What are you playing for Christmas, Sup Forums?

It's that time of the year again so now everyone has more free time to spend with their hobbies and their loved ones. What will you guys be spending that extra time on? Pic related for me.

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Great taste nigga

I recently moved and all is my shit is boxes for the next few weeks. All I have is PSP and I planning to finish Legend of the Dragoon 16 years late.

I've been in the mood to replay a lot of my favourites lately. Been playing DMC3 this week, might fire up Dead Rising 1 again for the holiday.

I used to always play SMRPG around this time, but haven't for years

I'm playing Skyrim for the first time. Please no bully. I know I must be the only one who hasn't played this yet.

>he fell for Todd's trap 6 years later
I had fun the first time I played it.

>and their loved ones


It aged really well on emulator.
Removing the timer on the sequels killed it for me honestly.

Playing this for Hanukkah and having a blast so far.

Snatcher since its 5 years since i last played it

>pick this up for a few dollars at fucking gamestop years ago
>go through intro
>have to fight the girl character
>unwinnable boss fight
Dropped it right there. Is the game full of STRONK WOMEN shit or is it just the intro?

>Is the game full of STRONK WOMEN shit or is it just the intro?
Just the intro, Jack is stronger than her already at like 10% into the game.
He was taught how to fight by his sister, can't exactly expect much from him.

What are some Christmascore games? I can think of Katamari maybe and a few others like Gex 3. Also I'll probably go through Bloodborne or Zelda again (not sure if BotW or Majora's).

>so now everyone has more free time to spend with their hobbies and their loved ones.
I fucking wish

Anyways, Xenoblade 2

Seems like a good game to go over during the holidays, should I get it? I mean it's either that or the games listed here for me

I'm loving it, there's a lot to keep you busy, though it isn't all quality. Also takes a bit to get your teeth into it.

English voice acting is iffy but you can get the Japanese patch easily and for free, so it solves that. Trying to get all the rare blades will drive you mad, but if you're just doing the story with some side stuff it's a great time.

Despite all that it's my favorite Switch exclusive.

Mostly playing catch up on a bunch of shit that I had to drop because other stuff came out or would take too much time to get through.

Finally got back to Samus Returns after having to put it down for about 2 and a half months and working on that ATM. Planning to start working on either Yakuza Kiwami or Xenoblade 2 next (I beat Yakuza 1 on PS2 at the beginning of the year, so I might go back and finish the remake sometime).

Going to finish up Gravity Rush 2, didn't play much of it since release. Then SD Gundam Genesis.

Oh shit I have to get around playing that too, servers will be dead in January if I remember correctly.

Hopefully it's undub, right user?

Yes, even though I haven't got used to the fact that Jack has the same VA as Naruto.

And R. Mika, at least in Alpha 3. BUMPA!

>R. Mika
Wew it's true, small world that of CVs.

I try to play Resonance of Fate every Christmas, though I haven't started my new playthrough yet. Trying to finish up some other games first

this thread already exists

But this one was made an entire hour earlier.
Good taste.

I remember playing this game, and finding out there were like a million other party members you could find along the way, considering the fact i also liked to fuck around talking to NPCs every dialogue update, and kicking them for shits and giggles, it felt overwhelming as fuck.

I think i actually got stuck in the city exploring and didn't go far into the story ( i think i went to the elf village inside of a tree or something and came back), my autism for not missing anything while playing this game was insane.

Anyways, I'll probably be playing Danganronpa v3, since i took a while to get started on it.

I spent an unhealthy amount of time stalking random NPCs during the entire day to figure out how to trigger their quests. I remember following a girl down the sewers and she was also stalking someone else, there are more than 200 NPCs doing their own thing, it felt like huge Clocktown from Majora's Mask.
Also I bought all Danganronpa games and am yet to play a single one of them cause I decided to burn through all Ace Attorney games first and just forgot to come back to them.