Do we have many gaming examples of series that never planned ahead when creating an interconnected story?
All I can think of is Mass Effect.
Do we have many gaming examples of series that never planned ahead when creating an interconnected story?
All I can think of is Mass Effect.
Other urls found in this thread:
Dark Souls
Most game trilogies?
It's not a video game, but I'm pretty sure Lost was written this way. It was so clear that nothing was planned, and they just wrote the series one cliffhanger at a time. Then they got to the end and said "oh shit".
Obligatory EU reading material in chronological recommended order starting from Empire and Imperial Remnant period:
- Shadows of the Empire (set between Episode 5 and 6), also play the videogame, game's story runs in parallel to the book from a different character's perspective, generally consider among the absolute best and great material for unfilmed Episode 5.5
- Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy (shortly after Episode 6, about Boba Fett)
- X-Wing series (Rogue Squadron, Wedge's Gamble, The Krytos Trap, The Bacta War, Wraith Squadron, Iron Fist, Solo Command) - in that order, the name is self explanatory what it's about
- The Courtship of Princess Leia (not great but details Han's and Leia's marriage and offers closure on one of main antagonists of X-Wing series)
- Thrawn Trilogy (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command) basically considered the Episodes 7, 8 and 9 by the fans, you can start here and then work your way backwards if you want
- Dark Empire (comic series - Dark Empire, Dark Empire II, Empire's End), it's very hit or miss and jumps the shark a bit with reborn Palpatine but essential for story reasons
- X-Wing: Isard's Revenge (continuing X-Wing series story with a major antagonist)
Jedi Academy Trilogy (Jedi Search, Dark Apprentice, Champions of the Force) generally considered hit-or-miss but essential for story reasons, about Luke's creation of new jedi academy
I, Jedi - supplemental to the above trilogy
X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar (last of the X-Wing books)
Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy (Before the Storm, Shield of Lies, Tyrant's Test) Considered great
Corellian Trilogy (Ambush at Corellia, Assault at Selonia, Showdown at Centerpoint) Considered great
Hand of Thrawn Duology (Specter of the Past, Vision of the Future) Considered great
Survivor's Quest (sort of like a third book for Hand of Thrawn Duology, pretty good and caps off the Imperial Remnant period)
This is where this period ends, next is KotOR and Prequels, cont. in next post.
He should've protested and backed out from the movie
Metal Gear Solid
Now we're entering the Prequel period, from lead up to Episode 1 and culminating shortly after Episode 3:
- Darth Plagueis (straight up great, name is self explanatory, also featuring younger Palpatine)
- Cloak of Deception (directly leads up to Episode 1)
- Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter - (same as above, from Maul's perspective)
- Rogue Planet (between Episodes 1 and 2, details Anakin's padawanship to Obi Wan and their journey together)
- Outbound Flight (set between Episodes 1 and 2, sort of prequel to Thrawn's Trilogy and Survivor's Quest)
- The Approaching Storm (directly leads up to Episode 2)
- The Cestus Deception (Obi Wan's adventure with Kit Fisto during Clone Wars)
- Jedi Trial (an ordeal Anakin has to go through before becoming knighted)
- Shatterpoint (Mace Dindu being a general badass: the book)
- Yoda Dark Rendezvous (Dooku sends Yoda a message to meet him on a distant planet to discuss signing peace, obvious trap but Yoda decides to go anyway)
- Republic Commando Pentalogy (Hard Contact, Triple Zero, True Colors, Order 66, Imperial Commando)
- Watch the Clone Wars TV series, both Tartakovsky's original and the newer CGI ones (some episodes good, some bad, some great)
- Dark Lord Trilogy (Labyrinth of Evil, Revenge of the Sith, The Rise of Darth Vader) - does much better job portraying leadup to Anakin's downfall and the novelization of RotS is overall better than the movie, the other two books are directly before and after it really capping off this period of the story well.
And pay all his money and give his house for breaching contract. Nice.
I think they admitted to this
I expect it from JJ, but not Kasdan or Kennedy
And we reach Rise of the Empire era (between Prequel Trilogy and Original Trilogy):
- Starting with the "Purge" comic series about Vader hunting down remaining Jedi:
Seconds to Die
The Hidden Blade
Tyrant's Fist
- Kenobi (delving into what Obi Wan is doing on Tatooine, his feelings on what went on and a glimpse into his life)
- Han Solo Trilogy (Paradise Snare, The Hutt Gambit, Rebel Dawn) starring younger Han Solo during his smuggler days
Death Star (covers later stages of its construction and all the important individuals associated with it)
Then there's Timothy Zahn's (author of the Thrawn Trilogy) three standalone books set between Episodes 4 and 5:
- Scoundrels (heist story about Han Solo)
- Allegiance
- Choices of One
The latter two both feature Mara Jade and have both Rebel and Imperial perspectives shifting constantly and are sort of another prequels/supplements to Thrawn Trilogy.
I want to see if he flipped out during the filming process. I know I would have.
I don't get why people are angry that 7-9 weren't planned when George Lucas didn't plan either.
Now moving onto the Old Republic period, again in chronological and recommended reading order:
- Tales of the Jedi comic series which details events from before the KotOR videogames giving you some history on both Jedi and Sith, in this order:
Golden Age of the Sith
Fall of the Sith Empire
Knights of the Old Republic
Freedon Nadd Uprising
Dark Lords of the Sith
The Sith War
Shadows and Light
- Knights of the Old Republic comic series (not to be confused with the Tales of the Jedi comic of the same name, directly leads into the KotOR videogames):
Flashpoint Interlude: Homecoming
Days of Fear
Nights of Anger
Daze of Hate
Knights of Suffering
Prophet Motive
Faithful Execution
Dueling Ambitions
The Reaping
- Tales: Unseen, Unheard (set after events of KotOR1 and before KotOR2, featuring Visas)
OPTIONALLY: The Old Republic novels and comics, you will need to play the TOR MMO's story if you want closure on things told in these:
- Revan
- Deceived
- Fatal Aliance
- Blood of the Empire
- Threat of Peace
- The Lost Suns
- Annihilation
And finally, books only:
- Darth Bane Trilogy (Path of Destruction, Rule of Two, Dynasty of Evil) - pretty good though the first book dwarfs the other two, details the origins of the reformed Sith as they're known in the movies
This is pretty much all the "must read" EU books, for quality or story continuity reasons.
I haven't included NJO (New Jedi Order), Legacy, and Fate of the Jedi series here because they are of very mixed quality (NJO) or straight up terrible (Legacy and Fate) but if you're curious, you can check their book listings in chronological (and reading) order here, Legacy is right below NJO so just scroll down:
I think you'd have a harder time finding examples of game series that planned out a whole multi-game story from the start.
Falcom's Trails series
Diablo+Diablo 2
This is true, probably because developers rarely know during the development of the first game that they'll have funding for two more.
Look at the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time trilogy.
>The Sands of Time
Nice little self-contained story that comes full-circle at the end.
>Warrior Within
Corporate higher-ups at Ubisoft see that The Sands of Time was successful and say, "hey guys, make another one, but for a totally different target demographic." Story has almost nothing to do with the original game.
>The Two Thrones
The second game sucked dick so the writers attempt to tie the trilogy together again thematically by making the third game a little more like the first. The story comes full circle, again. It could have just been left where it was at the end of the first game, but then it wouldn't be a trilogy, and trilogies are like totally epic man.
Sands of Time is a quadrology user, you forgot the ironically named Forgotten Sands
Okay, fine, but they didn't decide to make that until years after the trilogy was finished, and it's also pretty much unrelated to the trilogy.
>it's also pretty much unrelated to the trilogy.
It directly connects Sands with WW, it's the missing link for Prince going edge.
Fuck, I was kind of thinking about the 2008 game that was a truly unrelated story, and the Wii version of Forgotten Sands which is also a 100% separate game from the PC version of Forgotten Sands.
It was hard to keep it all straight because I got the PC and Wii versions of Forgotten Sands at the same time, knowing they were completely different games which shouldn't even have the same title.
The Wii one really shouldn't have carried that name, it was a completely standalone separate game like PoP2008.
But yeah, the PC/X360/PS3 Forgotten Sands is the 4th Sands game.
You're supposed to learn from the mistakes of others. Not repeat them yourself but worse.
He didn't plan it ahead of time but he didn't shit one every though. We got 6 movies in 30 years with him, while we're already with 3 movies in 3 years, with 5 more on the way
That is so much hokey hollywood bullshit, when the reality is they've just remade the first two movies of the original trilogy now (but in HD), and the one original film (rogue one) was a miserable suicide mission with forced diversity to increase box office share in china
TFA is A New Hope and TLJ is the second film remade as well
He did plenty of flipping out in interviews, he basically trashes how the new trilogy's been handled, said he felt like he was paid no respect, his ideas were ignored (like having Luke's saber fly past Rey to reveal him coming to help her overcome KyloRen, NOT because she's a woman, but because she had no TRAINING yet)
Zero Escape series did everything.
Started off not planning ahead making the first game, then decided to create a big arc when making the second, and then decided to not do that arc at all when making the third.
Literally nothing about TLJ is like like ESB except for the introductory battle and the protagonist training with the now senile old master.
i really liked rouge one for that.
I really should play Forgotten Sands, got that shit off PS+ years ago. It was the movie tie-in release no? A surprisingly ok-but-predictable movie adaptation of a game IP
I would watch Star Wars written by mark hamil
God I can’t imagine how horrible it must have been to act out the assassination of his character.
Part of me hopes he isn’t in 9 so he can really rip into these movies
He had 7-9 planned out, Mark hamil told us in an interview
No, it has literally nothing to do with the movie.
It's a proper 4th Sands game.
Except it's confirmed into George did have them planned out, not down to intricate details, but he had the overall story planned out and rough draft for episode 7 script already written.
His death was done in post-production. He didn't know until he saw it at the premiere.
>People here love KotOR2
>People here hate TLJ
In the end, you have learned nothing.
what was so bad about rouge one? i saw the plane battles on youtube and they were decent, not gonna bother watching the actual filim tho
It's a massive diversity checklist.
Subverting expectations is an okay idea, it was just done poorly in TLJ. Logan and Blade Runner 2049 show that you can disappoint/subvert your audience while still making a good movie.
Eh, sure, but its not like Star Wars wasn't a checklist of fucking aliens at this point anyway. Just replace aliens with earth ethnicities and it's basically the same thing, except at least now its not fucking CGI creatures all over the fucking place.
RO was good, actually
It's like watching a SW comic gone full feature movie. It was cool. I was expecting a jewish bullshit like TFA but it wasn't the case at all.
Kill yourself shill.
At the same time it's an even more heavyhanded agenda pushing than when you meet that shitlord white human in the first 20 minutes KotOR.
It's really everything but the battles.
It's characters are all very predictable, shallow, and boring. Which is frustrating because many of them are based on neat ideas. Hell the whole concept is neat. But the execution is fucking boring. Nothing of importance or interest really happens until the end and none of the actors are really good enough to make the meh dialogue shine. The movie's only good parts are the action at the end which is why it left a good impression with people. Shut blows up, rebels blow up, and Darth Vader murders a hallways full of people which is all that most people ever wanted out of star wars.
It's not bad, but to me it was horribly boring and I only really got interested when they finally started the whole rogue one operation.
Also some of the dialogue is legit bad and badly delivered. Especially any of the speeches that the main character makes.
It was boring. You could remove more than half the cast and the action scene and the movie would have been improved.
None of the good guy were good. The blind monk was kinda ok and had the only cool death scene but then he is also just another pointless cliche they added in because they needed an asian. The bad guy is utterly incompetent and non-threatening.
The actions scene are too long and between people I didn't care about, I barely remember them.
Everything new introduced in this piece of shit get killed or destroyed, including planets which make the movie feel even more pointless.