Can someone explain to me why SCV gets so much hate?
I thought the gameplay was really solid even if the game was lacking in everything else
Can someone explain to me why SCV gets so much hate?
I thought the gameplay was really solid even if the game was lacking in everything else
probably waifufaggotry more than anything else.
do long timeskips in fighting games ever go well, though?
Because i big following of SC players are casual. Because there was fuck all SP. It didnt go off well. That plus lack of old characters.
The hardcore autists will say otherwise, but they are wrong
not everyone liked the gameplay changes, and even if everyone agreed it was solid, it turns out focusing only on gameplay can get you haters. look at mvci, everyone says the gameplay's good, but everything else is shit.
didn't it have more of a single player story mode than any of the other games?
I don't remember what casuals thought of the game but competitive players hated it because GI cost meter, movement was shit because it always caused a counter hit in to full combo so you had to stand still or get blown up and high level play became two players standing still the whole game.
sciv they turned the game from something with cool world building and story to korean weeb shit with over the top characters, and everyone i know dropped the series at that point even though we loved sc 1-3 with a passion.
yeah I really didn't like this big 8 way run system that you ended up being scared to use since it always meant you got counterhit
>Can someone explain to me why SCV gets so much hate?
Aris said he doesn't like it so all his 12 years old dicksuckers are parroting his opinion all over the Internet now.
If you see someone complain about 8-way run counters, close the tab, don't reply and cease all contact with that person, their retardation is contagious.
This. My group fucking loved SC and we got into SC5 in a big way. But our love of it always came down to the character creation and the sprawling single player stuff. We all had great fun playing against each other, but I don't think any of us would have got into the series without the SP offerings.
Is he wrong? There has to be a reason why the game didn't gain traction without blaming it on other games.
Side step counter. Metered guard impacts.
It changed from a game of mostly neutrals and footsies into one where you with meter. It’s more competitive this way, but the pace slowed down a lot.
The reason it didn't gain traction is because there was little there for the casual (ie majority) audience. It took big steps towards being serious competitively, but unless you're an established title people aren't going to buy in on the strength of the core mechanics alone. Look at MK and Injustice. They do real well partly on the strength of their IP but also because someone can pick them up and know they'll have a solid game to play even if they never touch MP.
>Is he wrong?
>There has to be a reason why the game didn't gain traction without blaming it on other games.
It sold perfectly well, it just wasn't well received because SC has always been first and foremost a meaty single player experience, which SCV failed to deliver. On the competitive side, the game suffered from serious balance issues, there was no reason not to play Viola other than fearing being called a tier whore dick sucker online.
I don't even understand how the fat moron thinks 8-way run counters were that much of a big deal when he fucking loves Tekken 7, the other no side-steps allowed game.
More like they a group will play and have fun until that one dick picks Superman and spams eye lasers all match and ruins it for everyone else.
>close the tab, don't reply and cease all contact with that person
Is that because you know they're right and you can't refute them?
Wow is this the first time where this place doesn't completely shit on singleplayer content in modern fighting games
This. Now if VF got their 8-way run nerfed, that’d be something to cry about. I don’t even remember using 8-way run much in SC unless it was against an obviously telegraphed attack.
they also cut fan-favorite characters and shit on the story.
t. casual who has supported SC since Arcade days
I clearly stated it's because their retardation is contagious you illiterate dumbass. Go pay Aris 5 bucks if you don't believe ME that you are a fucking moron, hear it from the man himself.
2012 was just a bad year
great for movies though
Because that's what SC has been doing forever and does it well, it's their thing. No one wants Capcom doing singleplayer content on their fighters because when they do they take 20 years to deliver a 20 minutes piece of shit cutscene like they did in their current two fighters.
I don't begrudge them moving the story and roster along. It's interesting to see young Sophitia and Misturugi in SC6 though. Are they rebooting the setting?
Games can't survive on the hardcore alone. SP offerings/casual babby mode stuff let more people get into it and make more people give a shit about watching high level stuff. Also more sales, more money, more support etc.
Strong character designs have the same effect. If you've got some cool looking characters people will buy into that shit.
Why would I pay a literal WHO? SCV is fucking awful, regardless what some autist you don't like says on the internet
Run counters in 5 were only bad because sidestepping locked you out of blocking.
6 is already confirmed to let you cancel step with blocks, only horizontals cause it, and also no run counter for backstep.
>jump carelessly like a retard in streetfighter
>get anti-aired
>end all your blockstrings with a -89 frames special in kof
>get blown up
>mash random buttons while getting combo'd in KI
>get combo'd harder
>sidestep at point blank like a retard in SCV
>get counterhit'd
8way counters in 5 were only bad because instead of just adding damage like they used to, they'd often add properties to attacks like hitstun where you could follow up with a full combo
It punished SS way too much
But the reason most people (casuals) disliked the game is because it went full anime and fucking gay. The SP elements were way worse in a series that previously had great SP
The roster would've been fine since they did keep some old characters around (Mitsurugi, Ivy, etc), but that story was godawful in implementing them. Even their new characters hardly did anything worthwhile if you weren't Pyrrha or Patroklos.
The new SC is supposed to be a retelling of the original SC, which is why everyone looks younger.
SC has always had run counters, it's just the implementation in 5 was bad. You shouldn't get the same counterhit via attack interrupt as from run counter. Every game prior gave bonus damage as a run counter, not the stun properties of a regular counterhit.
Rad. One of my friends has been into the series since Soul Edge (and is a true Edgelord about it), so he'll be thrilled.
I'm guessing that we won't be seeing weapon breaks coming back though.
the casual in me hated it because of missing characters, missing SP modes, and the mishandling of story.
the compfag in me hated it because of the GI costing meter, the addition of cinematic revenge supers, Run Counter making 8WR basically useless when close and the streamlining of many character's command lists.
The gameplay was solid when it came to speed and how responsive it felt. Brave Edge was a welcome addition, in my opinion. If SCV was an MP only game that replaced Lost Swords, it would've of been more well received.
>Run Counter making 8WR basically useless when close
It's always been that way because horizontal attacks exist you idiot.
objectively wrong.
even vertical attacks in SCV made 8WR useless.
don't reply to me with your boogieman.
Amy was removed, and countering was no longer the Tennis match I enjoyed.
dunno. something happened though. the fanart really dried up.
>objectively wrong.
in what way you moron? you were never allowed to side step at close range unless you were plus or had a solid read, which you can still do in SCV.
Are you so fucking stupid that you don't even know the difference between a quick step and 8way run? Holy shit, you twitch mouthbreathers need to fuck off forever and stay in your containment website.
don't reply to me, period.
you've gone senile with your boogeyman, again.
take your pills before you reply to me, kiddo.
It didn't have Taki so I didn't buy it.
It was a downgrade compared to IV
I tried getting into it (albeit late as fuck in 2015) and the multiplayer was dead as fuck so there was no point in playing. Tried playing again 2 days ago and found 1 person after 20 minutes and it was a mitsunoobi and I got my ass kicked because his totally 5 star solid connection was laggy as fuck.
To be honest looking into competitve play it doesnt look all that fun. Meter looks like it has no place in this game and the combos look insanely boring.
Run counter isn't inherently bad but it was poorly implemented in V
People claiming it was enough of a problem to ruin the game are huge babbies though desu
SC2 had a WAY bigger problem with verticals eating step. Verticals are so busted in SC2 only glitches make step viable.
So she must be the MERCY of Soul Calibur?
I want my nigga Zas back
Because Aris said so
Thanks Aris, I don't give a flying fuck about what you have to say about anything Soulcalibur related.
waifufaggotry is Leukemia.
SCV was rushed so Bamco could focus on TTT2.....which had every fucking character and even endings for all(or most of them) of them
This. The mistake wasn't in replacing Xianghua or Taki, it was doing nothing at all with their replacements. There was no chance at all for the new characters to win anybody over the way they were handled.
man this post makes me really mad.