Need a new controller for some games on my computer. What kind of controller would you suggest getting? I was using a ps3 one previously.
Need a new controller for some games on my computer. What kind of controller would you suggest getting...
get a 15$ brand less ripoff from ebay. it's all the same shit.
buttons on plastic.
If you want to impress your boyfriend buy some branded crap that automatically costs 3 times the price.
I got this controller recently
>Usbc connection for charging or wired connection
>Dpad is nice and clicky
>the thumbsticks are nice like ps4 controller
-if you have big hands it won't be comfortable for you to hold
-triggers are NOT analog
When will they make a GameCube WaveBird controller for the PC?
Depends on what you want
The 360 is the best all around controller, great quality and you can find them pretty cheap, but the Dpad is fucking shit
If you want to spend a bit more, get an Xbone S controller, better than the 360 is every way except maybe form factor but it's still new and will cost more
The DS4 is in the same boat as the Xbone controller, and really comes down to personal taste, but is about as expensive
If you really want something cheap get that popular logitech one, although i hear mixed things about it
I can't afford an Xbone controller currently, so I switch between the 360 and the DS4, and i've got a USB snes controller for when 2d is really important
>clicky dpad
What a strange choice for a snes style controller, they had mushy dpads
>What a strange choice for a snes style controller, they had mushy dpads
if it is the same d-pad design as the original 8bitdo snes controller i wouldn't call it clicky
I can look past triggers not being analog but does it have force feedback?
if a bone or ds4 isn't on sale grab a 360 controller in the meantime. then get a ds4 or bone when to drop ~30 ish on a sale. as for which one is better that's your preference. go to a store with a game display and touch and feel each controller to see which one you like.
it's not the same dpad as that shitty snes controller
rumble? yeah it does
logitech gamepad
they can take a beating and still work great
had mine for a while now
>logitech gamepad
this is an awful suggstion. it is honestly a level of quality beyond either the ps3/4 or x360/xbone controller.
your gamepad shouldn't need to "Take a beating" btw, what are you doing with it?
never played dark souls? xD
level of quality behind*
>le dark souls xdxd
the only games to ever make me throw my controller were
a. mortal kombat II snes
b. madden 2004
c. nba ballers
mortal kombat has some crazy button reading AI
>try to beat kintaro for like the 50th time that day
>button reads the fuck out of me nonstop
>just outright fucking cheating
>slam the snes controller into the ground as hard as i can
>rip the cartridge out of the snes without pulling the cartridge lock back and throw it at the wall hard enough to knock off a chunk of plaster
>controller, game, and console are all 100% fine
them were the days
wtf? the 8bitdo snes controller is so close to the original.
Dont get meme'd into buying some cheap trash, get an xbone controller and you won't need anything else
Xbone for general PC use, but it's fine to use Xbox 360 controller for anything which doesn't use the D-pad. I'd say the Xbone controller is worth getting over the 360 controller based on the D-pad alone.
Gamecube controller is great for emulating N64, GC and Wii games.
I use a DualShock2 controller for emulating various other older games that heavily rely on the D-pad as well as PS1 and PS2 games. Don't know if newer DualShock controllers might be better suited for that purpose, but DS2 works really well.
Why does everyone say the dpad on the 360 is horrible? I actually have no idea, never used it
I use a white Xbone controller via bluetooth. I like the button layout and form factor but Sup Forums likes to whine about the AA batteries which IMO aren't a big deal because when they die I just swap them with the recharged pair. The xbone controllers are on sale like every weekend on Amazon. The Dualshock 4 needs extra software that takes 2 minutes to install, is completely integrated into Steam and you can use the touchpad as a backup mouse. I don't use one ATM so I can't comment more. Also they go on sale every other week, if you spend $60 on either you're a fool.
The Xbone's dpad is too clicky for my taste and too far away from my thumb, so I got pic related from Aliexpress for 4 burger coins. The dpad is weird at first but you get used to it. Today I played Rabi Ribi, Spelunky and Guacameme with the chink controller, the Xbone is for everything else.
It's a disc that you need to press very precisely in order to work in fighting games or 2d games. The improved version doesn't improve that much.
>L2/R2 instead of ZL/ZR
Xbone controller, definitely
What a dumbshit.
I never threw anything vidya related out rage because I wasn't a retarded spoiled child.
Because it fucking is. I have an intense hatred for it so I'm not exactly the best person to give a neutral perspective on the issue, but the thing is so bad that it would regularly read simple downward inputs into down-right or down-left and mess things up. I could hardly navigate simple menus with it, that piece of shit. It's probably the first and only D-pad I've ever had issues with.
>DirectInput & Xinput = just werks
>D-Pad in the correct position
>Dpad is trash
>hurr muh street fighter
D-pad is fine.
no it's not.
Xbone or PS4. I'd go with PS4, simply cause I've been using an Xbox controller for 9 years. If you're dumb, a child, own a laptop or still live with your parents, go with Xbone. It's plug and play and works with everything. If you aren't any of those things, go with PS4 since you won't mind working with drivers and setting them up per game, and you also need a wifi dongle in case you don't have one with the PS4 option.
It's pricey, but I use the Switch Pro controller because it's by far the comfiest for people with massive hands.
>pros; D & X input
>nice responsive D-pad
>cons; HANDS HURT for new comers
>Stiff triggers and bumpers
>no rumble
>pros; D & X input
>nice responsive D-pad
>uses swappable AA batteries
>cons; HANDS HURT for new comers
>Stiff triggers and bumpers
This thing's d-pad lasted two years.
I need to really press "down" before it registers.
you can use switch pro controller on PC?