon Whisker just sucks the fun out of everything. I hope they add some more superbosses later on to justify having shit like 2000+ strength.
Well it didn't. Get over it.
See . The other possibility is that the world is indeed fucked, but as Ignis said himself,
he doesn't give a damn.
Make me faggot.
Would rather just have the first mode. But if it's going to be set in the past he shouldn't have that power yet
But you're already faggot.
True, Iggy seemed to go full gay for Noct
That's nice, it's certainly the one I saw the most potential in. Then again, given their choice of characters, Ardyn and Lunafreya, they have little choice but to go story heavy.
It's pretty much confirmed now that pic related was Ardyn's brother. Notice the crown; Ardyn himself was never recognized as the rightful king.
We don't really know if it will really be set in the past, for all we know it could be Ardyn reminiscing in the World of Ruin, which I certainly hope doesn't happen, it has the potential to be a goat DLC.
I would like to see him do some magical combos.
Is the game worth buying? The game seems like it has a shit ton of content now. How the fuck did SE afford this?
Did it even make much money back?
Ep Iggy confirmed Ardyn was an evil faggot all along, no? It's a shame, I wanted a story about how everyone got screwed over by the gods.
Meanwhile, this guy here is actually Ardyn, the uncrowned healer.
Forgot pic.