What am I in for?
What am I in for?
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a boring game that squandered it's potential
the duel of a lifetime
who would win?
you fucking left-wing parasite, you expect me to sit here and listen to that drivel
A game with a lot of charisma, but some meh puzzle solving.
A game that fools you into thinking it's a GTA game set in 1940s Los Angeles when in actuality it's one big crime solving simulator where you spend 90% of the game interviewing people and looking at mundane objects.
You'd have to be completely delusional to think that LAMAJ would win.
>Muh guns!
Bitch, ERIOIOIRE eats bullets for breakfast.
Not to mention he murdered two people and got away with it
AND he brought six people as backup.
How can LAMAJ even compete?
I like to think ERIOIOIRE killed the two men you see to his side
fuck you. the fat fuck wouldnt even be able to scratch L.A.M.A.J since he is too slow to get to him. L.A.M.A.J could dance circles around him and still win
I feel like people here aren't really considering the ghost women properly
>LAMAJ's guns either jam, run out of bullets, get dropped, or get knocked out of his hands
>only has speed as his advantage
Lamaj is incredibly nimbe and hard to hit and his twin ghost gfs help him out too
You were a retard if it fooled you. All the marketing materials made clear what this game was
>buying the inferior pc version
a good idea that didn't pan out quite so well. still pretty cool though.
jesus christ
L.A.M.A.L is packing more downstairs.
>>What am I in for?
>An interview system that you need a walkthrough to make work
>Competent GTA style driving and combat
>A second half of a mainline story that just shits the bed and bobbles along until the end
>Press square to doubt for unintentional comedic relief
>An incredibly accurate rendition of LA at the time
>photoshop fan art
Most of the marketing spent time talking about clue hunting and the facial recording technology on its "hollywood" cast. They mentioned open world shot but it was always billed as a detective game
Why are Rockstar so fucking scummy with Australia?
Fuck roy
game play trailer before launch that features clue hunting and interrogation heavily
*blocks your path*
OP, don't buy it. The game is bad. You literally can never fail a case. Getting something wrong will result in your sargeant or someone calling you to tell you someone gave a hint who the killer is. And actually being able to recognize when someone is lying is nearly impossible unless you know what to look for. But since you aren't the director telling them to look down for a quarter of a second before responding you'll not know what to look for.
>And actually being able to recognize when someone is lying is nearly impossible
yeah breh its REALLY fucking impossible
Quality facial animations but horrible acting.
cole leaves his wife for some junkie cole dies at the end
because youre all criminals cunt
acting ain't too bad all things considered
Just a warning, this is kind of a shit port. The FPS is locked at 30 and some shit breaks if you unlock it.
wat is the best la noire meme
doubt.jpg and erriore/lamaal
>Bad Cop
a classic episodic detective type game where you can shoot minorities and bully old people
a boring af game for "I'm very smart" gamers
An Empty, Dead world and annoying voice acting
Pirating now
I like your ass!
surprisingly shitty, worth $9 though i guess