What the fuck is their problem in online games?
What the fuck is their problem in online games?
No infrastructure.
as if the US was any better.
at least we still have Net Neutrality
>at least we still have Net Neutrality
So do we, it's just not Title II.
A bunch of uneducated assholes, Is just like Murricans but murricans atleast have money.
Everyone automatically hates me anyway, so i might as well shitpost and have fun
We are just to good, so we get bored after owing everybody and just and start the bantz\trolling with you gay soyboys.
Lmao U MAD?
Me too senpai just wanted some yous
>12 year old muricuck that sounds like a little girl joins the server and demands everybody to speak english
Go shoot some people for a bike and never come back.
Low IQ
Shitty ISPs and trying to move away from other BRs only to find each other again.
>sulista with hiv
A handful of favela monkeys figured out how to use computers in cybercafés and singlehandedly ruined international opinion of the entire country.
Not a single day goes by without me wishing I was born elsewhere.
Monkeys monkeying around and thinking people are supposed to like or respect them for behaving like MONKEYS.
Just take a look at the brazilian WoW forums, every day there is one complaining that they got kicked from a raid group because hes from a brazilian server.
90% of the time they get kicked because they tend to speak portuguese, link shit in portuguese and wipe raids with their supbar mechanics and DPS
But no, you can't kick them, they're always right and everyone else is either racist or xenophobic
T. Humanized brazilian raised playing videogames with English speakers, and i'm glad about that.
my aunt went to brazil once and she told me that people there were either sane or completely batshit crazy
My aunt went to brazil once and she got robbed
Chola mais, gringo.
Poorfags, far too many of them.
That's just how they act irl as well.
when you live in a shithole you have to take it out on someone
is it just me or are SEA players on the same level?
I will buy you a plane ticket to come to the US
I've been in groups with Brazilian assholes, but I've in more groups with accepting/understanding Brazilians. Every time in WoW, when it's obvious that I'm the outsider in randomly assembled groups, they didn't kick me for speaking English.
Desperate for some competition since we're so good
U.S. babies are just as bad
stop trying to find an "other" to blame for your bad experience.
Games are absurdly expensive over here, so most of us gravivate towards F2P shit
t. triggered soyboy
50% this
WTF is the problem with Americans?
Subsisting on SOPA alone does things to a being
The classic mongrel complex.
Literally never had problems with brazilians in online games. Quit whining and git gud.
Fuck off.
BR here.
Most of the people here can't speak english or any other language so acting like retards is the only way they get any attention.
There's nothing wrong with us. You guys are always saying you want more more banter and less sjw bullshit. Well, that's Brazilians for you. We banter a lot.