Which was better (or less shit)?

Which was better (or less shit)?

Fallout 4 by a landslide

Couldn't get into F4 for the life of me.
>inb4 todd posting

3 was better as a roleplaying game and 4 is better as an action game. i think theyre pretty equal

I finished Fallout 3 about 4 times when it came out, spent close to 700 hours playing it. I haven't even finished Fallout 4 it's so bad; easily less than 100 hours clocked into it.

4 because Piper and Cait

4, certainly.

only thing 3 has going for it is being able to genocide everyone in both megaton and tenpenny tower

3, i actually played through it but couldn't for the life of me keep playing fo4, it was just awful

4 > 3

Same except ive played fallout 3 about a dozen times. Come on folks, fallout 3 is lightyears ahead of fallout 4 in terms of being a good, balanced game.

They are nice but I kind of dug Curie

3 in 2008 was significantly better than 4 in whenever it came out

i did not dig how her synth body is a flat chested brown haired mutt that completely grates against her french accent

They're both bad but at least Fallout 4 has passable gunplay.

FO4, but only modded to hell and back.

have you never been to france?

>waifuing a synth
hey Shaun!

3 had a terrible story but at least it didn't retcon lore from the old games.

Both have shit stories.

4 has better gameplay.

>Can't fuck Curie unless you turn her into a Synth

is a synthetic body subject to the stereotypes of mongrelized modern france?

Reminder Coffin Willie spent 3 months in Fallout 2 in a desert coffin in Golgotha without food and water and survived.
Also not needing food or water doesn't mean you can't eat or drink for the taste

3 had better rpg elements and leveling. 4 did literally everything else better. I can't even imagine how intellectually bankrupt you have to be to think 3 is a better game than 4.

Both shit. 3 made me play it back in its days. Couldn't play F4 more than 5 hours.

>was 15 when I first played 3
>thought it was the best thing ever
>waited 7 years for Fallout 4
>beat it in 19 hours over the course of two days
>only put around 20 more hours into it since then

Fallout 3 isn't as great as I used to think, and it's not that great of a Fallout game, but it's a good game. Fallout 4 is not only not a Fallout game, but it's not even a good game in general. The gunplay and customization is good, though.

3 months was believable for a ghoul though, they age much slower so why not get hungry and thirsty slower? 200 years is fucking retarded though. Ghouls are supposed to age too, a ghoul child would eventually grow into an adult.

cute boy

3 has better roleplaying elements and a better story. 4 has better gun mechanics and graphics.

I personally think 3 is better.

4 you can build an army and destroy every group so that's better than fighting the enclave with the cucks of steel

Fallout New Vegas is the best game ever.

It did retcon how the GECK worked

>Enclave still around
>Didn't retcon

Writing in 3 is more enjoyable, and yes I get it the main plot of Fallout 3 is terrible, I honestly agree. But 3 has a lot of interesting side quests and locations, whereas 4 has a million side quests and locations and very few of them felt captivating or interesting. Perhaps the novelty of the setting had just worn out by 4, but I really think they had better writers for side content for Oblivion and Fallout 3 compared to Skyrim and Fallout 4.

4 since you can make settlements and build a settlement made out of missile turrets and nuke every fucking raider that walks in the vicinity of your place fuck those niggers

You'd die regardless of whether or not it was 3 months or an aeon without water, past 3 months it doesn't matter anymore.

3 because it doesn't have some dumb minecraft/gmod autism bait that doesn't fit into the game at all.

I'll give you that.

The Enclave were nothing more than a plot device like the Super Mutants and they were going to be in Van Buren F3 too.

Yes a normal human would die but a zombie that can live for 500 years probably would not.

The Enclave and the BoS being bigger and badder than ever was fucking retarded, it doesn't line up at all with FO2.

Here's a real challenge
Which was better

Original, without hesitation.

>locations, enemies, and atmosphere
3 hands down
>everything else

Lifespan has no effect on nutritional needs. 4 days is a generous estimate of how long you could go without water. Living twice the lifespan wouldn't help you survive multiple months more, in a dry desert grave.

To be fair, not needing to eat doesn't mean they can't eat or don't enjoy eating.

In pretty much all zombie fiction the zombies can't die of starvation, but they still seek out food.

Many animal species can go into a dormant state and survive months without water. Maybe ghouls can too.

new vegas

I only played 4 for Curie/Piper/Cait. I only played 3 to bomb Megaton and empty Tenpenny tower of Ghouls and Humans alike. 4's story was abysmal though. The Railroad was quite possibly the worst faction of any Fallout game period.
>Muh Synths
>Muh rights
>So lets destroy the institute

1 has better difficulty and actually punishes you thoroughly for making a retarded build, but NV has so much more content I gotta give it to NV.

They're both bad but Fallout 3 was less bad. I think Fo3 was better for 2008 than Fo4 was for 2015.
That being said, New Vegas absolutely blows both of them out of the water.

fuck these are my two favorites and i don't know which one i prefer

>Oblivion with gun vs Skyrim with guns
I'm still made I bought the FO3 special edition and they didn't even have the courtesy to give me the ending retcon DLC. Either way, these games need high volumes of mods to be remotely enjoyable.

for that customization you lost out on probably 8 extra guns, 5 melee weapons, 3-4 energy weapons, and all the guns that were in the game had to be generic templates for the customization system to work. it was a good idea on paper but it severely hampered what they could do with the game. the same applies to the settlement system, just replace weapons with interesting places in the world.

fallout 2 is the best, it only improves on 1 in every way

>Fallout 1 vs New Vegas?
>3 hands down

New Vegas is my favorite game of all time, but the much shorter Fallout 1 felt more condensed ( and polished ( ? ) ).

F4 is the better game mechanically but F3 is better
atmospherically and at lease has role-playing

They're in space mate.

>1 luck
They got crits on me for days.


Both sucks ass and betray the original masterpieces.

That's just a theory, no one is certain their plan to leave Earth even happened before the war.

The Enclave were going to poison the water purifier so that it would kill all life forms effected by radiation (i.e. everyone who wasn't in the Enclave and vault dwellers).

Fairly sure they mention this explicitly. That pasta is fucking retarded.

Only the AI wanted to do that

And wasn't he "president"?

He was a puppet.
Do you seriously have trouble understanding Fallout 3's plot of all things?

I know FO4 doesn't have as many porn mods as Skyrim/Oblivion, but is there enough out there that I can play with my dick out? And if so what do you recommend?

This is about it for lewds.

People have attempted to refute the pasta time and again only to face plant. Bethesda's writing was always full of holes, contradictions, inconsistencies, and other basic failures, why can't you come to terms with that?

Is it true the Steam versions of 3/NV don't work beyond Windows 7?
Are the gog versions any different?

I'm willing to over look the ghoul problem as pointed out, and in FO2 you had Woody who seems to have been asleep for a while and stays asleep indefinitely. And to add to that pretty much all the ghouls in FO4 that are in locations that have been sealed since the war are all in resting positions so I just think of it like the mutants from tiberium sun and that ghouls have really slow metabolism when not moving.

Also Van Buren was suppose to have feral ghouls that wandered in the sun for months/years turning their skin into leather called Endless Walkers but no one ever brings that up when they lament over not getting VB and shitting on FO3/4

I'm on Win10 and New Vegas works fine.

Fallout 3 is an unstable mess on anything but XP.